Thursday, October 06, 2005

A Nice, Rainy Night

Hey e’rybody,

I’m hoping that everyone’s doing well, and that you all are having a great week. It’s a rainy night (and yes, I am up at 5am), and I don’t know about you guys, but I really love the rain…it allows me to think clearly and just reflect on life. Well, there’s a lot on my mind, and I’m going to give you a preview right now of what’s on the docket:

Fantasia – freeing herself in a memoir
Bill Bennett – what’s in his ‘book of virtues’
Watching Bamboozled while thinking about Joe Clair and the ABC network
Preview of this week’s upcoming blog, ‘Praying with the Enemy’

But first, a word from a fortune cookie from a horrible Chinese restaurant in South Carolina...

Respond intelligently even to unintelligent treatment.

(Oh, and the lucky numbers are 2, 5, 7, 10, 12, and 20)

All I will say about this comment (and I’m sure a bunch of you agree with me) is this; for those of you that go to work everyday with class, and work at your job to the best of your ability in spite of your superiors and even your co-workers, this quote is for you. Another thing…take it from me, especially if you have a job that you truly love to do, don’t let any man or woman take the joy of doing something you love to do away from you.

Well, with that being said, let’s get to the list…starting with…

Fantasia…freeing herself in a memoir…I read this on ABC News…here’s the link…

Reading this just brought a whole lot of things to me, stemming from the fact that this beautiful and talented young lady was able to overcome a number of horrible episodes from her dark past. Two alarming things jumped out at me, one, that she was raped in the ninth grade and two, that Fantasia, her mother, and an estimated 25 million Americans are functionally illiterate. That comes out to around one in five adults. I hope that people really hear her message, and more importantly, do what they can to help out with the school boards and with making children aware about such pertinent topics.

Now to a half-wit…

“But I do know that it’s true that if you wanted to reduce crime, you could, if that were your sole purpose, you could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down,”
Bill Bennett, author of “The Book of Virtues”

I’m not going to give this guy much of my time. I’ll give you a little background on dude that I got from…BB used to be the secretary of education back in the day, and also partnered with C. Dolores Tucker (oh remember, ‘Pac had a lot to say about her back in the day) to ‘lead’ the ‘war’ on gangsta rap. Again, it’s people like this that get put in office because we don’t go out and vote, and when we vote, we don’t focus on the real issues that pertain to the betterment of society. Instead, geniuses like Bennett get to sound off on infanticide. And while Bennett speaks ‘the truth’ in his Book of Virtues, I peep my man…

Joe Cleezy with the “trade in your breakfast for these Dannon…” something he said. Just shocking. Dude went from Rap City to Madd Sports to…commercial duty. Not that I’m a Joe Clair fan or anything, it’s just that it’s a shame to see what people will do for money…by the way, if you’ve never seen Bamboozled, there’s a logical reason for that. One, you didn’t feel like paying the 30.00 that Wal-Mart and Best Buy seem to price Spike Lee movies with, while you can get Dumb and Dumber for 5.50. Speaking hypothetically about everything in that statement ‘cept the ridiculous prices for Spike Lee’s Malcolm X, and Do the Right Thing. That being said, I caught Wally World slippin’ last week, as I picked up Get on the Bus for 5.50, and Bamboozled for se’en fitty (7.50, people). And yes, those were the last copies. Probably the only copies, just to keep me coming back to Wal-Mart :-] Sad to see My Wife and Kids in syndication though…apparently ABC got another wholesome African-American sitcom. They got De La Croix, aaaaaaaah! Anyway, file MWaK in the same folder as Steve Harvey’s Me and the Boys, another show that ABC didn’t deem worthy to keep in rotation. More Hope and Faith for me, yeeeeeeeeah!!!

Which brings me to what’s coming up to this wonderful little spot called the BLOG. First, I’m going to do one called “Praying for the Enemy,” which I’m going to tell you is about an injury to a high school football player that I cover on a weekly basis, and may expound on the young black athlete in general…I’ll see how that goes. I’m also taking a friend’s request for a topic that she wanted to see addressed (details pending), and I HAVE TO do a blog for a friend of mine who said that he didn’t grow up with the classics, you know, Stevie, Earth Wind and Fire, so on and so forth. So for him, I’m going to do a top 50 of sorts, compiled of 10 of my favorite songs from my top five artists…probably gonna be the Isley Bros., the Elements, Stevie, Mike Jackson, and…well, you’ll have to come back and see. Hopefully you guys will be encourage to comment on the top 50.

Take care folk,
The Good Doctor

For my Baby Dee and for you other Prince fans, has a top 50 of Bomani’s favorite Prince songs…so check that out…and check these other links. One love, one love, one love…
Yeah, so first Bush hires and fires this FEMA screw-up...
Then he nominates someone for the Supreme Court who…get this, has NEVER been a judge! That's my Bush!
And here’s the story on Bennett:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quick comment:

Did you don't even have to be a lawyer to be on the supreme court? At least dub didn't just appoint his golf caddy or the guy who holds his gun when he goes shooting (hunting caddy?).

Give the guy some credit here! Where there's no judicial record, the Dems don't have a leg to stand on when they fight this chick. I personally think he's a genius in this one.

6:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regardless of whether you need experience or not, Bush has an alarming reputation of appointing cronies and unqualified persons to positions of high power and authority in our government. And, I'm sure other administrations have done the same, but never have the results been dismal as they have been with him in office. Case in point, the former head of FEMA.

I truly believe that history will show the Bush administration as one of the worst in US history!

10:25 PM  

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