Monday, October 31, 2005

Track 3 from Outkast's Aquemini

What’s up e’rybody,

So now I actually need the extra hour of sleep, or just to turn back the clock an hour, and I can’t do it. Dang. Anyway, I hope everybody’s ready to get the week started off right, hope you guys went to church, or if ya couldn’t make it, you studied and meditated on a lil’somethin’. I’m actually over here working on “Roses Revolt”, which is supposed to be a poem about continuing the legacy of working towards civil rights, something that as a nation we’ve slipped on the past few decades. As I’m writing this, I’m watching the 11 o’ clock news, where my favorite opportunist Al Sharpton is speaking on behalf of the departed Rosa Parks. They cut back to the newsroom, where they say the words ‘mother of the Civil Rights Movement’. No problem there, right? Not so fast, my friend…my uncle has a little problem with that. He’s a high school history teacher that knows a lot about…well, history, so he gives some pretty good points about why she can’t be called MotCRM. Ok, now, he didn’t pull a Cedric in Barbershop and say Rosa didn’t do jack; he actually said she’s the ‘modern-day mother of the CRM’, but to call her ‘the mother’ does a great injustice to activists that fought to weaken the barriers that Ms. Parks and MLK would ultimately do a number on. So my uncle brings up:

Plessy vs. Ferguson
(Synopsis courtesy of
On June 7, 1892, a 30-year-old colored shoemaker named Homer Plessy was jailed for sitting in the "White" car of the East Louisiana Railroad. Plessy was only one-eighths black and seven-eighths white, but under Louisiana law, he was considered black and therefore required to sit in the "Colored" car. Plessy went to court and argued, in Homer Adolph Plessy v. The State of Louisiana, that the Separate Car Act violated the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution. The judge at the trial was John Howard Ferguson, a lawyer from Massachusetts who had previously declared the Separate Car Act "unconstitutional on trains that traveled through several states". In Plessy's case, however, he decided that the state could choose to regulate railroad companies that operated only within Louisiana. He found Plessy guilty of refusing to leave the white car. Plessy appealed to the Supreme Court of Louisiana, which upheld Ferguson's decision. In 1896, the Supreme Court of the United States heard Plessy's case and found him guilty once again.

Parks not the first to be arrested for refusing to move on the bus
(Excerpt from this site)
Her arrest was the answer to prayers for the Women's Political Council, which was set up in 1946 in response to the mistreatment of black bus riders, and for E.D. Nixon, a leading advocate of equality for blacks in Montgomery.
Blacks had been arrested, and even killed, for disobeying bus drivers. They had begun to build a case around a 15-year-old girl's arrest in March 1955 for refusing to give up her seat, and Parks had been among those raising money for the girl's defense. But when they learned that the teenager was pregnant, they decided that she was an unsuitable symbol for their cause.

I mean, I knew about the Plessy case, but the story with the pregnant young lady is new to me. I learned two things from this conversation with my uncle…one, we really didn’t learn jack in high school, and two, Lord knows we need to know stuff for ourselves…and the only way to do that is to pick up a book and not only read, but read in-depth to gain knowledge and understanding. Big up, Unc.

That being said, Rosa Parks sparked a chain of events that rocked this nation, and all from a genuine act of defiance against something she knew was wrong. History tries to paint her as a women who was ‘just tired’, someone who didn’t know any better than not to sit in the ‘whites only’ area. Gibberish. Parks knew the stakes and I appreciate what the beautiful woman did. I just have the good sense to appreciate all the other ‘body blows’ Jim Crow took before Rosa Parks ‘gut-punched’ that behind, and MLK wrecked shop after that. Oh yeah, and speaking of MLK, look up A. Philip Randolph…he tried Marching on Washington before MLK…look up some of this stuff, ya’ll…I’m telling you, knowledge sparks a revolution in all of us. When we know what’s going on, I truly believe that it inspires us to do better.

