Monday, November 28, 2005

The Blackest Friday

The Blackest Friday

Hey e’rybody,

Seems like it’s been so long since we last talked…it’s been a crazy holiday season, capped off with the Turkey day, and the subsequent jailbreak called Black Friday. Before I tell you guys about my run-in with those that escaped Arkham Asylum, I have a little mix of relevance and irrelevance that I like to call:

The Irrelevant Relevance (something like the most known unknown, so in an attempt to stay fly-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah [hope I didn’t miscount] )

1) If you take the members of D4L, and the members of Dem Franchize Boys, and you change them around, will you know the difference or not?
2) There is a distinct possibility, folks, that George W. Bush will be doing Fireside Chats in reference to the war in Iraq. By the way, Bush doing Fireside Chats is like Michael Irvin being a spokesperson for D.A.R.E.
3) Terrell Owens might be from Alabama, but he’s not a seamstress, he doesn’t even ride the bus, and he dang sure won’t be the catalyst for a modern-day civil rights movement. So why did the Rev. Jesse Jackson go to visit this cat in the midst of Owens’ arbitration woes with Eagles management? Again I say, fricking opportunist(s).

Before I get to the heart of the matter, I just want to say about T.O….look man, they promised you 49 million dollars over 7 years. Yes, you may be worth more in the grand scheme of athletics, but trust me, I would gladly take your 49 million dollar contract and split it amongst every person who’s ever been to the site PERIOD, and I think I’ll still be pretty ok with myself financially. Also, that’s not counting the fact that no one supports athletes like Philadelphians. Seen a Reebok commercial lately, a Campbell’s soup commercial lately? They LOVED YOU after last year’s Super Bowl dude, all you had to do was just come back, keep it real with Young Don, and you were set. But I’m off T.O…I actually feel sorry for dude, because he had a crappy childhood, and coming up in the league, dude seemed uncomfortable in his own skin (brother cried when he made a game-winning catch with the 49ers against the Packers). Still, no excuse for how thangs went down. Aiight, now to…


Well, first I have to start with Thursday night around 11 p.m. I was at the Aiken Standard, finishing up Thanksgiving leftovers and the paper for deadline. I know, I know, why was I working for Thanksgiving? Hey hey, it beez like that sometimes. Anyway, I figured that since I wouldn’t leave the paper ‘til late, I might as well pull the all-nighter and stay up, just so I could hang out with the Black Friday crowd, maybe get a steal on a less than $400 laptop, or something of that sort. Just some things that I wasn’t thinking about at that point:

1) ‘Black Friday’ is a term made up by media types (not like myself) to get you to go out and spend your money. And why does it have to be Black Friday?!?!?! Are you media types not like myself implying that it’s ‘black’ when you go out before the sun comes up and go out looking for a hustle (don’t answer that). Is it ‘black’ when people line up for miles around a store just to save 50-75% off a material item? (Ok, so maybe Aaron McGruder is better suited for this particular soapbox at this point. Sorry guys.)

2) The people at Black Friday are REALLY CRAZY. Did you hear about the good folks in Florida fighting over the laptop? And did you see those people in Michigan trample that lady? I mean her wig came off like a football helmet (she got jacked up!) All jokes aside, those people are really crazy. I mean, I’m sure some of those people got up from the thanksgiving table, and in continuing Thanksgiving tradition, got up from the Pilgrim table and set up tepee shop in front of Best Buy, with Virginia Slim and Kool being smoke signal sponsors.

(Note to reader: I’m sure some of you regular readers are saying to yourself ‘wow, he seems really loose with this particular post’…guys, I can’t really call it, I’m just chillin’. Don’t be mad ‘cuz I’m having a little fun guys, just a little :-> )

3) Oh yeah, and there are two types of people that stay up for Black Friday a) my beautiful, wonderful ladies that stayed up Tuesday and Wednesday nights cooking just to get it crackin’ for Thursday…not only that, they cleaned up the football mess and the table on Thursday…apparently for you beautiful women, the chaotic melee of people hunting Xbox 360s seems like a walk in the park. b) Detroit and Dallas football fans that are tired of their teams losing EVERY year at Thanksgiving, and need to tackle a few customers just to balance the weekend out. Fear not Lions and ’Boys fans, we’re just as tired of seeing your teams lose every 4th Thursday of November. Texans, anyone?

(As I’m typing this, I realize that Detroit fired their head coach today. Like Steve Mariucci was the one who drafted 3 wide receivers in the first round the last 3 years. Guinness drinkers did not say ’brilliant!’ after that one, sorry guys.)

