Monday, January 23, 2006

King Day Blog

(cartoonist is RJ Matson, St. Louis Post Dispatch)

A time to love can’t be a project
It must be our promise
--Stevie Wonder

Yeah yeah yeah everybody,

Real easy to take shots at the throne, especially when my Panthers lost, and my premonition of a Colts-Panthers Super Bowl turned to smoke on both ends like candle’s wax. Oh well, it was a fun ride, and I hate that a great team like Carolina just couldn’t overcome the injuries that plagued us in that game. Well, now that we got that out the way…

The King Day Blog. So much to talk about here, from ‘anti-PC movements’ to ‘Glory Road’, so on and so forth. Well, let me talk about my King Day…for one thing, I have every Monday off, so I was chillin’ at home soaking in the day that was. Looking at TV, it was funny how it seemed like the media tried to pacify us by ‘doing US a favor’, showing Carmen Jones, basically, showing ‘Black Television’. Two things about this: 1) why not show diverse movies year-round on your stations, AMC? Bravo? Don’t just do it because it’s a ‘special occasion’, it’s just too classless…like having a Black History Month. (did I say that? You mean that black history is too diverse to have for a year…oh wait, I’m saving that blog :-} ) 2) Big ups to TV1, and for those of you that have this station in your market, TV1 is a station that has the black consumer in mind, and even mixes up the rotation with shows like Boston Public. Nice work, folks.

Never mind me talking about 106 and Park on King Day, where questions were asked to young adolescence about what King did, and how they felt about his achievements. All I’ll say about that is to those of us that have the power to reach young minds, whether younger brothers/sisters, or just kids that look up to you, don’t take that responsibility for granted. We have the power to shape young minds, and we should no longer leave that responsibility in the hands of the media. Word…

So let’s get to the heart of the matter, and basically why there was a Precursor to this blog. A lot has been said about ‘anti-PC’ shows like Dave Chappelle and Boondocks…but first, let’s get a definition of ‘anti-PC’ from the King of Links…

My opinion of what pc is, is that its basically having respect for others, using tact and being reasonable istead all ignant and in your face… and yes, sometimes that does result in folks taking it too far and not being real … but the anti-pc movement results in folks goin in the complete opposite extreme. ignorant and hateful things get thrown out there, under the guise of being real, and people like bill o'reilly and rush limbaugh are able to move from the fringe to the mainstream… felt i'd throw my definition in, since i coined the phrase.

By the way, the reason for his nickname is because dude is always sending me some interesting links online abut anything and everything, so that’s how he got his nickname. Good look King, and I apologize about the Bears and everything. Well, back to the situation at hand…

-- anti-PC movement

First of all, I want to say that I’m an avid watcher of the Boondocks, and have both uncensored DVD of Chappelle’s show Season 1 and 2. I say that to say that I appreciate the entertainment aspect of the shows, and the shows tend to drop knowledge concerning racial matters of the day. The question at hand; however, and the statement posed to me a while back from Ron bring us to this question…

Just how effective are shows like the Boondocks and Chappelle’s show?

I’ll make some quick references here to the Precursor, to catch everybody up and so I don’t have to go back and forth from the conversation between Jig and I. First of all, concerning the n-word, I’m against the use of it period point blank. I don’t say it, I don’t like it, there’s too many negative things associated with it, and am not ‘ambivalent’ to it, as a friend of mine so eloquently put it. Such words are said a lot on these shows, and I’m not going to say that it gives these shows a certain ‘spice’, but I think there are certain buzzwords, especially in matters of race, that invoke certain emotions. That being said, it’s funny how you can say the n-word on shows now and you really don’t get that effect. It’s disheartening, but I’m not necessarily blaming that on these shows…that’s just the culture in general…and that sucks.

Another thing, I understand that we give the media too much responsibility, especially with the aforementioned shows, but I think those familiar with Spider-man understand the quote ‘with great power, comes great responsibility’. And I say that to say you have to at least take a marginal responsibility, especially when you have a show that is trend-setting on many levels concerning racial tolerance and how people express themselves in certain situations. What tends to happen is people fail to understand what’s satire and what’s real, and that’s where you have lack of awareness in society overall.