Oh yeah, for those of you that were worried about Jig (writer of Romancexpress), dude is doing quite well, as well as to be expected I say. At the homegoing for his mother, he actually took some parts from ‘the Melinda Parade’ and used that in some of what he said about his moms (to read the whole thing, click the link up top that says Romancexpress), and just to see him up there talking about his moms like that in the midst of what was going on made me tear up, I ain’t gonna lie. (And those of you who read ‘the Melinda Parade’ in its entirety, got dang it’s nothing like hearing it live, man.) I also know where others and myself fed off his strength on that day; he may need us down the road. So we’re here. Jig, you and Duhon take care.

The Good Doctor

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

A Crazy Wednesday

What's up,

You guys see the title, and it's been just that. There's a lot going on in the world, with Rosa Parks' passing, Swoopes coming out the closet, Air Force's coach 'stating the obvious', and just a lot of things that matter somewhat, but don't really matter much as taking care of home. So, that's what I'm doing. In a related situation, pray for my man Jig, the writer of't ask why, just make that happen...he needs your prayers, shoot, we all need your prayers. When I come back, things are really going to change around here. I had an episode at the Bible Study I teach that really requires for me to step my game up in a positive manner. A lot of the peeps who've known me for a long time say that this website was the Declaration of my Independence, but cats and kitties, you really haven't seen a thing. So that's what I'm working on. I'll be blogging, game won't change, but the only things on the brain right now are God, family, Jig, and this new joint I got on my dome called 'Roses Revolt'. When you see it, you gon' get it, and hopefully it gets in the Florida A&M newspaper, hopefully on the blackcollege website, man bigger than that. Rosa Parks, I see you as figuratively literal, or literally as figurative as I can, and a brotha is GOING AHEAD AND DOING SO. See ya'll real soon,

The Good Doctor

Yo, e'rebody sleeping or down or feeling inferior, it's time for revolution. "Roses Revolt" post on the B.L.O.G. Stay tuned.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

B.L.O.G. update

Hey e'rybody,

Posting up here like Shaq just to let you just know that I haven't forgotten about you, it's just that a brotha's schedule has been hectic since the last time we spoke. At any rate, I'm taking out this time to let you guys know what's coming up from the B.L.O.G. First off, the good news. I'm working REALLY HARD here, setting up a schedule for the way I do things (basically a daily life schedule, or some'n like that) so that I basically update here on my off days. That means you guys get a blog twice a week, which was my original intention of this site. Also, I haven't heard from a lot of you guys, so I'd love for you to leave comments here, or even to send them to my personal e-mail...which is Just put 'black log reader' in the subject column so that I won't think it's spam. Well, two things before I get back on the, I want to suggest to you guys a lovely remedy to break up your Friday night monotony...and hear me out on this one. Try a high school football game. After my 80-mile round trip trek to cover a recent football game, I can tell you that the games are therapeutic, and even more so when you can watch them as a neutral entity. Trust me, this will be great for the ladies and the gents. Here's why:

Ladies (my ladies, you know you're first ;-} )
--Ok, ok, so you can get into your favorite club for free...but, at the game, the one-legged guy with two left feet and the stench of 'dro won't be "d-ing you" up on your all night like Gary Payton in his prime...or Martin on Gina. Whichever works for you.
--Personally, I think that's the only reason the ladies need. Ok, ok, here's another can go out and dress up, look nice, and people will notice. Younger people, yes, but people will notice. And all you guys need is attention, right? :-) :-P

Now my fellas...
--Ok, so the professionals say they'll play for free. But we REALLY know they won't. But I know who will, and I know that the young ones are going to leave it all on the field every game. ESPECIALLY the rivalry games...even if you're away from home, check out the rivalry games in your area and peep one'll remind you of old times, especially you guys who played football.
(see, the last reason was universal)
--Also, for what it's worth, I'm tired of the primadonna athletes. Give me the guy like Cal (I know you read the last blog, so don't ask who Cal is) and a bunch of others like him who get giddy when someone even does coverage for their school. A player who doesn't take being wide-open or finding daylight for granted. Someone just like us, on the grind, working everyday, every week at practice for three hours of shine...and much more shine to my scholar athletes. But I digress. Give me someone who has legit desire.
And the club reason:
--Let's be real. Most games are 5 bucks. Five bones, folk. You WISH you could get into a club for that much...and we're not even going to talk about the drinks you're going to buy to get at that girl...when you'd have just as much of a chance pouring those drinks in the Atlantic.
A sidenote for my fellas:
Leave the girls alone. PLEASE. Leave them alone. Church's Chicken and preservatives and 21st century chemicals have done well to make 13-year old girls look 20, but...the Keds and the attitude should look to be points of discernment. Please, take caution. Besides, you're going to watch the game anyway, just like you did back in the -- never mind.

