Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Expression: A Means to an End

If expression is a means to an end
Where do I begin
Perhaps with a pen
Or maybe a pencil
But I don’t like to copy or erase
So I’ll throw away the stencil
But I make a lot of mistakes
Why not keep it simple
In the beginning at least
Go from an humble start
So that I might increase
So I sketch out the plan
Pull out the crayons
And start to think I’m the man
But now I don’t like it so simple
So then I begin to scribble
Wildly across the canvas
Because I can’t stand
Feeling so simple
As a drop of water
Forms a little dimple
On the side of the paper
But it burns
And I see the vapor
And as it rains
It bores
Through the page
And I’m not bored anymore
Because of rage
But in my pain
I did away with that stage
So the lights are dim now
And I feel like I’m in a cage
It’s just me and Him now
And I so desperately want to change

…That’s as far as I got…or as far as I felt like going at this point.

You can read this poem a number of ways…

It reads like the beginning as much as it reads like the end.

Let me know how you feel about it…

The Good Doctor


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