Long story short, those were the types of people I was in line with. And those crazy people…at least until 5 o’clock, were some of the nicest, kindest, everyday people you’ll ever meet, willing to talk to you about anything and everything. I had more laughs with them in 30 minutes than I had with…oh wait, trying to keep my job. Sorry.

So I leave this overrated occasion, headed home to family, then headed 3 hours (because what’s a Kenton day without work) to cover the Friday night football affair between my hometown alma mater Aiken Hornets and…


Not that the three-time defending state champs that beat us at home in the playoffs 56-29 impressed me or anything, didn’t really scare me, it’s just the fact that…they’re a fricking machine. I mean, going up there was refreshingly depressing on so many levels. First of all, a high school team that reminds me of the New England Patriots just ticks me off, because I mean, I really don’t like NEP. (I don’t like BEP either, but I’m starting to digress. ‘My humps’…wow, what happened Will.I.Am? BEP is the acronym for the Black Eyed Peas, for those of you guys sleepin’. But wow am I digressing…)

About this school…they had the fan support that I’ve always dreamed of. Every 3rd down, whether on defense or offense, ALL THE FANS are standing up, cheering their team on. You look around the field, it’s draped in the school colors. It was around 25 degrees, and cold weather games are a staple for any playoff atmosphere. The thing that clinched it for me was the advertising; how all the local businesses had billboards up in the stadium. Now, I know everyone loves a winner, but it’s nice to see this town helping to build this ‘empire’ of sorts, and I can imagine that it helps academics as much as athletics. Ideally speaking :-)

Anyway, Aiken lost. We played with them for a quarter, which lulled me into a sense of believing that we would make all the right plays throughout the game. Second quarter: Byrnes scored 21, we scored jack squat, and that pretty much tells the tale. 42-14, Byrnes over the good guys.

The saddest thing to see, guys, let me tell you, is a dream deferred. If you’ve never read that poem by Langston Hughes, it’s a bittersweet symphony of sorts. It also chronicles the feeling one gets when he/she has worked for maybe a week, a month, a year, or a decade on something, only to see that dream dissipate like a dandelion bloom. More specifically, I went on the field after the game, and a lot of the guys had tears in their eyes, especially the seniors. One of the young guys, who was terrible with an interview I tried to conduct with him during the season, just walked away; didn’t even acknowledge me. Not that I wanted to interview the kid, it’s just that I don’t like to reason with youthful contempt. It saddens me, to say the least. Not as much as it saddened me to see Romon Williams, sophomore running back and in my opinion, the ONLY DUDE TO SHOW UP TO THE GAME FOR AIKEN HIGH SCHOOL. He finished with 128 yards on 20 carries, and in this case, stats don’t mean diddly squat. Dude was crying like he was a senior, and looking at him, I could only think of Cal. You guys know Cal, the South Aiken QB that had those same tears in his eyes just two weeks ago. Back to Romon though, I dapped him and gave him a hug post game, and the moment itself was just kind of surreal to me, on a lot of levels. (Might explain later if you guys really want to know). I will say this though, I think down the road, we all will hear a lot more from Romon Williams and Calvin Fuller.

Well, Friday was really black, but if you know anything about my ebony-based perception(s), you already know that Friday was a very beautiful day. Happy holidays e’rybody, and stay safe.

The Good Doctor

*If you want to get an e-mail when I update the site, just leave a comment or e-mail to Take care all.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

My Crazy Idea

What's up,

Just had a crazy idea...for you guys that really keep up with the site and want to know when the site is updated. Just leave your e-mail address at, or leave a comment for this particular post, and I'll put you on an update list. You'll receive an e-mail whenever I update the site. Oh yeah, by the way, the site's been updated thrice since Friday, including this post. Holla at you guys later,

The Good Doctor

Friday, November 11, 2005

Veterans Day


I would be remiss if I didn't thank all the veterans that served this country and say a prayer for those that serve our country at this very moment. Thanks a lot you all. Now, if you all will check the new blog below. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeah!!!!!

--The Good Doctor

Friday Night 'Sports Column'

Hey everybody,

To open up this special Friday Night sports column, complete with a PLAYOFF (PLAYOFFS?!?!?!) rematch of Aiken-South Aiken, here's the very special link to Fisher DeBerry's comments...Fisher is the Air Force coach who in essence, praised the African-American for running well.

