Friday, December 08, 2006

Thinking Out Loud

Maybe I think waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much…

Maybe I don’t think enough.

This is what I think, and the speed that I’m thinking it at…

I’m thinking that


Just a snippet of what I’m thinkin’…which I’ll kindly break down.

I’m thinking that so many of my friends, colleagues, ish, folks that I talk to have problems; some self-inflicted, some otherwise, and I’m thinkin’ that there’s a fine line between trying to be compassionate and trying to be forthright; wanting to listen and wanting to impart my own advice.

I’m thinking that this can’t be life, nor can this be work, and that I’m really good at one and not the other, but how is it that the people that I associate with suck at both?

I was at Bible Study Wednesday night with a handful of kids, and I was thinking that this might be the smartest generation ever, and how do we stimulate their minds?

By giving them BET, false material hopes and not telling them we love them.

Then I thought that the last sentence might be the real generational curse that folks talk about, or at least where some of those ‘curses’ stem from.

So, then I though…how do we restore things to how they used to be…and then I remember that folks say that “there’s nothing new under the sun…”, and…

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and come to think of it, Rome didn’t burn down in a day either, I don’t think…

Same with Atlanta…

So then, of course, burning turns into thoughts of passion…which in my situation, invariably turns to a chase, which makes me think…

While I’m chasing a definitive significant other, and can only do so much as grasp at her fleeting feet, I’m thinking what is this that has a hold on my pants’ leg?

And then I thought I should put all of this into a blog.

No, a book.

No, a bunch of books…

So I thought of names for these books, and then I thought that I haven’t put a single poem into one book, so why am I thinking of covers for a spineless entity?

And then I thought about Rome again…

No, I don’t want to go to Italy, I thought…


And then I did something.

I turned all of these thoughts into physical labor. I cleaned my room, and then I wiped the sweat off my face. Then I was pleased, because when I cleaned up the mess around me, I realized there was a small pile of clothes, and this small pile of clothes combined with the cleanliness represented how things were in my head. True, there was a small mess, but then, why not whittle this mess down like the other confusion was so easily disposed of? Now there’s a plan…and let’s talk about having a plan. Having a plan is what keeps us grounded, what keeps us focused. It’s what makes random thoughts come together into one definitive paragraph, you know, like this one. Thank God for peace, and for making a simple solution out of a man’s difficult mess.

Can’t relate? I say this on that fine line of being compassionate and being forthright:

Try harder, homey.


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