Now, about the Boondocks episode that brought all of this to a head. “Return of the King” was an episode about a dream that one of the main characters, Huey, had about Dr. Martin Luther King. In this dream, Martin Luther King lived through the assassination attempt, as the famed gunshot would only put MLK in a coma. He would come out of the coma in the 21st century, and would continue his movement from there.

Now, much has been said of this episode, and you see where Jig and I had some disagreements. I’m pretty much just going to do a synopsis of everything that’s been said by everyone on this.

The first point folks made is about the ‘deification’ of MLK, and that has been done to some degree. I don’t feel we deified MLK, I feel like proper credit was given where proper credit was due, concerning the civil rights movement. In turn, I feel like we shouldn’t rest on King’s achievements (much like hip-hop shouldn’t rest and be defined on the deaths of ‘Pac and Big – another matter), but continue to work on the issues concerning civil rights and racism in this country.

The reason why there was talk about over-respect of MLK in the first place, though, is because of how he was portrayed on the episode in question. And I’m not tripping off the fact that he said the n-word, no, none of that. I just had an issue with how I felt like the civil rights movement was trivialized with the flashback to Rosa Parks, I didn’t like how they made MLK look unintelligent by signing the street team, and I especially didn’t like how he ‘ran’ to Canada.

To bring all of this together, concerning the ‘anti-PC’ movement and the Boondocks episode, and everything else: yes, I am a fan of racial satire, and yes, I do feel like shows of the sort are positive in some ways. That being said, I feel like these shows at times miss their marks, and when they do, it serves to expand the racial divide further and simply promotes more ignorance.

(Boy, I know the comments are coming after this one…)

Oh yeah, just a few more things…

‘Glory Road’ is NOT A CHEAP IMITATION of Coach Carter. I just can’t tell you guys how tired I am of hearing such. First of all, I need to say once and for all I’m tired of how we throw black achievements together…generalizing things ultimately makes us trivialize things, and I firmly believe that. The quality of what happened in each situation should be intriguing because of its similarities concerning the game of basketball, but also because of the situations concerning each. In fact, Coach Carter may not have even happened if not for the ‘Glory Road’ story, which involved the 1966 Texas Western team starting an all-black squad in the championship game. They defeated Kentucky that year, and it’s funny now, because I’m a fan of Kentucky basketball, and am very understanding of the positive and negative tradition of the program. Some might say “how can I root for a team that had a ‘racist coach’”, but the truth is Rupp’s actions were a sign of the times, and those times have changed because of the knowledge presented in that ’66 final. Now, Kentucky has a black coach, and the racial divide grows smaller.

One more thing, then I’m heading out...

You know how brothers will say to each other ‘what’s up dawg’? I’m going to try this with the youth, to see how impressionable they are…I’m going to replace ‘dawg’ in the previous quote with ‘king’. And I feel that should be done in reference to who our descendants were, and what our Father in heaven is. We should live as if we’re descendants of thrones in Africa, and infinitely more important, as if we are descendants of the throne up above. Love ya’ll and keep ya heads up.

The Good Doctor

P.S. So we have the Steelers and the Seahawks in Super Bowl XL. I think everyone wants the Steelers to win, and thinks that the Steelers will win by a lot because of Bettis playing in his hometown, the history, blah blah blah. But I’m here to tell you guys that this isn’t college football. Games aren’t won on tradition, and there’s a reason why the wild-card team playing on the road never made it to the Super Bowl, much less won that bad boy, and the reason is because after a while, people get tired, and injuries are more likely to happen. In addition to that, Seattle is a 4.5 point underdog. What?!?!?!?! Football players look at things like that, and they’re immensely motivated to win against the odds. That being said, the Steelers have two weeks to chill, and I’d like for them to win this game…and I’ll give you good folks a score later. (And with a Steelers win, The Good Doctor will go to 9-2 in postseason picks. Are you reading this, ESPN.COM?!?!?!?!?!? Nobody on your staff is that nice…)