Lightheartedness aside, I gotta be heavy for a minute...shouts out to my folk in FL...Wilma ain't playing. Loved ones, and I mean all ya'll, keep ya heads up.

Oh yeah, I did promise two's the 2nd:

What's coming up with the BLOG? Here it is...
Ashley and Ramone, I haven't forgotten about your blog requests, and I will be posting those...Ram's is especially crucial because I'm going to take his and address HBCUs, in comparison to other schools. It will get hot in here, no dizzle no doubt. Also got the top 50, which I'll be posting, and just a whole lot on my if you want me to speak on something, leave a comment and let me know. Well, I'm off you guys take care.

The Good Doctor

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Praying for the Enemy

What it is peoples,

Hey hey…hope that everyone is having a great week, and I’m ready to bless you guys with this blog called ‘Praying for the Enemy’. It’s a special one to me, and it’s really a story of transcendation…just looking at basic situations and seeing how life trumps itself on a lot of levels. First off, just wanted to ask your continued prayers for those who send love to the BLOG, who send their prayers to the blog, and certainly those that continue to be affected by the rampant natural disasters going on right now. Two scriptures for you cats to look at:

(7) And they asked him, saying, Master, but when shall these things be? and what sign will there be when these things shall come to pass? (8) And he said, Take heed that ye be not deceived: for many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and the time draweth near: go ye not therefore after them. (9) But when ye shall hear of wars and commotions, be not terrified: for these things must first come to pass; but the end is not by and by. (10) Then said he unto them, Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: (11) And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.
--Luke 21:7-11

Now that may get the attention of a lot of you...because Luke 22 is a trill, yes, trill chapter. Everyone needs to peep it out in its entirety. That being said, this is why there are TWO scriptures for you guys to look at:

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
--2 Tim. 1:7

Whew. Everybody breathe easy now. Well, let’s get to it:

------Praying for the Enemy------

The final score was 28-20, Westside. That being said, the final score wasn’t important, the time on the clock wasn’t important. What was important to me was….well, let me catch you up.

The Thoroughbreds faced off against Westside High School (Rams) this Friday night, and the home T-Breds were ready to battle against one of the best teams in South Carolina. The T-Breds were led by sophomore quarterback Calvin Fuller, a talented young man with a compassionate spirit woven together with youthful exuberance. This in combination with the speed of a cheetah is what makes him the story.

The first time I met Calvin, he was the player of the week for our local paper. I met him right after practice, and the first thing you meet before you meet the dude is his smile. I say that because in my profession, I meet so many people without personality, and it’s just interesting that his personality would get there before he did. Fun-loving guy, and it’s easy for his teammates to rally around him. I could tell he never really done any interviews, but still, there was something about him that was special. Special, like in 10 years, Nike might be interviewing his high school coach to do one of their spots.

That’s who he reminds me of, a young Mike Vick. For you football heads, South Aiken runs the power option, and he’s a perfect fit, truly a dual threat on any given Friday. So to have seen this guy in practice, to see the majestic Calvin run with, like, and for…well, the Thoroughbreds, it was a surprise to see this…

It was about the third quarter, and SA had the ball. Calvin got the rock, had to check down and started running. SA was at home, so the crowd revved up in anticipation for a big run, and rightfully so. Calvin ran towards the right sideline, where he was tackled after he got about six yards. Normally Cal would just jump up, ready to get the first down on the next play.

