Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Poet Alive

Hey everybody,

Took some time out of the madness that is March to 'find' myself. Turns out I never really left. Let me explain further...

Long before I started on this venture called the BLOG, most of you guys knew me as more of a creative writer...namely someone who wrote poems pretty frequently. Whatever the case had been, maybe because of doing more professional writing with the Standard, or just looking to blog out, I hadn't been doing much of the free writing that has allowed me to share the most of myself with people. That, in essence, is the purpose of the upcoming "Lost Art" poem, and hopefully you guys can now see why that poem and other poetic gestures have taken so long. That being said, thanks Jig, because Wednesday's freestyle, in conjunction with other events, brought the Showstopper back ('cuse me being confidently cocky, ha ha ha). Well, as a result, I wrote this poem, funny enough, at a revival at my church that I was unaware of. My logic was that I'd be teaching Bible Study; no, apparently revival was going on. Made me feel more detached from things than I'd already been...and made me glad that I was in the right place at the right time. Revival preacher was screaming and singing instead of teaching...but that's another matter entirely. Long story short, these are the notes that I took at MY revival...

Poet Alive

Understand the Words
One black book is principle
If I can do all things
Does that make me invincible?

Have to start poems with a pretense
I hope this makes some sense
Because it's only recently
That I rediscovered my deliverance

These words I write like Moses
In talks with burning plants
Which goes from a pen in the hand to former bush full of prose
Watch the water flow do-si-do as I begin to dance

With my father like the late Luther
Ordered steps and steady reps help me to see my future
And like my Father I aspire to sit high and look low
Because the meek will inherit the earth, or so I'm told

So I must apologize for now and later for breaking so many promises
I live in a future tense
Hoping for everything that can and will happen
I hope this will make some sense

Did I return to myself by freestyling with Jig for a hour?
The providence of God's power? Or did I return after some time in the shower?
All of the above, and if you take the time to look at all 3
You will see that this life I speak comes by land, air and sea

So the poet that claims to be alive was never dead at all
Only dormant, allowing pride to set up the fall
But halfway down I became determined to no longer stall
And revisit the road unflawed...

...These cold, dead words unthawed.
I have returned...

--11th Letter


*wanted to call this post 'the ebon phoenix'...I don't know either. Just wanted to give you guys some insight on where I've been, and where I'm going. More where this came from,

The Good Doctor


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can feel you man. That's not too different from where I was, and where I'm at. So many things going on, I kinda forgot how to have fun. Like I even told you last night...not. one. NCAA game watched. That's horrible.

But this too shall pass, right? They can't hold me.

PS oh yeah, and I got on facebook and seen mad people I ain't ran across SINCE graduation. But yeah don't worry, I defintely haven't forgotten the BLOG fam.

8:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the Facebook Defector(s),

I forgive you. And I understand, I suppose. They have more pictures... :-D

Just came back from V from Vendetta...all my revolutionaries at heart should check it's a wild ride. Gonna check out Inside Man tomorrow...I know that Spike won't let me down...score or plot. Take care all,

K.J. Makin

10:43 PM  

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