Monday, January 16, 2006

The Precursor to the King Day Blog

Hey everybody,

This conversation that I'm about to present to you is between the writer of RomanceXpress, Jig, and myself. We were basically debating about the effectiveness of the "anti-PC movement" (a phrase coined by Ron, thanks mayne) and how much responsibility shows like 'Chappelle's Show' and 'the Boondocks' should have, and whether satire should have some limits. Here is that conversation:

The Good Doctor: what up listening to dick gregory?
Jig: who?
The Good Doctor: dude on michael baisden show
The Good Doctor: u don't know who dick gregory is?
Jig: Nupe
Jig: I don;t listen all the time
The Good Doctor: dang folk. that's a google search you need to make happen
The Good Doctor: ok. but yeah peep ya boy's site
Jig: what's goin on?
Jig: is he on the air right now or somethin?
The Good Doctor: yeah...he's just talkin about king and stuff like that
The Good Doctor: dawg, MLK said you (i-word) n---as
The Good Doctor: what was the i-word
The Good Doctor: he mumbled it...did he say 'indomitable'
Jig: lol,
Jig: I forgot
Jig: I meant to write it down
The Good Doctor: when he said the I-word, i was dying
Jig: so how do you feel about it mayn
The Good Doctor: well, i'll just give you an insight on the blog...or rather an overview
Jig: cool
The Good Doctor: yeah, it's called 'kings not dogs'
The Good Doctor: and i go in talking about the 'anti-PC' movement, and how it's missing its mark
Jig: for the record, what does the PC stand for
The Good Doctor: politically correct
The Good Doctor: then i go into the actual episode, or some parts oft it
The Good Doctor: of*
The Good Doctor: then i address certain things about how we generalize and thus trivialize black achievement
The Good Doctor: i.e., the comparison of 'glory road' to 'coach carter'
The Good Doctor: and then i close talking about how i will no longer address friends or homeys as 'dog' but as 'king'
The Good Doctor: and see how it goes over. hoping that the younger ones will be impressionable
Jig: okay okay...
Jig: but doesn't TI call himself a king too?
Jig: and flip?
The Good Doctor: king of the south, king of 'clovers', blah blah
The Good Doctor: i mean 'king' in reference to what our descendants were, and what our Father is
Jig: I mean, I know that
Jig: but will they know that
The Good Doctor: and i suppose i should go into detail with that as well
The Good Doctor: i intend on explaining myself
Jig: okay
Jig: so what is your stance on the "anti-PC" movement?
The Good Doctor: my stance is that in a lot of ways, it's ineffective
The Good Doctor: it's good for making people laugh, but it doesn't really make people think, and ultimately, people just view it as entertainment
The Good Doctor: and i was going to tie that in with pryor's death, and how his act in some ways made people think...and later in life, he retracted some of what he said
The Good Doctor: i mean, chappelle and mcgruder in some ways, don't even come off as conscientious
The Good Doctor: u there?
Jig: yeah
The Good Doctor: aiight
Jig: is it?
Jig: is that it?
The Good Doctor: i'm going to write more, but again, just an overview of where i'm going. so you obviously don't agree, seeing how you and mcgruder are on the same page
Jig: Very much so on the same page. I don't even really believe in an "anti-PC"movement
Jig: I just call it not sugarcoating
Jig: It's like Riley for instance
Jig: Riley is what Riley is because the real Riley's are like that
Jig: not jsut to go against PC
The Good Doctor: anti-PC is simply coining a phrase
The Good Doctor: to mcgruder's credit, the comic strip seemed a little more guided
Jig: ???
Jig: to me the comic is just a taste of the show
Jig: it's watered down
Jig: so papers will evne carry it
Jig: and like he said, it's never been a big thing, because who reads the paper
Jig: not "us"
The Good Doctor: i understand all of those things, but again, the show, especially some parts of 'return of the king' were so asinine that it could only be for entertainment value
The Good Doctor: my whole thing is, if you're going to acknowledge those that strived for the end of racism...
Jig: give an example?
The Good Doctor: don't throw out n-words and random references to video awards shows
Jig: even if people do it for real?
The Good Doctor: and associate those things with an icon like King, and basically trivialize the whole thing
The Good Doctor: i understand people do it for real, but again, people just laugh at it and aren't forced to think
The Good Doctor: dude, it's not that i hate the's just that i feel it's lost its way in certain episodes
Jig: the only one who can determine it's "way" is mcgruder
Jig: put it like this
Jig: that show is having too much responsibility placed on it
JIg: it's like you want a CNN program out of it
Jig: but it's not. it's a satire of society
Jig: and no, it's not gonna reach everyone
Jig: but no one program ever will
Jig: it will take others
