Sunday, October 23, 2005

B.L.O.G. update

Hey e'rybody,

Posting up here like Shaq just to let you just know that I haven't forgotten about you, it's just that a brotha's schedule has been hectic since the last time we spoke. At any rate, I'm taking out this time to let you guys know what's coming up from the B.L.O.G. First off, the good news. I'm working REALLY HARD here, setting up a schedule for the way I do things (basically a daily life schedule, or some'n like that) so that I basically update here on my off days. That means you guys get a blog twice a week, which was my original intention of this site. Also, I haven't heard from a lot of you guys, so I'd love for you to leave comments here, or even to send them to my personal e-mail...which is Just put 'black log reader' in the subject column so that I won't think it's spam. Well, two things before I get back on the, I want to suggest to you guys a lovely remedy to break up your Friday night monotony...and hear me out on this one. Try a high school football game. After my 80-mile round trip trek to cover a recent football game, I can tell you that the games are therapeutic, and even more so when you can watch them as a neutral entity. Trust me, this will be great for the ladies and the gents. Here's why:

Ladies (my ladies, you know you're first ;-} )
--Ok, ok, so you can get into your favorite club for free...but, at the game, the one-legged guy with two left feet and the stench of 'dro won't be "d-ing you" up on your all night like Gary Payton in his prime...or Martin on Gina. Whichever works for you.
--Personally, I think that's the only reason the ladies need. Ok, ok, here's another can go out and dress up, look nice, and people will notice. Younger people, yes, but people will notice. And all you guys need is attention, right? :-) :-P

Now my fellas...
--Ok, so the professionals say they'll play for free. But we REALLY know they won't. But I know who will, and I know that the young ones are going to leave it all on the field every game. ESPECIALLY the rivalry games...even if you're away from home, check out the rivalry games in your area and peep one'll remind you of old times, especially you guys who played football.
(see, the last reason was universal)
--Also, for what it's worth, I'm tired of the primadonna athletes. Give me the guy like Cal (I know you read the last blog, so don't ask who Cal is) and a bunch of others like him who get giddy when someone even does coverage for their school. A player who doesn't take being wide-open or finding daylight for granted. Someone just like us, on the grind, working everyday, every week at practice for three hours of shine...and much more shine to my scholar athletes. But I digress. Give me someone who has legit desire.
And the club reason:
--Let's be real. Most games are 5 bucks. Five bones, folk. You WISH you could get into a club for that much...and we're not even going to talk about the drinks you're going to buy to get at that girl...when you'd have just as much of a chance pouring those drinks in the Atlantic.
A sidenote for my fellas:
Leave the girls alone. PLEASE. Leave them alone. Church's Chicken and preservatives and 21st century chemicals have done well to make 13-year old girls look 20, but...the Keds and the attitude should look to be points of discernment. Please, take caution. Besides, you're going to watch the game anyway, just like you did back in the -- never mind.

Lightheartedness aside, I gotta be heavy for a minute...shouts out to my folk in FL...Wilma ain't playing. Loved ones, and I mean all ya'll, keep ya heads up.

Oh yeah, I did promise two's the 2nd:

What's coming up with the BLOG? Here it is...
Ashley and Ramone, I haven't forgotten about your blog requests, and I will be posting those...Ram's is especially crucial because I'm going to take his and address HBCUs, in comparison to other schools. It will get hot in here, no dizzle no doubt. Also got the top 50, which I'll be posting, and just a whole lot on my if you want me to speak on something, leave a comment and let me know. Well, I'm off you guys take care.

The Good Doctor


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