Sunday, September 21, 2008

At Your Best

Been a while, hasn’t it?

Oh, I’ve been fine, myself. I just finished a six-day fast where I couldn’t eat meat or desserts – and could only drink water. No problem for a guy who went 40 days without meat, though, true?

I did it as a precursor to a revival we’re having at church; the idea is to deny ourselves certain addictions, I mean, pleasures, in conjunction with praying fervently to God for the revival and other things in our lives.

So, how do I feel after six days? In a word, hungry.


I was at a church gathering Saturday playing football with the fellas. Now, I had a pretty good time of it – far from embarrassed myself – but I just remembered a time where I felt like I had iron lungs. I was that kid that would go outside in the middle of July ;-) and play ball by myself – wasn’t even tripping off the temperature.

So, I had a heart-to-heart with that kid Saturday, and I’m thinking about finding him. I’ll let you know how that goes.

Not being tired is a beautiful thing – and while that’s profound from a physical sense, it’s 20,000 leagues deep when it’s thought of from a mental and spiritual sense.

I heard out one of my friends recently – they’d had some issues with someone they were trying to develop a relationship, only to have it undermined by someone’s selfish desires. That’s the short of it.

The said conversation had this blog writer doing some self-evaluation, and what I came up with was something that made me reminisce of a time where Aaliyah was still here – “At Your Best.”

At my worst, I’m a hapless dreamer that can’t get out of his hometown.
At my best, I’m a visionary that doesn’t know what inside the box is.

At my worst, I’m a giver whom reciprocity fails.
At my best, I give (my time, my love, my resources) freely despite the receiver’s reaction. (here’s a trade secret: The Lord loves a cheerful giver)

At your worst, circumstances inside and outside of your control allowed you to be taken advantage of in past relationships.
At your best, those experiences have made you stronger and wiser, all the while edifying your capacity for love, not tearing it down.

At your worst, you are filled with fear.
At your best, you are love … word to Aaliyah.


Blogger Shug said...

Nice to see you back

1:49 PM  

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