Saturday, December 03, 2005

Hey, a holiday contest from B.L.O.G.

Hey everybody,

Just wanted to thank you all for your continued support of the B.L.O.G., and we're having our first contest here at the B.L.O.G. You, yes Y-O-U, can win a free copy of Ralph Wiley's 'Why Black People Tend to Shout' if you leave a comment on 'The Blackest Friday' or on the upcoming post here at the B.L.O.G. If you've ever left a comment on the BLOG, you're automatically entered, and the best part is that shipping is free. We keeps it real at the BLOG, son, down to the postage. Hey, if you read it by Christmas, you can even wrap that bad boy up and send it to someone that needs the knowledge. Well, just to give you guys a heads-up on the next blog, it's going to be music-related...I wanna know what happened to Schoolhouse Rock...and other issues of that sort. You'll understand when you read it, trust me. Love ya'll folk,

The Good Doctor

Fine print: blah blah blah Void where prohibited blah blah blah I ain't sending that ish overseas blah blah blah Because he left a comment, The Good Doctor is eligible for the contest blah blah blah Rick James blah blah blah


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How the uff is Kenton J. Makin eligible! I smell a scam already!

And I got some secret insider information on Schoolhouse Rock so I'll wait til you post about it.

I can't front, I was clowning. "What's the prize, an autograph on a Hanes White Tee? Oh I think they like me when I'm blogging on the internet, so I'm gonna send an autograph over the internet."

Ohhhhhhhhh snap I can be one of the interchanged members in D4L/Dem Franchise Boys!!

(I had a bad evening but I'm trying to stay chipper. Holla back.

3:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahaha, iceman, clearly we're kindred spirits. How dare you be awake at 3:07am and beat me to the comments?!

And what do you mean not overseas? Not supporting our troops these days, eh? :-P

Finally, is it your used copy, complete with your own corrections to the author's views in the margins?? Might just be worth it then. :-D

Sidenote: If I'm so smart, how come (yes, how come) I can't hook up my old TV, new DVD Burner, Tivo, and Digital Cable Box? This proves that Columbia really does have a good affirmative action program.

9:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This isn't the real dkm...he woulda had 9 comebacks processing immediately, and maybe picked the 2nd or 3rd best...because he's always afraid I'll get sensitive(you cry one time over a basketball game...).


7:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kenton J.Makin,
Like really what is this freaking A website about?I'm like totally lost here,someone preferably Kenton J. Makin please help me out!I'm all for this B.L.O.G.I love it.I think it's becoming apart of my life.And I also love you guys.

see ya Love your buddy ol pal!

1:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


what was that crying about? sounds a little sensitive to me...


inquiring minds

2:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey anonymous guys,

I mean Iceman and Snuggles...well, moreso Iceman. I'm not so mad at you for crying about hoops, what I'm mad about is you missing that alley oop at Jefferson Pointe. Now Snuggles, AshleyFamu, whatever your name is, save all your smart comments for the TiVo box you still can't put together. You two be good now, I'm about to post some easy folks. Oh yeah, anonymous guy/gal, leave your name so that you'll be eligible for the end-of-the-year blog contest. One.

9:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Kenton, like me, is a very witty person, who sees no reason why expressing his opinion should not happen. And you see, basketball brings the N in all of us(dunno if I'm allowed to drop it, so I'll hold on to it.) And finally, I have a short fuse. Even worse then.

So the fact that I don't even remember what he said means it was nothing to get a hissy fit over. However, I got sour somewhere in the middle of the game, and was mad all the rest of the night.

I then proceeded to give him a ride home only because I had to, but didn't say anything. Then I sent an e-mail like I was a jaded ex. I relive it now because it's funny. If that's "a little sensitive," then I guess crying over Madden when I was a teenager wasn't so bad.

10:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo, where's the blog on my suggested topic about the anti-pc movement?

10:17 PM  

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