Monday, January 23, 2006

King Day Blog

(cartoonist is RJ Matson, St. Louis Post Dispatch)

A time to love can’t be a project
It must be our promise
--Stevie Wonder

Yeah yeah yeah everybody,

Real easy to take shots at the throne, especially when my Panthers lost, and my premonition of a Colts-Panthers Super Bowl turned to smoke on both ends like candle’s wax. Oh well, it was a fun ride, and I hate that a great team like Carolina just couldn’t overcome the injuries that plagued us in that game. Well, now that we got that out the way…

The King Day Blog. So much to talk about here, from ‘anti-PC movements’ to ‘Glory Road’, so on and so forth. Well, let me talk about my King Day…for one thing, I have every Monday off, so I was chillin’ at home soaking in the day that was. Looking at TV, it was funny how it seemed like the media tried to pacify us by ‘doing US a favor’, showing Carmen Jones, basically, showing ‘Black Television’. Two things about this: 1) why not show diverse movies year-round on your stations, AMC? Bravo? Don’t just do it because it’s a ‘special occasion’, it’s just too classless…like having a Black History Month. (did I say that? You mean that black history is too diverse to have for a year…oh wait, I’m saving that blog :-} ) 2) Big ups to TV1, and for those of you that have this station in your market, TV1 is a station that has the black consumer in mind, and even mixes up the rotation with shows like Boston Public. Nice work, folks.

Never mind me talking about 106 and Park on King Day, where questions were asked to young adolescence about what King did, and how they felt about his achievements. All I’ll say about that is to those of us that have the power to reach young minds, whether younger brothers/sisters, or just kids that look up to you, don’t take that responsibility for granted. We have the power to shape young minds, and we should no longer leave that responsibility in the hands of the media. Word…

So let’s get to the heart of the matter, and basically why there was a Precursor to this blog. A lot has been said about ‘anti-PC’ shows like Dave Chappelle and Boondocks…but first, let’s get a definition of ‘anti-PC’ from the King of Links…

My opinion of what pc is, is that its basically having respect for others, using tact and being reasonable istead all ignant and in your face… and yes, sometimes that does result in folks taking it too far and not being real … but the anti-pc movement results in folks goin in the complete opposite extreme. ignorant and hateful things get thrown out there, under the guise of being real, and people like bill o'reilly and rush limbaugh are able to move from the fringe to the mainstream… felt i'd throw my definition in, since i coined the phrase.

By the way, the reason for his nickname is because dude is always sending me some interesting links online abut anything and everything, so that’s how he got his nickname. Good look King, and I apologize about the Bears and everything. Well, back to the situation at hand…

-- anti-PC movement

First of all, I want to say that I’m an avid watcher of the Boondocks, and have both uncensored DVD of Chappelle’s show Season 1 and 2. I say that to say that I appreciate the entertainment aspect of the shows, and the shows tend to drop knowledge concerning racial matters of the day. The question at hand; however, and the statement posed to me a while back from Ron bring us to this question…

Just how effective are shows like the Boondocks and Chappelle’s show?

I’ll make some quick references here to the Precursor, to catch everybody up and so I don’t have to go back and forth from the conversation between Jig and I. First of all, concerning the n-word, I’m against the use of it period point blank. I don’t say it, I don’t like it, there’s too many negative things associated with it, and am not ‘ambivalent’ to it, as a friend of mine so eloquently put it. Such words are said a lot on these shows, and I’m not going to say that it gives these shows a certain ‘spice’, but I think there are certain buzzwords, especially in matters of race, that invoke certain emotions. That being said, it’s funny how you can say the n-word on shows now and you really don’t get that effect. It’s disheartening, but I’m not necessarily blaming that on these shows…that’s just the culture in general…and that sucks.

Another thing, I understand that we give the media too much responsibility, especially with the aforementioned shows, but I think those familiar with Spider-man understand the quote ‘with great power, comes great responsibility’. And I say that to say you have to at least take a marginal responsibility, especially when you have a show that is trend-setting on many levels concerning racial tolerance and how people express themselves in certain situations. What tends to happen is people fail to understand what’s satire and what’s real, and that’s where you have lack of awareness in society overall.

Now, about the Boondocks episode that brought all of this to a head. “Return of the King” was an episode about a dream that one of the main characters, Huey, had about Dr. Martin Luther King. In this dream, Martin Luther King lived through the assassination attempt, as the famed gunshot would only put MLK in a coma. He would come out of the coma in the 21st century, and would continue his movement from there.

Now, much has been said of this episode, and you see where Jig and I had some disagreements. I’m pretty much just going to do a synopsis of everything that’s been said by everyone on this.

