Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Eight is Enough

Well, Shug tagged me and told me to play this game … so here it go.

1. We have to post these rules before we give you the facts.

2. Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves.

3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.

4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.

5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

One – I think I’m a masochist. Ok, ok, that was a joke. I only said that because I’ve played games with Shug forever, both online and off, and I don’t think I can get enough, lol…

Shoot, this might be fun after all.

Two – I feel like I’m an underachiever, and my not updating the blog consistently only scratches the surface of that. Fortunately, I’m working on a way to manage my time and get the most out of life.

Of course, I’m procrastinating on that as well, lol…

Three – For a virgin, I think about intimacy a lot, and I’m not speaking on just the kiss between friends. I suppose there’s no trouble with that, providing that I continue to temper my thoughts with real-time patience, true?

Four – A lot of people have been telling me to lighten up lately, including my mother, and I’m almost thinking about taking those folks up on their offer.

All I’m saying is, the new Good Doctor’s going to act and sound a lot like Petey Greene, heh heh … oh, you didn’t see Talk To Me in theatres? You need to go do that … that movie seriously made me think about…

Five – Thinking about cursing again. Folk, I’m so against cursing; yet and still, ignorant ninjas just inspire me to want to say what’s on the top of my head, and honestly, that’s not good for anyone.

Haven’t cursed aloud since 10th grade … for anyone keeping score at home, that’s a nine-year ‘drought’, so to speak. I remember Lauryn Hill saying something about how it doesn’t take much brainpower to curse, or something to that effect, which inspired me … so that’s one of the main reasons why I took the stance.

Six – I love the smell of a good woman ... errrrrr, I love a good-smelling woman, that's what I meant ;-)

Really, if you want to get to the heart of me, 1) Cook from your soul … I mean, you don’t have to make the thanksgiving spread, just … a little something. And…

2) Just … just … there’s so many great scents out there … especially for the ladies … I mean, you got Bath and Body Works … Vicki’s will hook you up … just do whatcha do ladies.

But, real talk, just don’t stink. On that same line of reasoning that there are a whole LOT of stores designated for scents and smells, that should also mean that there’s no reason for ya’ll to stink. At all.

Seven – Andre 3000 is the best rapper of all time.

And I don’t even mean rapper … I mean, dude is straight brilliant. Between the Class of 3000 cartoon, and just his work in 2007 alone … he made Rich Boy relevant for 2.5 seconds, and that’s hard to do in my book.

I know at least one of you that didn’t like me talking about Rich Boy, but so what, ninja, HA HA HA HA….

‘Bout Dre, though … I hope he follows through with that solo album, because The Love Below was one of the greatest albums of (fill in the blank).

Eight – Eight is enough, remember? And I’ve had enough of folks that say they want to do better in relationships (intimate and otherwise), but never do.

Let me explain. I mean, I have plenty of shortcomings (read no. 2), but one thing I try really hard to do is keep up with (friends).

That becomes difficult outside of disloyalties; I mean, the things that have kept me out of touch are -getting grown-, which goes along with getting a job, keeping a job, paying bills, so on and so forth.

That being said, I’m a firm believer in the fact that you always keep up with something that you love. If you love God, you’re in that Bible hard. If you love that girl, you’re always doing something (even if it’s corny) to get her attention. And so on and so forth…

I just feel that way about friendship. Some things are more important in life … and I don’t even think I needed eight random things to show me what’s important and what’s not.

Jig, I see your blog and raise you the chance to great eight.

Blog be comin’, blog be comin’, true blog comin’, Pocahontas comin’…

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Passion Play

My heart feel like it’s gon’ beat out my chest, folk…

…Truth is, I’m writing this because I should be writing something about hope, about love, about growth.

Or maybe I should be writing a manifesto that busts in the heads of the powers-that-be; more specifically, simply demanding respect.

It’s just that, it’s not my style to vent. I want to invent … I think that’s why I initially signed on with the engineering thing … just the whole concept of creation … making things that will make the world better not just for myself, but for folks that are here now and are to come.

I just realized I can do that with a pen in my hand.

And in an idealistic world, the story would end there … I would weave wondrous works of waxed poetic, seeping soulfully in your streams of being, and so on, Selah, ha ha…

That’s not how it is though … and as much as I would much rather be a lover, folks insist on me putting on my gloves and being the proletariat…

Ahem, the Boxer … “I will do better”, eh?

That’s the whole hook; long before folks were paying me to write, I was writing for the love … wait a minute, that’s how this whole thing got started…

All that writing for pay ever got me was…

I told my editor that my heart was beating kind of funny one night … he looked at me kind of funny, then sternly told me to leave and go to the hospital, if that’s what I needed to do… so I call my pops, and he’s almost at the hospital before I am … I figured I would check things out, just to make sure … long story short, ain’t nothing wrong but my diet and how I allow things to roll at work, folk…

Putting your all in something and not getting the return you desired has been recently defined to me through the pain of an unreturned compliment…

I just have to put this in perspective, though. I don’t play empty compliments; shoot, I pay attention to details, so when I speak positively on something, it carries a lot of weight leaving the voice box.

It’s just … maybe the person doesn’t understand how much energy it took to make the compliment. Or maybe someone misunderstands the compliment. Or maybe … shoot, they just don’t care…

Eh. Nothing a tall glass of water can’t fix … not only the matters of the heart … but … shoot, ya’ll already know about the flow

And that’s why I gotta flex on these fools … it’s not that they’re stepping on my Nikes … I can get another pair, but they stompin’ on my toes right now, and that aforementioned flow dictates that I express myself … don’t have to be rude to be righteous …

Besides, a leaky faucet is broken … and a leaky faucet is something like Chinese Water Torture…

But I digress. Real talk, I can see why cats up here crankin’ that Soulja Boy … I mean, that’s the easy way out … just drown your sorrows in that YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUU, ha ha…

I can even see why cats up here crankin’ that Suicide … I mean, how do you folks without some sense of a higher power cope when stuff just falls apart? A few pills here, a few wrists slits there … just drown your sorrows in that Cool.

From here, I can even see what happened to my man Ralph Wiley. He just gave of himself to so many people, just straight gave knowledge, energy, power, life … to people that didn’t much appreciate it until he had … you guess it, a heart attack.

But you know what? Shoot, I ain’t tryna die, folk. I’m tryna live…