Thursday, September 29, 2005

Creepin' on the Come-Up :-)

Hey e'rebody,

Just had to tell you guys about my day. As you guys well know, I'm a full-time sportswriter, and today was definitely the best day of work ever. I was fortunate enough to be able to speak with Troy Williamson, wide receiver for the Minnesota Vikings. It was a great opportunity, and yo, everything is everything right now, or insert your own celebratory speak there. Overjoyed like Stevie Wonder right now. Troy's a nice dude, and he actually went to high school in our news coverage area, Silver Bluff High School in Jackson, SC, to be exact, and is doing big things with alma mater teammate and safety Corey Chavous. Williamson caught a 53-yard TD pass from Daunte Culpepper (2 weeks ago, ya'll didn't want him on our fantasy teams, now he hot, ya'll all on him), and is a real humble dude. Let me tell you guys, I really needed that boost, because I'm in the process of moving out of my crib after a heated dispute with my pops...details not pending. What happened isn't so important as much as a brotha getting out and making things happen for himself. Today's interview confirmed that, and all blessings go to God.

(singing 'it's such an incredible feeling', ha ha ha)

That's what trips me out about life sometimes, it's like a streak of good things will happen to us, and we'll ride that wave, but something bad will happen, or things will try to oppress us and we just fall off; sit there and cry over the 'spilt' milk instead of cleaning it up, and moving on. I guess that's my thing, staying tough and not letting the bad things bog me down so much that I miss out on the good things coming over the horizon. Well, I'm off to find another streak of good things, or rather, work to make that streak happen. Prayers and blessings continually to the world we live in...can't say that enough and it never becomes too trite to say. Love you peoples,

The Good Doctor

Oh yeah, the EWF lyrics were changed in the last post...for the classic 'Pure Gold'. Read those, and let the lyrics motivate you as much as they motivate me. Love you guys and take care. I should be 'blogging out' on a particular topic real soon, or maybe drop some poems. I'm making time guys, look at me now...~1~

Stuff on My Brain

Hey e'rybody,

Hope everybody's doing alright out's about three in the morning, and I remember that I hadn't updated the site. So here I am reloading the matrix...hope you guys enjoy. Man, I need to make a schedule so that I make the time to update at least twice a week...much love to e'rebody that comes to the site at least twice a love for ya'll...

Anyway, I'm going to shoot this blog from the hip...well, not so much. It is called 'stuff on my brain', after all. First things first, I gotta give you guys this's Michael Brown's know, from FEMA fame. Apparently, FEMA is another homeboy it's just like other gov't agencies :-) Check it out right here ya'll...

Two other links while I'm thinking about them...the Life After Curtiss Drive site is another blog from a friend of mine who is chronicling his life after he left his mother's house...really nice material, and as you read the blog, you can't help but root for dude. The other site is, a brother from Houston who has a really fun and interesting blog. He also writes on, so big ups. The Curtiss Drive link is up top, and for Bomani, go to

Let's see...Congress is still tripping off steroids while Louisiana still needs gov't love. Don't you understand, John McCain?!?!?! There are bigger issues going on right now. Craziness...but, I know something that's helping me to take my mind off the issues...

Earth, Wind, and Fire. That's right, the elements have come through for a brother. Last Tuesday, EWF dropped their latest album, Illumination, which featured a number of guest stars, and of course, the elements, musicians who are the best with drums EVER. Yeah, I said it. The things they do with drums, and just the African feel that a lot of their hits have had are simply phenomenal and are soul-filling joints. If you don't have 'em, you need to get the Essential Earth Wind and Fire CD, as well as Illumination. Well, my favorite joint off the new new is a song called 'Pure Gold', and if it was up to me, I'd make a new EWF greatest hits CD with this song on it.
(Just thinking...if you don't feel this is 'relevant', or that this particular blog entry is kinda like my man Jig's RomanceXpress site, forget ya'll...truth is the purging of the soul and true expression is always relevant. Let's get some stuff off our chest and say what's on our minds. Acknowledge your frustrations so that a solution can be found. No doubt...)

