Monday, April 03, 2006

Guess who's going to the Masters

Hey everybody,

Just finished watching the Tournament final at work, and I know all the cats in Gainesville...pretty much everybody in Florida's jumping on the bandwagon right now...and congrats to those guys. Sorry Westside...

Well, anyway, this week's gonna be great. Don't know how many of you guys keep up with sports, especially golf, but where I'm from we associate the first or second week in April as Masters week.

Quick background: pretty much the most prestigious tournament in golf. It's almost surreal that the tournament is held in Augusta because I'm (to make an understatement) REALLY FAMILIAR with the city of Augusta, and some areas just don't give off the lofty air that Augusta National (the golf course) does. It's really exclusive also, and the 'old money' air seeps ever so slightly to outsiders.

Interesting enough, the Aiken Standard actually has some perks. I'm fortunate enough to be able to tell you guys that I'll be covering the tournament...yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah boyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, ha ha ha ha ha!

It's going to be a trip, and I want to share it with you guys. Every day I'm out on the course, I'm gonna take pics of the experience, just so you all can see how really beautiful it is. Kind of a Masters diary of sorts...should be fun to keep something like that up with the BLOG crew. Going to exclusive places, for some reason, always makes me feel militant, as if I'm breaking some ground that hasn't been broken before. In some ways, that's EXACTLY the case. For me, personally though, it's just one of those occurrences I feel happens on the way to something really special happening in know, the feeling you get when YOU KNOW you're making moves quickly. A priceless feeling, one that I try to have every morning that I wake up. Shout to my homegirl, and this quote she had about what she's thinking when she gets up in the morning...

"5 more minutes."

Sounds like UCLA, UConn...U get the point.

Just to shut down the madness for good, I want to congratulate the King of Links on his tourney prognosticating, as he won BOTH the and tournament pools we did. Actually, he tied in the pool, but whatever. Dang you mayne...

Well, while I'm here, might as well drop my opinion on certain topics...two in particular.

First off, I really want to hear what you guys are thinking about this situation at Duke (the lacrosse team), and also about Cynthia McKinney's altercation with an officer in Washington.

Originally, I wanted to do a post about the lacrosse team at Duke called 'Stripping down the Truth at Duke'. I wanted (well, want) to try to look past the contempt for Duke, and the penchant of the media to make it (a race issue and things of that sort...which will ultimately cloud the issue enough) -see O.J., Kobe- where it may get these guys off scot-free. I wanted to look at how the stripper lifestyle has been popularized by entertainers like T-Pain and such. How in videos by Lil' Wayne and Juvenile, and in lyrics by Kanye West, it's portrayed that stripping is a viable, dang-near acceptable way for young ladies to pay their tuition. It's a risk-free, sure-fire way to make a quick buck and not be disrespected, right?

Try telling that to the young ladies in Durham, N.C.

Not saying that I'm accepting or being lenient on what these guys at Duke have been accused of...but what I want to say is that situations like these should make us evaluate being in love with strippers, being in love with the lifestyle, or selling our souls even shorter just to work under somewhere else after we get out of school.

Oh wow, kinda digressed there...but you guys get my point.

For those of you guys that really know me, I'm going back to school in the fall. Well, I guess that was for everyone. The thing about going back is this...I've learned so much in the time that I've had out of school, just about the work force, and about not being taken advantage of. It's also been interesting seeing my friends with degrees and the trials that they're having looking for know, the post-bachelor's thing. As a result, I'm convinced that going back to school and doing my thing in conjunction with a degree is my PLAN B. I'm saying that to say it's so important for me, and maybe for you guys reading this, to understand that nobody OWES US ANYTHING. I mean, cats come out of school with the degree thinking they running ish, and they lose the hustle that inspired them through school. For you guys in grad school, got love for ya, keep doing ya thing.


But my heart goes out to those young ladies, because they (like New Orleans and this rallying going on, dang it) are being used as pawns in a bigger game. The thing that tipped (and ticks) me off, (is/was) that people in Durham are more focused on the racial slurs thrown at the young ladies as opposed to the actual rape. About New Orleans, and I HAVE TO SAY THIS, where were Jesse, Al, Bill, and the rest of the gang when Katrina was making MUCH NOISE on the Gulf? Right. And now they're worried about whether people can vote? Uhhhh, do all of these people have a place to stay? Steady source of income? Stuff to eat? I think those are more pertinent issues than punching a ticket. Folks in N.O. and those of you guys that have folks in La., let me know if I'm on point with this...just want to know for sure if that's the truth from how you guys are looking at it.

Oh yeah, Cynthia McKinney. Punch this link, and we're gonna talk later.

The Good Doctor

More where that came from on the Duke situation and on Cynthia, and other surprises. Hope I see a bunch more of you ladies and gents this week. Later.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm never saw Ms. McKinney's incident, good look. I personally don't care, I think the guy is a punk for pressing charges, unless he's hurt(which would then make him a punk). But yet again this will be a racial issue.

I read ESPN's article on the Duke situation(can't remember the direct source), and this situation appears to be quite serious. Again, I am numb to getting to passionate about it...if they're innocent, I hope that rich lawyer does his job. If they're guilty, I hope(sincerely) that they get tossed every time Duke Basketball wins, and Duke Football loses, while they're in jail. Sorry, but I don't excuse rape.

NCAA should never compete with 24 ever again, they'll lose every time. Dunno how many of you all are Bauer fans, but yesterday's was very on point. Grats to J Noah, the ugly one though...I heard you played a good game. :D

Holla back.

Oh PS...nobody of color should EVER be in a "relaxed" state when it's time to get that dollar. I could have my Ph.D next semester and there's someone out there who would doubt me. I'm glad you got that real world exposure DK; people need more internships and stuff to see it's really real in the field.

Speaking of which, definitely enjoy those Masters pics, and either get them up here or e-mail me. And if someone starts heckling them, roundhouse to the face.

Alright then...for real this time.

8:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All I'm saying is...that's why Iceman is my brother...the cat is cold, cold-blooded.

Rick James, ha ha...

Be back later...Masters was so great, and I got a bunch of pics.

Aiight then.

10:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So...I read your entire post. Yes, you digressed a bit. But then you got to some very interesting topics.

Despite your disclaimer, it sounds suspiciously like blaming the victim when you spoke about the Duke RAPE issue. I mean, you completely glossed over the fact that she was RAPED - which is fine if that wasn't your point (I think that was on purpose, so cool). But then you focused on what you felt was the VICTIM'S motivation for her choice of employment, the VICTIM'S reason for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, and thus blamed, the VICTIM.

I take issue. I mentioned this discussion to a good friend, and as I told him about your blog, he thought of an interesting reply. He said he had hoped that you had gone a different direction with the media analysis. That a more compelling argument would have been that the RAPISTS, from their over-exposure to such media outlets they felt it was okay to disrespect the WOMAN, the VICTIM. I could get behind that one, yo.

The second meaty issue you addressed was about the displaced Louisianians being able to vote. You commented about how these figures have rallied behind the issue of the disenfranchisement of these citizens (just like blacks before the civil rights movement; just like blacks in prison and black felons; just like...oh wait, most of these Katrina victims are black too).

Yet the vote is precisely how they will achieve all the things you noted that they lack. By being able to use the voice that a vote gives, they can demand housing. They can demand healthcare. They can demand leaders that care about them. They can demand what they need to stop living as 2nd clsas citizens by "punching a ticket". (You did ask for a Louisianian voice).

That is all. Have fun at the masters.


p.s. - good look on headin back to school. you know i'm always about that. Iceman, I feel you. We can never stop grinding.

8:16 PM  

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