Friday, November 11, 2005

Friday Night 'Sports Column'

Hey everybody,

To open up this special Friday Night sports column, complete with a PLAYOFF (PLAYOFFS?!?!?!) rematch of Aiken-South Aiken, here's the very special link to Fisher DeBerry's comments...Fisher is the Air Force coach who in essence, praised the African-American for running well.

The above is about DeMeco Ryans, a very impressive scholar athlete.

Alright, so most of you guys laughed at DeBerry's statement, and take it as a guy who was angry after a loss, and said what is predominately a true fact. I find such general assessments to be a problem, especially because of the fact that when you allow folks to make general assessments about a group of people, those same brothas that run fast are the ones who are deadbeat jailbirds. Been wanting to say that for a while, simply because compliments given to people should express the versatility of a people. For example, the late, great Ralph Wiley says:

Truth knows no color, it appeals to intelligence.

That's really why I hope all my peoples come to the site, not because it's BLACK Love One Growth, but because I like to think I'm speaking some truth here.

Oh yeah, so now I have to truly address Iceman, and how he feels there's an insubordinate amount of 'cooning' in the entertainment industry. So now, I have a quote from the great Paul Mooney:

"Every n---a is an entertainer."

Mooney said that in his role as "June Bug" in the Spike Lee movie Bamboozled, and, in a related situation, I'm glad that Aaron McGruder's 'Boondocks' is creating the same fear that Bamboozled created in 2000. The truth is, Joe Clair wasn't the first to outwardly just sell out to keep his name in the light. Celebrity is something that captures all race, and I actually was sitting in traffic when I thought of this little poem:

Celebrity by The Good Doctor
--Not that I'm famous or anything
But when I become famous
This is what I think celebrity is going to be like:
There will be a series of flashing lights
Cascaded by the cheers and jeers of millions
As the lights come closer
And as I become more accustomed to the brightness
My presumed shine will make me unable to determine
Whether its me shining or the lights bouncing off my frame
Sadly, when I figure out the truth
It will be too late
You see, the lights
Are headlights of a screaming truck
And the cheers and jeers
Were the screams of people long telling me to
And as I turn to run away from the vehicle
I start to realize that my fate
Is the same as it would be whether I'm rich or poor
Run for my life

That being said, moreso than others I feel, the Afro-American race has predicated the thought into young minds that money is the most important thing; to Get Rich or Die Trying. Seeing how that's been a mentality of ours long since 50 Cent became 'significant', it's simply the playing out of the script we've been given. Sadly, that script is one-dimensional, portraying us as the athlete, the drug dealer, or the rapper, in an endless attempt to get just enough money so that we will be forever happy. So I say to my friend Iceman, and to the rest of you, if you're reading this, and you know someone younger than you that might (and I'm pretty sure they are) be growing up on these ideals, stop the young missus or fella, and tell them the truth of the matter. That truth being:

1 Timothy 6:10 - For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

So it is written, so shall it be.

Well, I'm off to peep the rematch. Love you guys and sorry I haven't posted sooner.

The Good Doctor


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Preciate the love. Just freestyling in the car, it's not very safe.

PANTHERS! That is all.

10:48 PM  

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