Jig: of different types
The Good Doctor: i get that, mayne...i just feel like he does have some degree of responsibility, and i'm still not down with cats throwing around n-words and calling it satire, or doing it for kicks and giggles
Jig: okay..
Jig: the Nigga Experience by the Goodie Mob
Jig: what do you think about it
Jig: worthless because it used the N word?
The Good Doctor: not worthless, just poorly titled
Jig: lol... my fault
Jig: that's not the real title
Jig: but that is the real title when you listen to it all th eway
Jig: at the end he says "the nigga experience"
Jig: but to be PC, he calls it the experience on the album
Jig: why speak in code...
Jig: and if he had titled it differently, what difference did it make
The Good Doctor: and because i fear that this convo is being based on the 'n-word'...i'm saying this
The Good Doctor: mcgruder has to understand that you need to have a limit, especially with icons, in order to convey a successful message that just doesn't come off as laughs
The Good Doctor: don't cheapen MLK and Rosa and their movements for a laugh
The Good Doctor: and the speech, that was a good look
The Good Doctor: but even with what huey (or riley) said at the end of the show...
The Good Doctor: 'and the revolution finally began...well, i can dream, can't i?'
Jig: it was a dream... King is really dead u know
Jig: and that's Huey's dream
Jig: just like King had a dream
The Good Doctor: i got that
The Good Doctor: but even in that, it makes the whole movement seem hopeless
The Good Doctor: and that was a bad look jig...'king is dead you know'...but it's cool
Jig: its' true
Jig: that's why they have to make a fake scenario for trhe episode
The Good Doctor: i understand all that
Jig: but you remember what I said a few weeks ago
Jig: choose your words, choose your audience
The Good Doctor: dude i been doing that since i started the blog
Jig: every black work is not going to cater to every facet of black society
Jig: what we need is others to fill in where he misses
The Good Doctor: i took two WHOLE blogs to get people to understand what i was trying to accomplish
Jig: not to try to transform his work to be something new
The Good Doctor: jig, that's what i'm doing now, filling in...and i think some of that filling in requires critique of his craft
The Good Doctor: and if you critique mine, that's cool mayne, that's what i expect
Jig: but now we're reliving booker T and W.E.B.
The Good Doctor: you mean you and I? not even
Jig: criticizing each other instead of just doing our own thing with respec to others
The Good Doctor: no I mean u and aaron
Jig: my philosophy is this
The Good Doctor: for what it's worth, i'm a regular watcher of the show
Jig: criticism is only good if you're actually going to help the person
Jig: how is this gonna help him improve
The Good Doctor: and i like his hunger and how he TRIES to accomplish his goal...
The Good Doctor: just let me write the blog, then when it hits wax, you'll see my stance on things
The Good Doctor: i'm combining like 3 topics that could be blogged separately, so you'll have to excuse me if i cut some things short...but that's where comments come in
The Good Doctor: things can be explained further
Jig: I hear ya. Sorry if I seem hostile mayn
The Good Doctor: jig you straight man. like i told a friend a while back
The Good Doctor: you're in the pantheon of my folks
The Good Doctor: there's not ish you can say that i'll take offense to at this point
The Good Doctor: and it's cool that we're having this discussion b/c you feel you and mcgruder are on the same page
The Good Doctor: so it's like seeing in essence how that brother would respond
The Good Doctor: so that's cool. i've changed in the fact that i don't get so mad when people have an opinion
Jig: nah, he's got more perspective than me
Jig: I didnt' major in african american history
The Good Doctor: truth
The Good Doctor: i read some stuff on him and about him before the boondocks went national
The Good Doctor: and i saw him speak live on some of his trends i understand
The Good Doctor: but i'm just speaking on anti-PC in general, not just mcgruder
The Good Doctor: it's just that all eyes are on him right now
Jig: well let me ask you this
Jig: what is the value of Politcal Correctness?
The Good Doctor: ahhhhh! it's a phrase, jib
The Good Doctor: jig*
The Good Doctor: but about the value of PC
The Good Doctor: naw, i can answer that
The Good Doctor: i think it provides a limit not so much to keep feelings from being hurt...because the truth will do that sometimes, it will hurt you
The Good Doctor: but i think PC keeps people responsible for the things they say, so they just don't say something ignorant...or do something ignorant
The Good Doctor: and i know, i know, what if they are ignorant by default
The Good Doctor: i haven't thought about that yet, will get back to you :-D
Jig: alright, let me ask you this
