Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Standing in Need

Hello all,

Back again friends, after…well, let me check the date on this last blog…dang, it’s been that long? My bad folk, it’s been a crazy week here in the blog factory…family issues, life issues, stuff’s been crazy. But you don’t want to hear that, you want a fresh, new blog…well, I’ll see what I can do.

Straight up though, I can’t help but to reflect on this. It seems that hurricanes are doing their best rendition of the ABC’s; I can’t help but think that at this rate, we’ll be back at the A’s before we don’t want to know it. Bush is still Bush, and I’m not afraid to bash, in fact, his ineptness as prez is so obvious now that Republicans are probably shaking their heads like, ‘dang, he sucks as a prez, but he’s great for our businesses!!!’ Ok, ok, I’m off the Chris Rock, but if it’s not gas, it’s money matters, it’s the world around us, it’s our own homes, our friends who are next door, but might as well be a million miles away because they’re so ‘busy’ :-P Riiiiiiiiiight. Well, with that being said, I thank everyone who’s been patient with the site and are truly unwavering in their faith and look to this site for motivation, conversation, and stimulation. Glad a brotha can provide. One more side note before I get to the heart of the matter…

Ok, I’m a sportswriter, so I appreciate that folks take sports so seriously because it ensures that a brotha can get bank just for coverage of athletic exploits and the emotions that go with them. That being said, I think we all need to take a step back and realize that sports are entertainment…simply games, people, games. I see situations in my line of work where people are supposedly happy, ‘lifted’ because the NEW ORLEANS Saints beat the Carolina Panthers, or because Tulane played a football game. Yes, it’s good to see the mass minority get back to work, but the fact of the matter is there’s still more to be done. So, yes, Congress needs to stop asking Major League Baseball players about Rafael Palmiero, steroids, and all of that, and start stepping up and making some got danged executive decisions that will affect us as a whole, and stop trying to blind folks with trite chaff. Can’t help but to compare Congress to the episode of Chappelle’s Show (you remember Chappelle, right…oh Dave, we hardly knew ya) where Dave was Black Bush, and how he parodied Bush’s knack for straying away from real issues. A classic, just like the show. Can’t help but say though they broke up the Black Panthers, shot Martin and Malcolm, Pac and Big…it’s like every concentrated effort of liberation and black expression is thwarted, with no Plan B or legit BET. Those of ya’ll who don’t understand my drift just don’t have any Video Soul. Donnie Simpson, ha ha… :-) Well, we got the B.L.O.G. and Tavis, no doubt.

Well, my desire for this blog was to initiate a prayer list for those of us who have issues in our life that we can’t do anything more than to take to God, which really is everything in my life. Like I was telling my homeboy Jig (check dude out at romancexpress, link is at the top of da page), ‘i myself am tired of expending so much energy walking in proverbial circles’…we walk in those circles because we walk ever so slightly out of the will of God…and after a while, you look and you’re in the wilderness, completely distant from Him. So, bring those concerns here, and they definitely will be prayed on…by a youth group that I teach every Wednesday night at my church (oh yeah, time for me to put up some new links…) and myself. Well, let’s ‘cut the ribbon’ here on this by casting cares on Him right now…

You could bow your heads and close your eyes, but how will you see the post? Ha!

I come to you thanking you for the things that you’ve done in my life, the people you’ve allowed me to meet, and the experiences you’ve allowed me to encounter. I thank you for your mercy and grace; for sustaining me in spite of myself. I ask that you will bless the world that we live in, that you will help us to remember that despite rampant activity, that you are still the Creator. I ask that you will bless the site and its readers, that if should be in your will that you will allow both to go on as you see fit, and allow the interactions as such to be a testament to your people. I ask your mercy and grace for those who fight all over the world to stay alive, to stay ‘above water’, and to stay strong. I leave here asking that you will allow those who may read this that don’t understand your power that they will want to learn more about you.

In Jesus’ name,

The Good Doctor

You guys can leave your dedications/requests in ‘comments’ or send them to Take care ya’ll.


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