Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Response to What is (Y)Our Motivation?

Hey everybody,

I'm really sorry for not posting the blog on time. In the immediate future, I'm going to post topics by noon on Sunday, and post responses by noon on Monday. So there, that rectifies that situation...now to the blog, and the response to:

What is (Y)Our Motivation?

The question presented to everyone in our last blog was:

Is it faith, is it money, or is it just maintaining that sustains us? In essence, what is your motivation? And do you feel that your motivation is morally sound?

Speaking for myself, I feel the pressure of having faith, having money, and maintaining both to keep me going. In turn, the day-by-day hustle and bustle of trying to make it weighs on my desire to live like Christ, by saying that, I mean to have a relationship with Him on a daily basis. That being said, my ultimate desire and motivation is to live like Christ, because through Christ all things are possible. It's amazing how often I forget this when presented with obstacles and adversaries, knowing full well that God's will be done at all times. When I'm able to sit down and evaluate situations, however, it is ultimately this belief that stabilizes my whole being, and takes care of all those aspects.

That being said, it seems that we as Americans are misguided in our direction, our motivation, because it seems that we are all being lead on one big rat race, the huge paper chase. So often we are told to pursue things that will help us to gain more money as opposed to pursuing our dreams, and we are lesser people for it. What I'm saying is that in the pursuit of money, and ultimately more money, contentment is lost. As a result, we see useless wars being fought, and the rising of gas prices on almost a daily basis, because the world around us is greedy.

It's funny that we say in the pledge "one nation under God, indivisible", but yet we are one of the most divided, heathen countries on the planet. I'm looking at the news now and I see the state of affairs in Crawford, Texas...watching anti-war rallies, and watching those who support the war make their case with shotguns. Watching all who carry on in Crawford become pawns and ultimately ignorant to what's really going on. I was talking to my father, and he made a valid point: "Son, the truth is, those people protest because they don't understand what real war is." Not to say my father's in support of the war, he just understands the dynamic. He goes on to say that "if they started bombing in Texas, they'd be looking for revenge."

I say all of those things because in the pursuit of money, and the pursuit for what we feel is justice, we are terribly selfish. All willing to step over anyone for our greater good...but let me clean this up because I didn't mean for this to bring anyone down today, I just want to know your motivation.

Let's talk about St. Matthew. In the sixth chapter, he's speaking on what our motivation should be, or at least as people of God, or 'one nation under God', as it's so eloquently put in the pledge. It says to seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and everything will be added unto us. That's a very powerful thing, and something that keeps me at peace, friends.

Now, how did T.I. get himself into the blog, you ask? Because of his motivation. True, like Ma$e, and like some of us do, he calls out God, in fact, saying in the song "If God with me, who can be against me?", a valid point made by the rapper from Atlanta. The fruits of his motivation though, are found in the lyrics of the song, which are basically the upkeep of his Grand Hustle label, and his dying need to maintain his street credibility, to make sure that he is respected.

Basically, I dropped T.I.'s chorus to "Motivation" to serve as a contrast to Matthew, and to serve as a comparison to our own pursuits. Whatever should serve to drive us in this life shouldn't be so much about making money sometimes, so much about lining our pockets. I've seen those with gobs of money suffer the most indignity and embarrassment (namely, the Jackson family), and I see so many friends and brothers fall off in their pursuit for something so temporarily substantial as money. You know what a beautiful thing would be? To see strong numbers of people being to follow their dreams, to begin to really become serious about being one nation under God. Then, I believe, we would see a more fruitful country, a country that doesn't inspire the ire of so many foreign entities. Moreover, I feel that in such pursuits, we would find a little more peace of mind. Not saying that we shouldn't work, no, no, don't get it twisted, I'm merely saying don't let it be your guiding force. Concerning my motivation for the site, I need nothing more than my living on this Earth, and looking at what's wrong with things around me, and wanting to speak out on behalf of change. I love you all and that's something that won't change. Take care and continue to be blessed.

The Good Doctor


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Motivation? Sometimes it's hard to put a tag on what motivates me. What if I'm just going through the motions? I know I want to surpass my parents in living standards and levels of happiness, but am I going about that the right way? Can I honestly pinpoint one single thing that motivates me, or it is all the small things, both personally and in the world, that moves me? Without one specific motivator, are you lacking? If you find yourself questioning your motivation, your motives, is that cause for reflection and re-evaluation? Hmm...I'll let you know after I reflect and re-evaluate.

10:36 PM  

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