The above is about DeMeco Ryans, a very impressive scholar athlete.

Alright, so most of you guys laughed at DeBerry's statement, and take it as a guy who was angry after a loss, and said what is predominately a true fact. I find such general assessments to be a problem, especially because of the fact that when you allow folks to make general assessments about a group of people, those same brothas that run fast are the ones who are deadbeat jailbirds. Been wanting to say that for a while, simply because compliments given to people should express the versatility of a people. For example, the late, great Ralph Wiley says:

Truth knows no color, it appeals to intelligence.

That's really why I hope all my peoples come to the site, not because it's BLACK Love One Growth, but because I like to think I'm speaking some truth here.

Oh yeah, so now I have to truly address Iceman, and how he feels there's an insubordinate amount of 'cooning' in the entertainment industry. So now, I have a quote from the great Paul Mooney:

"Every n---a is an entertainer."

Mooney said that in his role as "June Bug" in the Spike Lee movie Bamboozled, and, in a related situation, I'm glad that Aaron McGruder's 'Boondocks' is creating the same fear that Bamboozled created in 2000. The truth is, Joe Clair wasn't the first to outwardly just sell out to keep his name in the light. Celebrity is something that captures all race, and I actually was sitting in traffic when I thought of this little poem:

Celebrity by The Good Doctor
--Not that I'm famous or anything
But when I become famous
This is what I think celebrity is going to be like:
There will be a series of flashing lights
Cascaded by the cheers and jeers of millions
As the lights come closer
And as I become more accustomed to the brightness
My presumed shine will make me unable to determine
Whether its me shining or the lights bouncing off my frame
Sadly, when I figure out the truth
It will be too late
You see, the lights
Are headlights of a screaming truck
And the cheers and jeers
Were the screams of people long telling me to
And as I turn to run away from the vehicle
I start to realize that my fate
Is the same as it would be whether I'm rich or poor
Run for my life

That being said, moreso than others I feel, the Afro-American race has predicated the thought into young minds that money is the most important thing; to Get Rich or Die Trying. Seeing how that's been a mentality of ours long since 50 Cent became 'significant', it's simply the playing out of the script we've been given. Sadly, that script is one-dimensional, portraying us as the athlete, the drug dealer, or the rapper, in an endless attempt to get just enough money so that we will be forever happy. So I say to my friend Iceman, and to the rest of you, if you're reading this, and you know someone younger than you that might (and I'm pretty sure they are) be growing up on these ideals, stop the young missus or fella, and tell them the truth of the matter. That truth being:

1 Timothy 6:10 - For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

So it is written, so shall it be.

Well, I'm off to peep the rematch. Love you guys and sorry I haven't posted sooner.

The Good Doctor

Friday, November 04, 2005

It's Friday night...

Hey everybody,

Just sending out a quick post before I head to the high school game of the year, Aiken at South Aiken. For those of you guys who didn't read the 'Praying for the Enemy' blog, this is where I feel it's really going to come to life. My alma mater versus my homeboy Cal. Should be a classic, like most years. At any rate, Ram, Ashley, and Iceman, I haven't forgotten about your requests, and I'm working on them, just like I'm working on Roses Revolt...just, I've spent the past week working like crazy at the job. Loving it, especially since a brother has a good grasp on it. From what I'm hearing from most of you guys, it seems like everybody has their dream job; doing what they want for a living. If you're not doing that right now, guess what, your time is coming reallllll soon, so keep your head up and keep grinding. Ummm, but yeah Iceman, Mike Tyson and Bobby Brown just got inducted into the Joe Clair Hall of Fame...and will be picking up their coon awards from Paul Mooney. :-) Oh yeah, but before I go, I gotta tell you guys about a conversation I had...well, let me give you guys the long story short. I am not a racist, much like in the way Ralph Wiley isn't a racist. I'm a versatile dude, blessed to be able to mix it up with folks on a lot of levels. I'm saying that because no matter what you think of the title of this site, or the matter I speak on, it's done to put knowledge on folks' heads, whether it's PC or not. Just had to say that because my ultimate hope is that we become one as a race. That being said, it's a lot of injustices everywhere, not just in this country...peep the Sudan or the aftermath of the Asia quakes. People are struggling, and it's important that those of us with a little strength do what we can to empower the masses. You guys take care and enjoy your weekend.

The Good Doctor

Oh yeah, must-read book for you guys...Ralph Wiley's 'Why Black People Tend to Shout'. I IMPLORE YOU GUYS to read this book. Peace.