Friday, October 06, 2006

The Riddler

A riddle for my friends:

What happens when you cross a speeding ticket for 63 in a 35 construction zone with NO PROOF OF INSURANCE w/ being tardy to a luncheon with the top college basketball coaches in the nation?

The answer:

An autographed program for my aunt from UNC head coach Roy Williams, and a photo op of Williams and myself.


Now, anyone reading that knows that the above riddle HAD to be a triple-cross, seeing as how there’s no way I should be doing this blog after being the party in question in reference to the riddle.

At any rate, here I am.

Especially grateful.

Sitting in the car, I tell you, I haven’t prayed like that in a while…just hoping to make the best out of a situation where I was late for a work assignment, about to receive a ticket, and woefully underdressed to be attending a luncheon…

But somewhere between pride and prayer, between being forthright and being frustrated, the best was made out of a good situation.

I’d be foolish to tell you it had anything to do with me, absolutely foolish.

The excuses are unimportant, yet are as follows:

(Luncheon was at noon, got a good night’s sleep only for my alarm clock to apparently not go off. The last time that happened? Freshman year Cal I, the day of an exam, and Ms. Lattimore *smiles from some of you* was kind enough to let me have a retake…and winded up exempting…the ticket came where I came off the curve like Jeff Gordon, I ain’t gon’ lie…I was trying to get to that meeting…and ran smack into a checkpoint. All bad, all bad…)

Nope, no need for excuses. Things turned out for the best.

So here we are. Usually, when things like that happen to me, it gets me pumped up…and well, I’m pumped up, so…

Here’s hoping that the work we do for God is prosperous, and that most importantly, we are working for God.

No more lies, no more excuses, no more riddles…because it is in the heat of the mistakes we make that we either falter, or look at those mistakes and realize how much we really can improve, which for me, inspired me to take a long, hard look at my existence.

So here I am, again…stronger than ever.

Enjoy your weekend, folks!

The Good Doctor


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