Jig: and I"m gonna use the characters from the show to make my argument
The Good Doctor: oughta be fun
Jig: if macgruder's show were written the way you wanted it to be
Jig: which of the following would it reach...
Jig: Huey, Grandpa, Riley
The Good Doctor: all three
The Good Doctor: and i'll explain why
The Good Doctor: because i think when you do a show, you have to respect historical figures as icons, which appease pa pa
The Good Doctor: but then you have to put him in urban, 2006 situations, which appease riley
The Good Doctor: but you have to allow king to be unchanged by his situation, and to change it into a positive, which is what the militant huey wants
The Good Doctor: and that's what didn't happen
Jig: so you feel that King actually CHANGED?
The Good Doctor: for one, i can't see king using the n-word
The Good Doctor: two, he would've done some research before recruiting the street team
Jig: okay. let's talk about Riley
The Good Doctor: k
Jig: do you honestly think that Riley would care if some serious cartoon came on on some political stuff just because it's modern?
Jig: Or put it like this...
Jig: Do you think Riley listens to Common or Lil Jon
The Good Doctor: both
Jig: For real?
The Good Doctor: isn't gangstalicious his favorite rapper
The Good Doctor: dang
The Good Doctor: dude, i
The Good Doctor: i'm having too much fun with this
Jig: Common----> no where near Gangstalicious
The Good Doctor: i don't think that's either here nor there
Jig: Lemme show you
Jig: basically, what you want is more of a common show and less of a lil jon
Jig: do you think that would hold riley's attention?
Jig: just because it's modern?
Jig: I mean, common can spit
Jig: but cats have ignored him for how long
Jig: mos def: ignored
Jig: talib: ignored
Jig: for years
Jig: by rileys
Jig: so why would the show be any different
The Good Doctor: because they're impressionable...and they've been conditioned to be drawn in by urban idiosyncracies
The Good Doctor: i don't even wanna say idiosyncracies
The Good Doctor: i'll put it like this
The Good Doctor: my brother said 'would cats watch videos if they didn't have girls in them'
The Good Doctor: dudes relate to that just like hip-hop fans relate to that tic-tic followed by that bump
The Good Doctor: i'm just saying that those same trends could be enforced in 'my show' and riley would watch
Jig: put it like this... what Im seeing is a Will Smith's Boondocks
Drkenmack: naw dude
Jig: do you know how hip hop fans feel about will smith?
The Good Doctor: they don't
The Good Doctor: they hate that dude, and that's not what i'm seeing
The Good Doctor: (real quick, i have a request from two people to post this conversation in its entirety on my blog)
The Good Doctor: like a precursor or something. you cool with that
Jig: thats fine by me
The Good Doctor: cool
Jig: the whole thng, right?
The Good Doctor: yeah
Jig: cool
The Good Doctor: raw and uncut
The Good Doctor: you talking to (homegirl) over there by any chance?
Jig: Yeah, she hit me up
The Good Doctor: i'm sure she did
The Good Doctor: that chick. but yeah will smith
Jig: is that bad?
The Good Doctor: no it's a good look
Jig: I noticed something, and this isn't expressly about the n word, but its just noteworthy
Jig: each of the three main characters on the boondocks uses the n word
The Good Doctor: k
Jig: but each one represents a different level of african american society
Jig: and the word takes on a different meaning with each one
Jig: it's like I wrote in my blog a few months ago
Jig: the n word is bad because it splits us, but its effect is different depending on how it's used
Jig: and I think the way MLK used it was not meant to be comical in the least
Jig: evne teh Rileys in the church shut up when he called them out
Jig: it wasn't the fact that he used the word
Jig: cuz if it was the word, then it would bother them when each of them used it
Jig: it was what he was saying when he called them that
Jig: it was not at all meant to be funny
Jig: notice he only used it then
Jig: when it had meaning
Jig: when he was drilling that truth
The Good Doctor: when it had meaning
The Good Doctor: i'm glad you said that...continue
JIg: so what I'm saying is, even if the meaning is subtle, Aaron McGruder is not a comedian by any stretch
Jig: we laugh at that show because what he depicts is reality
Jig: and REALITY is the joke
Jig: not him
Jig: not the show
Jig: and nobody sees the joke if it sugar coats what's real
Jig: maybe cats will laugh when they see
Jig: the show
Jig: but when they go out and get their Riley on, they'll think back
Jig: and it'll be a whole different perspective
Jig: it's like sunday school
Jig: 'we don't make the kids do right
Jig: we just plant seeds
Jig: and along the way it gets watered
Jig: we cna't depend on aarons show to do the planting AND watering
Jig: it's a group effort
Jig: and criticizing him for what he's not doing isn't ognna help at all