But that was the thing…you see, Calvin didn’t get up. He just laid there…and I’m a living testimony to the fact that when the sounds of thousands of people screaming and yelling for their respective teams is replaced by a collective silence, there is a BIG vacuum. In that vacuum is relevance. It makes the game seem trite by comparison, and all we really care about is whether someone, in this case Cal, is fine or not. In my case, it was the excitement in my belly being replaced by the emptiest, sickest feeling in the world. In my militant mind, I was reading the irony of it…to see a gifted, talented runner, a horse if you will, laying there helplessly, not being able to run, no longer an asset to bigger business. And what do they do with a horse that can’t run?!?!?!?

We waited until Calvin’s coach, Dan Pippin, came out to the field to help out his QB. Rightfully so, I mean, a lot of players see coach more than they see their own families. So when Pippin and a trainer carried Cal off the field, it was one thing to cheer, but another just to see how the family would deal with it.

I couldn’t really concentrate during the rest of the game, which the home team would eventually lose…all I was really worrying about was talking to Cal.

I got to talk to the coaches after the game, immediately asking Pippin about Cal’s status and whether he was fine. He said Cal would be ok, and that he should be ready to go.

About this Pippin guy though. He always looks at me with this clever grin, he too being aware of what’s going on around him. Everytime we talk, there are so many factors at play. Aside from the coach-media relationship, he knows something about me that the rest of his players don’t know. Four years prior, I graduated from Aiken High School, which happens to be a rival high school just across town. It’s funny, because just four years ago, I would’ve been ecstatic to hear that South Aiken’s star QB had gone down with an injury, all the better for my hometown Hornets!!! Point of relevance has come though, no doubt…

So now out of the corner of my eye I see the limping Cal, who is flanked by two young ladies, much like in a split back formation. So I go over to Cal, and per usual, the smile says ‘what’s up’ first. I go over to Cal, and the first thing I do…what my instincts tell me to do…

Is pray.

I go over to Cal, put a hand on him, and prayed with him. Apparently prayer served to shed the young ladies, so it’s hard not to call them…well, they might not be groupies. Just Cal fans. A lot of us are. But I prayed with him, and I hoped the best for him…I hoped that he would be at full strength, not just for his team, but to be a testimony, to ultimately be an example for the community of perseverance. That his play be a microcosm of what he really represents, an ambitious young man with the imagination of a child, and the determination of someone 20 years his senior.

Now, if Cal beats my Hornets…I might be a little peeved. But there is the joy and the excitement that comes with Fridays. Covering these young athletes is something else…you can see the love of the game, and just seeing different teams on a weekly basis is a lot like seeing different cultures…it enlightens the most seasoned of life-livers and life-givers. But yeah, this Blog is for my, for my…

For my young athletes…
Cal, Ash’s kid sis Whitney…she my lil’ sis too, all the dudes that play for AHS…just e’rebody…trust, I understand the game and what makes it beautifully human, perfectly imperfect…take care and keep making them get out their seat!!!!!

------Praying for the Enemy------

The Good Doctor

Oh yeah, I want to hear from you guys about the top 50 songs from the artists I talked about in a previous blog, and man, this is for my folks trying to make it…if you busy all the time, and you need a boost, send some love to the BLOG, just saying that you trying to make ends meet, and we’ll send the love back. Trust me, I know I’m trying to make it on this end, and I know it gets tough. But ‘Pac says keep your head up. I do as well. Take care.

P.S. Blue, Ebony, Baby Dee and Charmin all got b-days from Oct. 12 through the 14th...happy birthday to all my beautiful birthday ladies, no doubt...

Thursday, October 06, 2005

A Nice, Rainy Night

Hey e’rybody,

I’m hoping that everyone’s doing well, and that you all are having a great week. It’s a rainy night (and yes, I am up at 5am), and I don’t know about you guys, but I really love the rain…it allows me to think clearly and just reflect on life. Well, there’s a lot on my mind, and I’m going to give you a preview right now of what’s on the docket:

Fantasia – freeing herself in a memoir
Bill Bennett – what’s in his ‘book of virtues’
Watching Bamboozled while thinking about Joe Clair and the ABC network
Preview of this week’s upcoming blog, ‘Praying with the Enemy’

But first, a word from a fortune cookie from a horrible Chinese restaurant in South Carolina...

Respond intelligently even to unintelligent treatment.

