Monday, January 09, 2006

Back Again for the First Time

“If my team can’t catch, I’ma do it myself”
--brother of The Good Doctor, writer of Black Love, One Growth

Vince Young’s Rose Bowl performance inspired that quote from my brother, and I guess it’s one that I’m going to try to employ to the best of my ability in the Year of the Alpha (ha!), I mean ’06. First of all, Happy New Year to everyone, and, let me tell you, my brother and I rang in the New Year with one of the greatest tournaments to start the year…bigger than the Bowl season, yes, we completed the B.L.O.G. contest…yeah, the one where the winner gets a copy of Ralph Wiley’s ‘Why Black People Tend to Shout’. And the winner is…now this is gonna be fun…

The writer of RomanceXpress, yep, Jig.

Now, two things. One, he’s likely not gonna take the gift, because he’s an humble cat like that, and somehow, he’ll think it’s rigged, much like the bunch of you haters :-D For real, though, I figure that this is a little start of a big year for the boy Jig.
(Update : Younger bro and I went to Jig’s house today to tell him the information…during a rousing game of SoulCalibur 3. Joint was funny, to say the least. Go to and leave him a comment about it.)
Also, it feels good to take care of unfinished business, and I feel like I had some good ideas in ‘05, and I’m bringing those with me. Hopefully, I bring a different work ethic into ‘06, though, on the real. Anyway, the details of the tournament…
(Oh, and in just six months of work, the BLOG received over 1100 hits. Thanks so much to everyone that has supported and will continue to support the BLOG, yep yep. )
So now, for the details of what I'll just call the Ralph Wiley invitational. 12 people were eligible for the tournament (see, I told ya'll to comment), and here they are, by nickname or whatever:

King of Links
Angela aka Andg
Matt Hunley
the Hawk

At any rate, my brother J and I took 12 numbers and put them in a cup. We picked out six and those folks made the second round. Then we picked out three of those and they made the finals. Then, I told bro to put an X on one of the numbers (which were turned over), and the brother Jig won. Congrats mayne.
Now to the haters... one, the reason why my method was so, well, extensive maybe has something to do with why I was once an engineering major. Maybe just a complex mind. Two, ummm...dang. I don't know what to tell you, maybe next year.
Anyway, there's so much we didn't talk about over the holidays, so I'm gonna mix it up a bit, and give you cats some real with some'n silly, or what ya'll like to call the IR aka the Irrevelant Relevance.
(which I from now on will call the IR, no regards or relation to Injured Reserve or (anything of the sort, aiight then)

So, I didn’t really talk to you guys during the holiday season, but a lot of things happened that were worthy of IR. First of all, let’s talk about the unaptly named ‘Unpredictable’ CD by one Jamie Foxx. Now, I know, I know…I shouldn’t have taken him seriously, yes he did a ‘club video’, blah blah blah. I bought the CD because my thinking was that Foxx is immensely talented, and the guest appearances will help an already talented dude.

That being said, my Spider Sense even went off THE WHOLE TIME I took the CD to the counter, and in walking out of the store, I think the trees were waving me down and birds were chirping wildly. Ok, I made the last part up…but still. My mess-up had been confirmed through one take on the CD, realizing that Foxx’s cuts were predominately sex-driven, and wasn’t really anything different from everything else that’s in the streets right now.

Now, the commercial aspect of the holiday season. Was it just me, or were retail clerks, shipping guys, pretty much any employee working after Black Friday was working with both hands firmly around their necks, choking in doing any simple application as swiping a credit card. Geez, I can’t tell you how many gift certificates went unread, how many people can’t count change and I’m sure you guys may have better stories than the 50 dollars Marvel. Com tried to get from me and how the Savings Dept. at USAA just disregarded a request of mine to send some of my savings to checking, but conveniently deducted the amount anyway. Classic.

(Uh oh, look out, some relevance…)
I would talk about the tragedy of the black consumer here, but that’s a year-round issue. Long story short, we spend our money in stores only to be disrespected on a mass amount of levels, and even by retail clerks and employees of the same race. I had a situation at a sports store once (SMS Sportsworld, for those of you that have them in your town-area) where I felt like I was being treated unfairly, so, I didn’t go back. And haven’t been back since. This has since happened at a McDonalds, and a gas station, and surprise surprise, I don’t frequent either. If this happens on a consistent and regular rate with all folks, I think that bigger business will have to start respecting consumers, and that’s bigger than a race issue.

(Well, this is kind of IR)
Oh yeah, and I love you guys, I really do. But I gotta shake my head at the people who sent the generic ‘Merry Christmas’ texts, and didn’t learn ya lesson with the ‘Happy New Year’ texts. Ummm, that kinda defeats the whole purpose of the holiday spirit. Plus, you lames couldn’t even use the excuse of ‘daytime minutes’, because both Christmas, and by default, New Year’s, were on SUNDAY. I have no (more) words.

On the real, though, I had a great Christmas, that I spent with my loving family (see above) and the holiday season was filled with a number of pleasant surprises, and the everyday people we encounter seem to really get into the holidays. I only wish I could bottle that feeling up, and keep a little bit for the year-round.

Well, I got some plans for ‘06, and I don’t want to make any promises; rather, I’ll let everything that happens at this site (and maybe some spin-off sites) be a pleasant surprise (or set of surprises). I look forward to it all, and ummmm…like I’ve been saying for a while on this beautiful site, Colts-Panthers in Detroit in February. If you don’t know, now you guys know. Love ya’ll peoples,

The Good Doctor


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i've been racking my brain for a cute and witty response to this blog. I even asked for advice. Alas, no cute and witty response is to be had by me. Possibly because I know less than nothing about sports and/or video games (get at me on some mario cart, though).

Yet, I wanted to leave a comment so I could be ready for the next put me back in the hat, baby!

4:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now I ain't saying she a gold digga, uh...
Cuz I don't really know her and don't know how far away she lives from me in New York and how hard it would be to find me and jack me up for talking bad about her(if you say it real fast like Twista it'll fit in one line), what am I supposed to make rhyme again?

I saw a dude drive down the hood out here, bumping T-Pain. Head bopping and everything...matter of fact, I'm going to borrow from H-Town and call him a boppa(can I do that?). That disturbs me so I shared it witcha. McGruder for '06. Thank you, good night.


6:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep, these are my friends.

But they's nice to see that they tried to match the random intensity of my blog with some nigh irrevelance of their own. Not nigh...just full-fledged irrevelance. However, nothing they can do will be as shocking as seeing the greatest receiver of all time...and the 'Ice Cream Man' dancing with the 'Stars'. Oh yes, you two have much work to do to compete with those two clowns.

Speaking of dancing with coons, c'mon everybody, lean with it, rock with it, now...

2:29 PM  

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