The Good Doctor: we assume it gets watered, but from my personal experience, sometimes you gotta pull out the hose too mayne
Jig: when you CAN
Jig: but that's not always the case
Jig: he's only one man
Jig: and he' Aaron
The Good Doctor: well that's what i'm here for
Jig: not ML
Jig: K
Jig: exactly
Jig: there ya go
Jig: so you create your own thing
Jig: and where he didn't go, you go there
Jig: that's how we make it work
Jig: we should've learned by now that criticizing each other won't work. that's why some of our ancestors didn't get as far as they would have.
Jig: if you see a gap and you can't help physically, then just take up the slack yourself
The Good Doctor: i get that. but i'm not going to sit up here and act like i agree with something when i don't
Jig: you don't have to
Jig: but don't shoot it down
Jig: and i determine such responses from myself to be constructive criticism
Jig: because you don't see the full effect of it
Jig: constructive, but with no construction?
Jig: it's just like when people go to smoebody's house and badmouth the preacher
Jig: but then sunday comes up, and it was all just talk
Jig: nothing changes
Jig: there was no point
The Good Doctor: dude, i'm sitting up here right now writing a blog addressing what this dude is trying to do with a show, and how it's missing its mark. i didn't say it was a failure, understand what i'm trying to accomplish
The Good Doctor: and that's just a piece of the pie mayne
The Good Doctor: and who are you to say i don't see the full effect of it? by nature of it being art, it's open to interpretation...
The Good Doctor: but the FACT is you don't disrespect an icon like MLK
Jig: Nooooo... I'm not saying just you
Jig: I don't see it either
Jig: millions of people see the show
The Good Doctor: that's my main beef. naw i got're saying only macgruder does
Jig: no one knows how it afffects each one
The Good Doctor: because he's the artist
Jig: that too
Jig: well... I appreciate teh show. because everytime I watch it, although I might laugh, I also say "I saw that dude today... I saw that lady today... that was me today"
Jig: As long as he draws from realtime, it's GONNA make people laugh
The Good Doctor: i get that dude, we can all relate in some way
Jig: because the reality is, realtime is as screwed up as he makes it to be
The Good Doctor: true
Jig: I'd rather the show be that way and not the Augusta way
Jig: where racism still exists and all these problems exist down here, but it's all behind closed doors because it's "socially inappropriate"
Jig: and even MLK...
Jig: great man
Jig: but he was just a man
Jig: we have more regard for MLK than for Jesus
Jig: I dind't hear ONE complaint about the Kill Bunny segment on Robot Chicken
Jig: not one
The Good Doctor: kill bunny?
Jig: I'm glad somebody still sees our heroes as just people
Jig: because we deify them
The Good Doctor: dude, i'm displeased by south park's disrespect of the Son
Jig: it's like Huey said
Jig: we're still waiting for the King
Jig: I dint' hear about south park eaither
The Good Doctor: and drawn together had some ish on last night with the veggietales
The Good Doctor: i mean, it's not a good look all around
Jig: did hear about it
Jig: didn't
Jig: and Don DC Curry said the same thing when Barbershop came out
Jig: cats get pissed about some MLK and Rosa
Jig: didn't say nutting about Jesus
Jig: Not a word
The Good Doctor: oh. yeah man, but i figured now would be a good time at least to address the...yeah, i feel you
Jig: they need to be taken down a little for some reason
Jig: not because of anything they did
Jig: but because we've "lost our first love"
Jig: we're looking to MLK more now to solve our problems than Jesus even as we speak
Jig: so I'm not gonna get bent if MLK says nigga on a cartoon that never happened
Jig: when Jesus says Nigga, then we got a problem
The Good Doctor: i'm not looking to MLK to solve my problems, jig
The Good Doctor: i think you're romanticizing a tad
Jig: not saying you are
Jig: and I think I'm on point
The Good Doctor: i know i know
The Good Doctor: aiight
Jig: I got Aaron McGruder, because we're still looking for the return of the King when it's time for some new "heroes"
Jig: and I think he may be one of the first
The Good Doctor: you're entitled to your opinion. but i'm not ready to crown mcgruder a hero
The Good Doctor: especially when he doesn't have a healthy respect for the past
The Good Doctor: ok, ok, maybe that was a bit much
Jig: yup
The Good Doctor: i'll just say this. last night's episode, not a good look
Jig: aight. so is that is for this convo?
Jig: not the entire chat, bu tjust the subject
The Good Doctor: pretty much peaked somewhere around talking about the 'n-word', ha
The Good Doctor: but yeah mayne that was good stuff.
The Good Doctor: so what else is on your mind?
Jig: dat about it. just on some SCIII and waitin for 9:30 to roll around
Jig: this'll be a hot chat on ur site
Jig: should get a lot of attention
Jig: any new things in the works?