But yeah, the chorus to "Pure Gold":

Ooh your life is special (really special, yeah)
Your treasure lies in your soul
Truth in life will bless ya (really bless ya)
Riches come and go
Only love is pure gold

Best song I've heard all year. Yep, better than anything from Kanye or Common. Sorry folks. You're welcome to send your complaints :-)

Well I'm heading off. Promise u guys though it's not gonna take me a week to update, plus I gotta tell you all about this crazy month. Take care and God Bless,

The Good Doctor

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Standing in Need

Hello all,

Back again friends, after…well, let me check the date on this last blog…dang, it’s been that long? My bad folk, it’s been a crazy week here in the blog factory…family issues, life issues, stuff’s been crazy. But you don’t want to hear that, you want a fresh, new blog…well, I’ll see what I can do.

Straight up though, I can’t help but to reflect on this. It seems that hurricanes are doing their best rendition of the ABC’s; I can’t help but think that at this rate, we’ll be back at the A’s before we don’t want to know it. Bush is still Bush, and I’m not afraid to bash, in fact, his ineptness as prez is so obvious now that Republicans are probably shaking their heads like, ‘dang, he sucks as a prez, but he’s great for our businesses!!!’ Ok, ok, I’m off the Chris Rock, but if it’s not gas, it’s money matters, it’s the world around us, it’s our own homes, our friends who are next door, but might as well be a million miles away because they’re so ‘busy’ :-P Riiiiiiiiiight. Well, with that being said, I thank everyone who’s been patient with the site and are truly unwavering in their faith and look to this site for motivation, conversation, and stimulation. Glad a brotha can provide. One more side note before I get to the heart of the matter…

Ok, I’m a sportswriter, so I appreciate that folks take sports so seriously because it ensures that a brotha can get bank just for coverage of athletic exploits and the emotions that go with them. That being said, I think we all need to take a step back and realize that sports are entertainment…simply games, people, games. I see situations in my line of work where people are supposedly happy, ‘lifted’ because the NEW ORLEANS Saints beat the Carolina Panthers, or because Tulane played a football game. Yes, it’s good to see the mass minority get back to work, but the fact of the matter is there’s still more to be done. So, yes, Congress needs to stop asking Major League Baseball players about Rafael Palmiero, steroids, and all of that, and start stepping up and making some got danged executive decisions that will affect us as a whole, and stop trying to blind folks with trite chaff. Can’t help but to compare Congress to the episode of Chappelle’s Show (you remember Chappelle, right…oh Dave, we hardly knew ya) where Dave was Black Bush, and how he parodied Bush’s knack for straying away from real issues. A classic, just like the show. Can’t help but say though they broke up the Black Panthers, shot Martin and Malcolm, Pac and Big…it’s like every concentrated effort of liberation and black expression is thwarted, with no Plan B or legit BET. Those of ya’ll who don’t understand my drift just don’t have any Video Soul. Donnie Simpson, ha ha… :-) Well, we got the B.L.O.G. and Tavis, no doubt.

Well, my desire for this blog was to initiate a prayer list for those of us who have issues in our life that we can’t do anything more than to take to God, which really is everything in my life. Like I was telling my homeboy Jig (check dude out at romancexpress, link is at the top of da page), ‘i myself am tired of expending so much energy walking in proverbial circles’…we walk in those circles because we walk ever so slightly out of the will of God…and after a while, you look and you’re in the wilderness, completely distant from Him. So, bring those concerns here, and they definitely will be prayed on…by a youth group that I teach every Wednesday night at my church (oh yeah, time for me to put up some new links…) and myself. Well, let’s ‘cut the ribbon’ here on this by casting cares on Him right now…

You could bow your heads and close your eyes, but how will you see the post? Ha!

I come to you thanking you for the things that you’ve done in my life, the people you’ve allowed me to meet, and the experiences you’ve allowed me to encounter. I thank you for your mercy and grace; for sustaining me in spite of myself. I ask that you will bless the world that we live in, that you will help us to remember that despite rampant activity, that you are still the Creator. I ask that you will bless the site and its readers, that if should be in your will that you will allow both to go on as you see fit, and allow the interactions as such to be a testament to your people. I ask your mercy and grace for those who fight all over the world to stay alive, to stay ‘above water’, and to stay strong. I leave here asking that you will allow those who may read this that don’t understand your power that they will want to learn more about you.

In Jesus’ name,

The Good Doctor

You guys can leave your dedications/requests in ‘comments’ or send them to Take care ya’ll.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

The Responding Front

Hello all,

I sent out an e-mail to a number of readers that were either from the area affected by Hurricane Katrina, or those that went to school there. I received a response from a good friend of mine, a Miss Philadelphia :-) who is allegedly a graduating senior at Howard (just having fun with you Philly.) Anyway, she spoke out, and as you see, has a lot on her mind. Check it out:

I want to say my heart goes out to all who have been affected by the hurricane. I would love to respond to your comment or question, by speaking not only as a resident of Louisiana, a person whose family was directly and totally affected by the hurricane, but also as a citizen of the US. But I don't really know what to address or discuss first. I will however just list a few things about the whole situation in general that I am really having a tough time dealing with.

• First I believe a lot of the problems and complications surrounding the hurricane situation stems a lack of clear and precise communication, preparation, and leadership. On both lower level gov. (the governor specifically) and national (Bush). And I am not saying this to Bush bash, but I think the way in which he responded what not only with a lack of the utmost response, but in a more nonchalant manner. I feel that the government knew a hurricane was coming and was going to hit somewhere, why weren't there proceedures food, aid, etc, already in place, so that when the storm did hit, things would already being in place, they would just have to go into the targeted area.
• Second, I am disturbed, with the delayed response to give aid to the people. If we think back, when the Tsunami hit, the US was sending aid, through money, clothing/food, and service, within a matter of two days. With the issue of Iraq, the US took the liberty of going into this country, without being asked, and began to impose the American lifestyles and culture on these people, then after destroying their country we then provided aid to them in order to help them rebuild and have a "fresh start," when 9/11 occurred, the government was the first ones to disburse food, water, clothing, and over 1 million dollars within a matter of hours, yet in this case the government decided to follow regulations and procedures before disbursing aid. Saying that before they could send food, water, rescue team, and troops, the governor and mayor had to request it, although it was not requested during 9/11 but was automatically given, due to the situation. I guess when it is terrorist or man made threats that affect our nations majority, we respond but when it is an act of nature, and the majority that is affected in the minority, we have to follow the rules and regulations.
• Third, I am DISTURBED about the issue of transporting our residents all throughout the states. Now don't get me wrong, I am grateful that people and other states came to the rescue, but the next addressing issue from this point on is how will these people get back to their homes, one the city is back in a more live able condition. Many of these people were taken from their homes, and placed in new cities in TEMPORARY shelters, where in a few weeks they will have to leave, and have NOTHING. Yes, one can say this is an opportunity for them to start a new life, but when your whole life has been based and centered in a particular area and way of life to be taken away from it is already devastating, but to be placed so far away, without a way of knowing if you will ever be able to go back home, is even more devastating, which is why I think many of them do not want to leave, and why many are not going to these cities that are so far away. And in this case, if the govt. will not take them back home, then some of these people will never go back. And there is one thing I can say about my people and us in New Orelans, we are very territorial, and where we live is where we run it and where we stay. It is very rare that you find people all over town, we only go when we have to but after that we are back home in our own territory, and I think that taking them all over the states places them in a bad situation,
• Because another issues at hand is that before the storm hit, all of the rich and wealthier Caucasian Americans left, because they had the resources and the means to do so, so when this is all over and they begin to rebuild New Orelans, it will be a bigger and better, and more expensive place, and the rich and wealthier Caucasians will be the the ones will move back sooner than many of the other African American residents, and by then it will be too expensive for them to live, which will then have New Orleans become a more predominately white city. And we as black residents are like, we can't let that happen, because this is our home, or city our culture or heritage,and if THEY live there then they have not only kept us out, but have hidden and taken over our culture.
• As a sidebar, this only reminds me of when they brought the slaves over on boats, they did the same thing, took them from their environment, where they were planted and rooted in their culture and heritage, and were transported to a new place, miles and miles away from their home, where they were told to just adjust and start a new life, never to really return back home, and in this new place, they did adjust and practically start over, but in the midst of starting over they adapted the new culture and did not fully embrace their own, which then created a new culture. Now tell me does this not sound like our residents being transported to these new cities, and saying since you can't go home until Jan. anyway, you might as well just start over and adapt.
• Last, I would just like to say I am VERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRY DISTURBED at how Bush, somehow in the midst of taking his time to send immediate aid to dying, malnutrition and desperate people, he somehow found time to IMMEDIATELY, 2 days later to be exact, appoint one of his BOYS to the CHIEF JUSTICE seat, after Rehnquist died, only 2 days earlier. (editor's note, AND FOUND TIME TO VACATION :-] ) This to me truly shows where his attention was. Appointing someone who, number one was initially nominated to replace Justice Sandra O'Connor, but was SUDDENLY CLAIMED nominee for C.J. Someone who is "SUPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPER CONSERVATIVE" and will be if/when confirmed, able to make decision on MAJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR ISSUES surrounding AFFIRMATIVE ACTION, ABORTION, GAY RIGHTS, AND RELIGION IN SOCIETY. These issues that DIRECTLY EFFECT US as BLACK AMERICANS. He is also nominating a YOUNG conservative to the position of O'Connor, who is now planning to stay until a replacement is found.
• I'm also observing how easily our government's attention is diverted, but color-based barrier or 'lesser' issues (i.e. when Ray Charles died, media coverage covered, snippets of his life, but a few days later, Reagan died, and ALLLLLLLLLL media coverage went to Reagan, and Charles had been forgotten and never re mentioned. Likewise, we have the New Orleans relief and rescue mission, then the Justice dies and his predecessor political conflict is then covered. and a host of other issues, but these are here to name a few.)

In conclusion, I am devastated at the response of the US govt. and even of some of the people of the United States concerning this situation. I will say many came to the rescue and many talk about how they would like to help. We'll don't sit back and be sorry, be concerned by getting up and doing something to help and make a change. I will say this, to me this just shows me that racism is STILL ALIVE AND WELL TODAY, the only thing is it took a hurricane to uncover the truth. I thank you for letting me vent, and just hearing me out.


You guys take care and respond likewise.

The Good Doctor

Monday, September 05, 2005

Response to 'Missed Opportunity'

Hello all,

This is a response to a comment left to me by one of the readers in reference to the "Missed Opportunity" went a little something like this...

First off, a question...Do you really think that the gas companies are trying to take advantage of the situation in the Gulf Coast for profit?

The strong did what they could, the weak suffered what they must.
--Thucydides, Greek historian

Hey friend,

First and foremost, let me say that I appreciate your input, and I
thank you for sharing your thoughts with the BLOG website.

To answer your question, YES, I do feel like that gas companies are trying to take advantage of the situation in the Gulf Coast for profit. However, they aren't alone in the exploitation of that unfortunate situation. Media figures also have stepped up to the forefront.

I noticed in your comments that you sent two main paragraphs: the first dealing with capitalism and consumers, while the second dealt with consumers accepting the fates of gas...or, acting like the 'weak' in the above quote.

Well, I'll speak on paragraph one first. Yes, gas is a traded commodity, and the price of gas can be influenced by the way it is traded. However, such trading wouldn't cause such rapid rising in prices, and certainly wouldn't change so variably amongst states. Some areas in Atlanta during the gouging of prices paid 5-6 dollars A GALLON for gas, while most of us in Carolina, and apparently in Tallahassee paid around 3-3.50 a gallon for gas. That was Wednesday-Thursday, when
the hysteria hit people like...well, you know. Like a storm. At any rate, over the weekend, gas prices died down considerably. This had nothing to do with how gas is traded, friend, but rather because of the hysteria that's died down. And, judging by people's actions and the lack of media exposure on gas during the weekend, it makes the "Missing Opportunity" blog all the more powerful. Again, if a strike on gas would've been imposed by city-wide figures and even nationally, consumers would've made a HUGE statement, and certainly the powers-that-be would've responded well to not having to 'open the reserves', right? (By the way, I only say that in quotations because it served to add to the hysteria that sent so many people running to gas.)

Of course, the situation in New Orleans is bigger than the price of gas and media exploitation. Those 2 topics are merely factions of the inferior government that we live under, and whether we like it or not, the one we abide by. That brings me to your second paragraph…

About consumers who have to ‘accept’ the fate of gas. Yes, people have to get to and from work, and let’s face it, we live in a capitalist society. Concerning the Wed-Thurs hysteria, in reference to this wonderful capitalist society we live in, if I see gas at 4.00 a gallon at one station, and see it at 3.25 at another station, guess what station I’m going to? Of course, that’s the station most are going to go to. I say the obvious because if you see gas at a station on Thursday at 4.00 a gallon, and other unprecedented prices around the country, my logic is to take discretion, certainly not RUN to the pumps. Didn’t we learn anything from the Y2K paranoia?!?!?!?!?!

Something else. The run to the pumps, more than anything was discouraging because it shows how people are really out for themselves, caring about their own welfare as opposed to anything else. I say this on two levels. One, you see people in SUV’s and big rigs obliging to prices, and rightfully so. Those people can AFFORD IT…I cringe up when I see large families that ride in a Ford Focus, and then I see a party of one cruising in his/her 2005 Escalade or Navigator. The other issue concerning people caring for themselves is that, truthfully, that’s how our country teaches us…and I’ll go so far as to say it’s working especially well for black people. You know why some of the readers disagreed when I said to strike against gas?? Because people haven’t seen community-wide unity ever. We certainly haven’t seen it in our generation, or, we haven’t seen anything like the Civil Rights movement. Look guys, it wasn’t a half-century ago that Rosa Parks set off a chain of events that kept people from taking the bus, or their MAIN SOURCE OF TRANSPORTATION, for almost a year. And why, you ask? To improve the condition of life, to improve the COMMUNITY.

There’s much more I can say here, especially concerning how media takes advantage of the situation on the Gulf Coast. I’ll just say this to summarize the media’s view on that situation…bad news is good news. Take care you guys,

The Good Doctor

Hey guys, I got a new poem coming up…trying to think of a prelude for it to put here, but believe it or not, I’m SPEECHLESS. Ha ha ha ha…let me stop. Just be here when it breaks through. –Love is the remedy --

One more thing...check out this site...
This Nat'l Geographic story is almost speaks of how capitalist expansion at the risk of natural resources put N.O. at risk...check it out.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Missed Opportunity

Hello all,

Wow, I love an aptly named post. First and foremost, I’d like to take a moment and do something I didn’t do in my last blog, and that is to send out regards and prayers on behalf of this site to those experiencing the aftereffects of Hurricane Katrina. It’s specifically affected those states on the Gulf, but now even farther out we experience differences in life because of an event that may very well be a defining moment of our lifetime, sitting in top tier with the towers falling. Again, prayers and love from B.L.O.G., and as I like to say, love is the remedy.

Now, the missed opportunity I speak of comes in lieu of the gouging of gas prices because of Hurricane Katrina. The last week of August, and fears associated with the hurricane included such rumors as shortage of gas, and the strategic U.S. oil refineries were opened up because of such fears. Because of the imminent demand for gas, gas stations countrywide raised prices 40 and 50 cents to profit off of what I consider for the most part, paranoia. When I woke up August 31st, 2005 gas was around 2.39 in some areas (I’m a resident of South Carolina), and as sure as I’m finishing up this blog, gas is 3 dollars a gallon. This happened in a number of cities nationwide, and of course, people drove, in, well droves to fill up their tanks for fear of running out.

Now, surely gas guzzlers and those of us with SUV’s that can splurge probably were in line, and concede with how easily we as a country can be manipulated by media coverage and fears that we would run out of gas. I’m not so fortunate, and when I saw the rise in prices, the first thing I was thinking was ‘wow, this is the perfect time for a gas strike’. Clearly, gas companies look to take advantage of the situation in New Orleans as an opportunity to raise gas prices, to disregard well-being instead of maintaining consistent prices, seeing how much money will already be spent in rescue and rebuilding efforts.

Concerning the strike, I believe that a session starting on the 1st of September, Thursday, through the weekend would’ve effectively made a collective statement to companies, saying that we as a country understand the dynamics of what they’re trying to do, and we will stand for it no longer. Such rising of gas prices is unacceptable, and it’s funny in the South seeing governors trying to control such outlandish practices. Sadly, this wave of capitalism will go unabated unless barricaded by the power of consumers.

Alas, going through rush hour, I see people tripping over each other trying to fill their tanks, as if they were trying to get the last drops of water on Earth. It’s sad, really, to see us as a nation respond so hysterically to what clearly was companies taking advantage of what we’ve seen on TV and heard on the radio all week.

Long story short, just because you see someone with an SUV or a Ford F-1050 (being facetious), filling up their tanks and throwing 50 dollar bills around like rice at a wedding doesn’t mean you have to break the bank to keep up with an ongoing hysteria. Even though this is the 21st century, you’d be surprised to see that the dollar has more juice than to power a collect call, and all that juice together should’ve powered what would’ve been a country-changing, nationwide strike.

Love you all,
The Good Doctor

Oh yeah, check out my Soul Brother’s website in the links…my man Jig has a site called RomanceXpress…he’s a very introspective brother like myself, and I trust that you will enjoy his site as much as you enjoy the BLOG. Peace and take care.