(Oh, and the lucky numbers are 2, 5, 7, 10, 12, and 20)

All I will say about this comment (and I’m sure a bunch of you agree with me) is this; for those of you that go to work everyday with class, and work at your job to the best of your ability in spite of your superiors and even your co-workers, this quote is for you. Another thing…take it from me, especially if you have a job that you truly love to do, don’t let any man or woman take the joy of doing something you love to do away from you.

Well, with that being said, let’s get to the list…starting with…

Fantasia…freeing herself in a memoir…I read this on ABC News…here’s the link…

Reading this just brought a whole lot of things to me, stemming from the fact that this beautiful and talented young lady was able to overcome a number of horrible episodes from her dark past. Two alarming things jumped out at me, one, that she was raped in the ninth grade and two, that Fantasia, her mother, and an estimated 25 million Americans are functionally illiterate. That comes out to around one in five adults. I hope that people really hear her message, and more importantly, do what they can to help out with the school boards and with making children aware about such pertinent topics.

Now to a half-wit…

“But I do know that it’s true that if you wanted to reduce crime, you could, if that were your sole purpose, you could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down,”
Bill Bennett, author of “The Book of Virtues”

I’m not going to give this guy much of my time. I’ll give you a little background on dude that I got from…BB used to be the secretary of education back in the day, and also partnered with C. Dolores Tucker (oh remember, ‘Pac had a lot to say about her back in the day) to ‘lead’ the ‘war’ on gangsta rap. Again, it’s people like this that get put in office because we don’t go out and vote, and when we vote, we don’t focus on the real issues that pertain to the betterment of society. Instead, geniuses like Bennett get to sound off on infanticide. And while Bennett speaks ‘the truth’ in his Book of Virtues, I peep my man…

Joe Cleezy with the “trade in your breakfast for these Dannon…” something he said. Just shocking. Dude went from Rap City to Madd Sports to…commercial duty. Not that I’m a Joe Clair fan or anything, it’s just that it’s a shame to see what people will do for money…by the way, if you’ve never seen Bamboozled, there’s a logical reason for that. One, you didn’t feel like paying the 30.00 that Wal-Mart and Best Buy seem to price Spike Lee movies with, while you can get Dumb and Dumber for 5.50. Speaking hypothetically about everything in that statement ‘cept the ridiculous prices for Spike Lee’s Malcolm X, and Do the Right Thing. That being said, I caught Wally World slippin’ last week, as I picked up Get on the Bus for 5.50, and Bamboozled for se’en fitty (7.50, people). And yes, those were the last copies. Probably the only copies, just to keep me coming back to Wal-Mart :-] Sad to see My Wife and Kids in syndication though…apparently ABC got another wholesome African-American sitcom. They got De La Croix, aaaaaaaah! Anyway, file MWaK in the same folder as Steve Harvey’s Me and the Boys, another show that ABC didn’t deem worthy to keep in rotation. More Hope and Faith for me, yeeeeeeeeah!!!

Which brings me to what’s coming up to this wonderful little spot called the BLOG. First, I’m going to do one called “Praying for the Enemy,” which I’m going to tell you is about an injury to a high school football player that I cover on a weekly basis, and may expound on the young black athlete in general…I’ll see how that goes. I’m also taking a friend’s request for a topic that she wanted to see addressed (details pending), and I HAVE TO do a blog for a friend of mine who said that he didn’t grow up with the classics, you know, Stevie, Earth Wind and Fire, so on and so forth. So for him, I’m going to do a top 50 of sorts, compiled of 10 of my favorite songs from my top five artists…probably gonna be the Isley Bros., the Elements, Stevie, Mike Jackson, and…well, you’ll have to come back and see. Hopefully you guys will be encourage to comment on the top 50.

Take care folk,
The Good Doctor

For my Baby Dee and for you other Prince fans, has a top 50 of Bomani’s favorite Prince songs…so check that out…and check these other links. One love, one love, one love…
Yeah, so first Bush hires and fires this FEMA screw-up...
Then he nominates someone for the Supreme Court who…get this, has NEVER been a judge! That's my Bush!
And here’s the story on Bennett: