Monday, December 18, 2006


Wrote this one at work...hope you guys like it.

Why is it so easy to tell the truth
But so hard to tell you ‘no’?
It was so easy in my youth
An admirer would simply write a note
Answer yes, no or maybe
But it hasn’t been that easy lately
Hard to bear, even
Because clearly I care
But I’m aware that my concern
Pales in comparison to how much you burn
It’s funny once the tables were turned
And the shoe was on the other heel
When my Achilles was revealed
She cut me at the ankles
Situation split into three equilateral
But perceptions hardly matter
When you are hurt
So here’s a teddy bear for what it’s worth…

Sunday, December 17, 2006

The Good Doctor's Wish List

Just some quick thoughts I had at work...

I wish the N-word would die a violent death, I mean, because nothing else seems to work, whether it's trying to match racial epithet for racial epithet, or making peace with the fact that 'oh it's not n---er, it's n---a'. Right. Just, well...kill that noise.

I wish that people were paid according to the work they do, and for what they contribute to their work environment; truth is, everyone isn't talent-laden, but truth is, everyone can be professional, and credit should be given to folks that make your working environment better. Everyone knows of a person that is a sweetheart in the workplace, and then, everyone knows someone who always likes to keep something going.

I wish that people realized that if everyone spent time being concerned about one another, it's obvious that everyone worrying about one's well-being is so much more powerful than someone worrying about themselves.

I wish that parents would really think about their kids before they separate. Kids are resilient, yes, but kids are sensitive as all get-out...adults too for that matter, but at least adults have more control over their situation(s) than kids do.

I wish that race wasn't an issue, but then every time you think it's not, something like the Carmelo Anthony brawl happens, and you realize just how much folks think about race.

I wish that people weren't afraid of revolution. Truthfully, I can't see someone like Dubya having as much power as he does in the 70's...because that era seemed to be full of people that refused to stand idly by when they didn't agree with something.

I wish that people didn't quit. I don't know what hurts worst; watching your favorite sports team quit, or watching a generation of parents give up on their offspring.

I wish...well, I hope that people don't read this blog and think that I'm angry. Hey, I'm just thinking.

Well, we do need more hope, I agree, goes.

I hope that people realize the greatest gift of all doesn't need batteries.

I hope that you look out for that isolated person at your work or wherever you spend your time; hey, everyone's not as happy around the holidays.

I hope that girl at the seafood place keeps smiling (hey, THAT woke you up....)

I hope that 2007 is a lot better than 2006 was.

I hope that you guys keep reading.

The Good Doctor

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Eyes In the Back of My Head

This is the formal introduction to “Crazy Court Vision”…it’s a new blog site (team site, to be exact) that I created that’s solely for me to talk about my favorite sport (basketball)…well, not just me, but a couple of my friends. If you want to be a part, send your e-mail to and I’ll send you an e-mail for the chance to be a part of the blog. Hope everyone’s holiday season is going well…

The Good Doctor

Oh yeah, there’s a link for CCV in the blog list…take advantage, man…

Monday, December 11, 2006

New Poem: Moment of Brilliance

...I wrote a new joint called "Moment of Brilliance", and funny enough, I don't really like it.

I can't explain it...well, actually I can...the premise was good, and the first few lines were's just that I broke the flow of thought...and it ultimately didn't come out the way I wanted it to.

That doesn't mean I'm not going to share it with you guys, though...I mean, it's a learning experience for me, and who's to say that someone out there won't enjoy it and be encouraged by it even though I haved mixed feelings about it.

Anyway, here's a Moment of Brilliance...hope everyone is holding down exam week.

Cocoa Butter
Sitting on a cocoa butter
Colored couch
Feeling like
I’d been looking at life
Through a kaleidoscope
Things so blurred
I was missspelling woords
Forced to see things
Through so many perspectives
Wear so many shoes
But then came you
You made my soul complete
Before the only thing holding
This broken man together
Was his work tie
Which your soft
Sepia hands would pry
My left eye was a lie
That’s why my right
Was slightly undried
She said I was sincere
As she caught a falling tear
It was supposed to be
The other way around
I never had to fight through your defense
That’s why loving you made so much sense
No chasing or being pursued
I see that you also like this mood
I hear your offbeat panting
Thoughts distraught
I hope to do you a favor
Clear up your cough
As long as you’re near me
It is my hope that you will
Breathe clearly
And I hope my passages have the same clarity
Meaning love these words
As much as I love
You love
Your significant other
At this moment…

Friday, December 08, 2006

Thinking Out Loud

Maybe I think waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much…

Maybe I don’t think enough.

This is what I think, and the speed that I’m thinking it at…

I’m thinking that


Just a snippet of what I’m thinkin’…which I’ll kindly break down.

I’m thinking that so many of my friends, colleagues, ish, folks that I talk to have problems; some self-inflicted, some otherwise, and I’m thinkin’ that there’s a fine line between trying to be compassionate and trying to be forthright; wanting to listen and wanting to impart my own advice.

I’m thinking that this can’t be life, nor can this be work, and that I’m really good at one and not the other, but how is it that the people that I associate with suck at both?

I was at Bible Study Wednesday night with a handful of kids, and I was thinking that this might be the smartest generation ever, and how do we stimulate their minds?

By giving them BET, false material hopes and not telling them we love them.

Then I thought that the last sentence might be the real generational curse that folks talk about, or at least where some of those ‘curses’ stem from.

So, then I though…how do we restore things to how they used to be…and then I remember that folks say that “there’s nothing new under the sun…”, and…

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and come to think of it, Rome didn’t burn down in a day either, I don’t think…

Same with Atlanta…

So then, of course, burning turns into thoughts of passion…which in my situation, invariably turns to a chase, which makes me think…

While I’m chasing a definitive significant other, and can only do so much as grasp at her fleeting feet, I’m thinking what is this that has a hold on my pants’ leg?

And then I thought I should put all of this into a blog.

No, a book.

No, a bunch of books…

So I thought of names for these books, and then I thought that I haven’t put a single poem into one book, so why am I thinking of covers for a spineless entity?

And then I thought about Rome again…

No, I don’t want to go to Italy, I thought…


And then I did something.

I turned all of these thoughts into physical labor. I cleaned my room, and then I wiped the sweat off my face. Then I was pleased, because when I cleaned up the mess around me, I realized there was a small pile of clothes, and this small pile of clothes combined with the cleanliness represented how things were in my head. True, there was a small mess, but then, why not whittle this mess down like the other confusion was so easily disposed of? Now there’s a plan…and let’s talk about having a plan. Having a plan is what keeps us grounded, what keeps us focused. It’s what makes random thoughts come together into one definitive paragraph, you know, like this one. Thank God for peace, and for making a simple solution out of a man’s difficult mess.

Can’t relate? I say this on that fine line of being compassionate and being forthright:

Try harder, homey.