Yep, working on this King Day blog. It'll be coming up next,

The Good Doctor

Monday, January 09, 2006

Back Again for the First Time

“If my team can’t catch, I’ma do it myself”
--brother of The Good Doctor, writer of Black Love, One Growth

Vince Young’s Rose Bowl performance inspired that quote from my brother, and I guess it’s one that I’m going to try to employ to the best of my ability in the Year of the Alpha (ha!), I mean ’06. First of all, Happy New Year to everyone, and, let me tell you, my brother and I rang in the New Year with one of the greatest tournaments to start the year…bigger than the Bowl season, yes, we completed the B.L.O.G. contest…yeah, the one where the winner gets a copy of Ralph Wiley’s ‘Why Black People Tend to Shout’. And the winner is…now this is gonna be fun…

The writer of RomanceXpress, yep, Jig.

Now, two things. One, he’s likely not gonna take the gift, because he’s an humble cat like that, and somehow, he’ll think it’s rigged, much like the bunch of you haters :-D For real, though, I figure that this is a little start of a big year for the boy Jig.
(Update : Younger bro and I went to Jig’s house today to tell him the information…during a rousing game of SoulCalibur 3. Joint was funny, to say the least. Go to and leave him a comment about it.)
Also, it feels good to take care of unfinished business, and I feel like I had some good ideas in ‘05, and I’m bringing those with me. Hopefully, I bring a different work ethic into ‘06, though, on the real. Anyway, the details of the tournament…
(Oh, and in just six months of work, the BLOG received over 1100 hits. Thanks so much to everyone that has supported and will continue to support the BLOG, yep yep. )
So now, for the details of what I'll just call the Ralph Wiley invitational. 12 people were eligible for the tournament (see, I told ya'll to comment), and here they are, by nickname or whatever:

King of Links
Angela aka Andg
Matt Hunley
the Hawk

At any rate, my brother J and I took 12 numbers and put them in a cup. We picked out six and those folks made the second round. Then we picked out three of those and they made the finals. Then, I told bro to put an X on one of the numbers (which were turned over), and the brother Jig won. Congrats mayne.
Now to the haters... one, the reason why my method was so, well, extensive maybe has something to do with why I was once an engineering major. Maybe just a complex mind. Two, ummm...dang. I don't know what to tell you, maybe next year.
Anyway, there's so much we didn't talk about over the holidays, so I'm gonna mix it up a bit, and give you cats some real with some'n silly, or what ya'll like to call the IR aka the Irrevelant Relevance.
(which I from now on will call the IR, no regards or relation to Injured Reserve or (anything of the sort, aiight then)

So, I didn’t really talk to you guys during the holiday season, but a lot of things happened that were worthy of IR. First of all, let’s talk about the unaptly named ‘Unpredictable’ CD by one Jamie Foxx. Now, I know, I know…I shouldn’t have taken him seriously, yes he did a ‘club video’, blah blah blah. I bought the CD because my thinking was that Foxx is immensely talented, and the guest appearances will help an already talented dude.

That being said, my Spider Sense even went off THE WHOLE TIME I took the CD to the counter, and in walking out of the store, I think the trees were waving me down and birds were chirping wildly. Ok, I made the last part up…but still. My mess-up had been confirmed through one take on the CD, realizing that Foxx’s cuts were predominately sex-driven, and wasn’t really anything different from everything else that’s in the streets right now.

Now, the commercial aspect of the holiday season. Was it just me, or were retail clerks, shipping guys, pretty much any employee working after Black Friday was working with both hands firmly around their necks, choking in doing any simple application as swiping a credit card. Geez, I can’t tell you how many gift certificates went unread, how many people can’t count change and I’m sure you guys may have better stories than the 50 dollars Marvel. Com tried to get from me and how the Savings Dept. at USAA just disregarded a request of mine to send some of my savings to checking, but conveniently deducted the amount anyway. Classic.

(Uh oh, look out, some relevance…)
I would talk about the tragedy of the black consumer here, but that’s a year-round issue. Long story short, we spend our money in stores only to be disrespected on a mass amount of levels, and even by retail clerks and employees of the same race. I had a situation at a sports store once (SMS Sportsworld, for those of you that have them in your town-area) where I felt like I was being treated unfairly, so, I didn’t go back. And haven’t been back since. This has since happened at a McDonalds, and a gas station, and surprise surprise, I don’t frequent either. If this happens on a consistent and regular rate with all folks, I think that bigger business will have to start respecting consumers, and that’s bigger than a race issue.

(Well, this is kind of IR)
Oh yeah, and I love you guys, I really do. But I gotta shake my head at the people who sent the generic ‘Merry Christmas’ texts, and didn’t learn ya lesson with the ‘Happy New Year’ texts. Ummm, that kinda defeats the whole purpose of the holiday spirit. Plus, you lames couldn’t even use the excuse of ‘daytime minutes’, because both Christmas, and by default, New Year’s, were on SUNDAY. I have no (more) words.

On the real, though, I had a great Christmas, that I spent with my loving family (see above) and the holiday season was filled with a number of pleasant surprises, and the everyday people we encounter seem to really get into the holidays. I only wish I could bottle that feeling up, and keep a little bit for the year-round.

Well, I got some plans for ‘06, and I don’t want to make any promises; rather, I’ll let everything that happens at this site (and maybe some spin-off sites) be a pleasant surprise (or set of surprises). I look forward to it all, and ummmm…like I’ve been saying for a while on this beautiful site, Colts-Panthers in Detroit in February. If you don’t know, now you guys know. Love ya’ll peoples,

The Good Doctor