The first point folks made is about the ‘deification’ of MLK, and that has been done to some degree. I don’t feel we deified MLK, I feel like proper credit was given where proper credit was due, concerning the civil rights movement. In turn, I feel like we shouldn’t rest on King’s achievements (much like hip-hop shouldn’t rest and be defined on the deaths of ‘Pac and Big – another matter), but continue to work on the issues concerning civil rights and racism in this country.

The reason why there was talk about over-respect of MLK in the first place, though, is because of how he was portrayed on the episode in question. And I’m not tripping off the fact that he said the n-word, no, none of that. I just had an issue with how I felt like the civil rights movement was trivialized with the flashback to Rosa Parks, I didn’t like how they made MLK look unintelligent by signing the street team, and I especially didn’t like how he ‘ran’ to Canada.

To bring all of this together, concerning the ‘anti-PC’ movement and the Boondocks episode, and everything else: yes, I am a fan of racial satire, and yes, I do feel like shows of the sort are positive in some ways. That being said, I feel like these shows at times miss their marks, and when they do, it serves to expand the racial divide further and simply promotes more ignorance.

(Boy, I know the comments are coming after this one…)

Oh yeah, just a few more things…

‘Glory Road’ is NOT A CHEAP IMITATION of Coach Carter. I just can’t tell you guys how tired I am of hearing such. First of all, I need to say once and for all I’m tired of how we throw black achievements together…generalizing things ultimately makes us trivialize things, and I firmly believe that. The quality of what happened in each situation should be intriguing because of its similarities concerning the game of basketball, but also because of the situations concerning each. In fact, Coach Carter may not have even happened if not for the ‘Glory Road’ story, which involved the 1966 Texas Western team starting an all-black squad in the championship game. They defeated Kentucky that year, and it’s funny now, because I’m a fan of Kentucky basketball, and am very understanding of the positive and negative tradition of the program. Some might say “how can I root for a team that had a ‘racist coach’”, but the truth is Rupp’s actions were a sign of the times, and those times have changed because of the knowledge presented in that ’66 final. Now, Kentucky has a black coach, and the racial divide grows smaller.

One more thing, then I’m heading out...

You know how brothers will say to each other ‘what’s up dawg’? I’m going to try this with the youth, to see how impressionable they are…I’m going to replace ‘dawg’ in the previous quote with ‘king’. And I feel that should be done in reference to who our descendants were, and what our Father in heaven is. We should live as if we’re descendants of thrones in Africa, and infinitely more important, as if we are descendants of the throne up above. Love ya’ll and keep ya heads up.

The Good Doctor

P.S. So we have the Steelers and the Seahawks in Super Bowl XL. I think everyone wants the Steelers to win, and thinks that the Steelers will win by a lot because of Bettis playing in his hometown, the history, blah blah blah. But I’m here to tell you guys that this isn’t college football. Games aren’t won on tradition, and there’s a reason why the wild-card team playing on the road never made it to the Super Bowl, much less won that bad boy, and the reason is because after a while, people get tired, and injuries are more likely to happen. In addition to that, Seattle is a 4.5 point underdog. What?!?!?!?! Football players look at things like that, and they’re immensely motivated to win against the odds. That being said, the Steelers have two weeks to chill, and I’d like for them to win this game…and I’ll give you good folks a score later. (And with a Steelers win, The Good Doctor will go to 9-2 in postseason picks. Are you reading this, ESPN.COM?!?!?!?!?!? Nobody on your staff is that nice…)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

0 comments? Ashley, where you at?*chirp*

I can definitely respect what you are saying, Ken, but in my humble opinion, Boondocks is on Adult Swim. It is a comedy, you are supposed to laugh. If it is a show that does not make you laugh, you are not supposed to watch it.(Please note that you refers to anybody, a common grammatical ambiguity that people like myself make.)

Now I will never stay up to 12AM in Arizona, and now 11PM in New York, and watch a cartoon, and expect to be enlightened; School House Rock is behind us, sadly. So the fact that Boondocks left me thinking, made me proclaim it to be the greatest episode of Boondocks ever. That's past, that's future. I don't believe he will ever have a subject that is so important to the black culture, and combine it with his comedy genius, and just put it down like that.

So as far as these types of shows go, I believe we should all either take it or leave it. If 'nigga' offends you, don't support it. Likewise, Chapelle needing some personal time, or McGruder getting a "moral conscience," will do nothing to fix the big picture, which is our culture.

Now, can we change what's wrong with our culture? Of course. I can graduate with a Ph.D. Ashley can break barriers where she is. You can climb the ranks in the paper, or produce a high quality book. A book which isn't about giving head to rappers, or how your significant other is gay.

When it's time to change the world, and break racial stereotypes, I have no problem doing that. That time just better not be Sundays, 11PM-11:26PM EST.

2:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now on to NFL. Actually no, now on to the Panthers. I, simply, cannot, believe, how invisible they were. Delhomme was throwing Favre playoff-type interceptions(I love them both, but still.). The line couldn't have given Barry Sanders enough running room, much less Alexander. Conversely, our d-line would have allowed Goings the same 132 yards Alexander got.

Mangum has had butterfingers every time I've seen him play, Colbert needs to go back to USC. It is retarded the way the media plays this to be Smith's team, you see what happens when he's the only one trying. And I am so shocked to see Proehl not big gaming...I refuse to believe that was anything other than Delhomme not looking.

So what am I saying? Our o-line sucked. Our o-line meant Delhomme threw bad passes, which meant Smith got pissed, which meant Carter/Colbert/Mangum were rattled in big game settings. And I know Proehl was one on one covered; he shoulda got the ball more.

The haters will tell me to stop hating, but the Seahawks longest drive was 65 yards. Starting from the 35-yard line is not championship conditions. The Panthers' 5 3 and outs, 3 interceptions, one fumble is not championship caliber. So with all the bias of a Greensboro, NC representer, I say the Panthers did not show up, and gave the game away. It's almost as if they were overconfident for some ridiculous reason.

So good luck Hawks, if you beat the Steelers, you truly earned it, but I don't think Blitzburgh is going to bow down and bend over the way I never thought Carolina would ever do.

2:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I'm starting to see the light a little. (ha ha) Anything that Al Sharpton wants to complain about must be much ado about's the link:

But I respect what you're saying likewise, Iceman.

About the Pretty good breakdown of what happened, and I think that if we can find a strong running back (don't pay DeShawn), and see what we can do concerning a new secondary coach (it's always something with the DBs and ish), then we'll do what the Steelers did, lose the championship game, then win it the next year. Later mayne.

6:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First. Rest in peace, Corretta Scott King. How ironic is it that we are still commenting on her husband's death the day of her own? Now, who's down for lobbying for CSK Day along with MLK?

Iceman. Why you always clowning, lol? And how u knew I had nextel? hehehe. Don't you live up here? Don't make me come after you.

Back to the issue at hand, iceman, you are right on it with your arguments. The only addition I would make is that Sunday at 11 might not be the right time to enlighten those of you who are already enlighten (yea, you means iceman and ken specifically) or those of us who are working on enlightenment.

However, it might be perfect to open a few unenlightened eyes. I think jig made the point in the debate that the show is targeted at the Rileys, not the Hueys. If by watching that show for the laughs, one Riley got a little bit of knowledge, hasn't the show served a purpose? I'd like to think so.

Further, it may have served its purpose in the enlightened crowd by motivating it to step up a lil sooner than it might ordinarily have. I mean, without Boondocks, this commentary would not have been as interesting or thorough. Motivating a response to his works by those like us, agitating the sidelines - could this not be McGruder's purpose? (I don't know for sure, I'm not him, but just a thought)

Finally, a-whole-nother comment for sports??!! Jeez, I gotta get some other females on this joint. How would you like it if I did a-whole-nother post on PMS or why pantyhose suck just as bad as the Panther's "o-line"? Yea, okay then.


7:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Iceman,

How long has this blog been out? Around 7-8 days. It took her THAT LONG to think out/post a response :-), then she had the nerve to talk bad about us talking sports. All I have are two words...

That chick.


No, but I understand the points that everyone has been making, and everybody's coming real legit, looking real enlightened. It's just that I think this talk has run its...oh wait, peace to Mrs. King. Ummm, my last point on this topic is this: everybody's talking about shows like these raising the conscience of the 'unenlightened', but all I ever see in response to episodes of such shows are people laughing at the very real racism that continues to permeate this country, as opposed to laughing, then stepping back and saying 'dang homey, maybe the game needs to change'. That's my only knock, and for those of you that have been at the BLOG since the beginning, you know that to be my mission. A mission of enlightenment, if you will, to make sure that people acknowledge and understand the truth. Well, new blog coming soon. Take it easy folks,

*the WRITER of this here blog*

2:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope this isn't beating the proverbial horse:

Martin Luther King, III was in town on Friday the 27th. He was asked about the Boondocks episode on his father.

To paraphrase, he basically said that at first he was upset, but then he watched a little more later, and even laughed at some of it. He might sit down and watch it front to back soon(probably no time soon, RIP Mrs. King).

But his main points were that (1) McGruder should have hit the real hard topics King was going after, like redistribution of wealth among all people(who K III says is the topic that got his father killed). (2) We are not in the position where we should be off making derogatory statements about the people who allowed us to even be on television. To that end, he added that "Barbershop" "had no point," and he wonders who was behind that idea, because Ice Cube "couldn't have been that smart."

Well, dude, um....there you have it.

6:35 AM  

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