Sunday, June 01, 2008

Sunday Morning

Sunday morning/makes me feel/so godly/pardon me/if I shake your soul...
— Andre 3000 on the hook for 'Sole Sunday'

I'm tickled to be writing this blog, for starters, on a Sunday morning.
My Sunday morning might be a little different than your Sunday morn — it's 12:45 a.m., and I'm still at work.
I'm not here to complain though; to be honest, I'm actually feeling pretty good.
Easy like a Sunday morning, even...

Last Sunday, my pastor said two things that stuck with me during a lesson he titled "Getting Up When You're Feeling Down."

The first was in conjunction with a moment my pastor and I shared when I went to the altar (last) Sunday. He spoke about how he read my articles in the paper — which he parlayed into a message of what our destiny was in Christ.

That stayed with me, but not nearly as much as something he said earlier.

He remarked upon a time where he fell asleep at the wheel; saying how his car went across a freeway. No harm came to him during his short nap, though.

He was saying how he thought to simply thank God for waking him up, then thought of his prayer more deeply and more intimately.

He believed that he should thank God for commandeering the vehicle during his slumber, and I can only agree with him because I too have fallen asleep at the wheel.


I was returning from Project Graduation — an all-night, post-graduation ceremony for area high school seniors. I remember drinking a Diet Coke — I mistakenly looked to the beverage to give me the energy to drive home, though I knew better — and making my way to the house.

10 minutes down the road, just below the preschool where I attended, I dozed off at the wheel. When I woke up, I was DEAD CENTER in the middle of a ditch and slightly startled, for obvious reasons. I too thanked God for taking care of me and being my pilot, so to speak.

Here's why it's providence. For starters, there's a bridge that passes over a large swamp-like area about a mile or two down. If I fall asleep there, I likely wake up in the drink, if I wake up at all.

Not only that, but I realize now that all of the people that I met during my time in college – I likely wouldn't have met them. Which means that I wouldn't have met V.


V was one of my good friends during my freshman year in college. He was outgoing, hilarious, and had a keen way of influencing people's actions. The latter was a trait that he used for better and for worse – but it went without saying that he had a good heart.

I believe that we developed a mutual respect for each other because of my respect for the former trait, in addition to his respect for my conviction in my beliefs and otherwise.

V left for summer vacation – and never came back.

I hadn't left campus for the summer before I got the news. V had fallen asleep at the wheel of the car he drove home.
It was sadly ironic that someone with so much energy, so much of a passion for life could leave Earth in that way, and with all of the regard even today that I give my freshman year in college, I'm now realizing once more as I type this the somber note that it ended on.


I just can't let this blog end on the same note.

The breath that you breathe as you read this blog isn't coincidence, it's providence, I believe.
I believe it because my story could've been one of the gifted soul that never had the chance to realize whatever dreams he may have had.
Instead, here I am, remarking upon the past as a pastime, and the present as it's presented.

That still doesn't keep me from missing V sometimes though.
I guess that's the good thing about Sunday morning ... is the hope that it brings ... the hope that your V will be your victory as you overcome life's obstacles, and not a vendetta because of the anger we might feel when we lose someone we care about or things don't go our way.

Talk to you guys sooner.


Blogger Chocolatte said...

What a way to start your morning! And what a way for me to finish mine!

I think, one thing that we all need to constantly improve upon is being better at seeing a way out of no way and making something that might seem bad into something good. I am always trying to remind myself to do this. Such as when I complain about penelope's constant rattle...I must remind myself that she's way better than my previous car ;o)

And while we all tend to count our inadequacies (not sure if that's spelled right) (oh, well!) we often fail to see all of our blessings. Because just as you showed with the unfortunate passing of your friend V, tomorrow isn't promised.

Very uplifting blog and I love your ever present positive attitude. One thing that I can say is that I always leave your blogs on a more positive note and there is always something that I can take from what you said. And I shall click my heels to that! :o)

8:29 AM  

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