Monday, May 29, 2006

Five in the Name of Love

Hey everybody,

First off, let me say that it took ENTIRELY TOO LONG for me to turn over this blog.
(I’m scolding myself; don’t mind me.)

The title of the blog might be pretty definitive, but the subject is not…and will always be open to changes, trust.

My counterpart and best friend Jig at Romancexpress (see the link on the right, folks) are posting up five of our fave love songs. The discussion was interesting, and we threw a lot of songs out there, and it was cool just to look ahead and think back at what we considered definitive love songs.

His list is already up at Romancexpress, and once I drop these five, then I’ll get to cross-examine his top five.

Hopefully, that won’t take another 1-2 weeks.

Love you guys, thanks for your patience as always, and I’m convinced that if I had a secretary, and if my job paid more, and if…

Eh. Whatever.

Here’s the five, off the top, while I ease the mood with these Yankee Candles…
Roberta Flack’s ‘Feel Like Making Love’, Luther Vandross and Cheryl Lynn’s “If This World Were Mine”, Kem’s “I Can’t Stop Loving You”, Raheem Devaughn’s “You”, and Da Muzicians’ “Camera Phone”.

Well, there’s one of those that just doesn’t fit, ha? Hmmm…looks like you’re going to have to read this one out to see where I’m going…

But c’mon folks, it doesn’t stop there. You know a brotha’s got to break it down…these are love songs, after all.

--My girl Bert—-
First of all, I bet a lot of you guys are sleeping on my girl Bert. But let me tell ya, she can hold down a song all by herself, and the songs that she’s done with Donny Hathaway…put it to you like this. They’re the best 1-2 punch since Marvin and Tammi, Meth and Mary, Shaq and Penny/Kobe/Wade (speaking of, Detroit finna go fishin’, but I digress).
Concerning the song “Feel Like Making Love”, this has been one of my top 2 love songs for a long time because it’s very short (a little too short for my tastes) and concise…

Strollin’ in the park/watching winter turn to spring/walkin in the dark/seeing lovers do their thing/ooh ooh ooh/that’s the time/I feel like making love to youuuuuu

Hey, when you’re by your lonesome, and you see a pair of significant others, that’s a pretty defining moment, I must say.

Speaking of…
Saw two lovers kiss/I thought about you/Had to hold back the tears/I thought about you

Same concept from Luther Vandross’ “I Thought About You”…we miss you Luther.

Speaking of…

--Luther and ummm…wow, what happened to her?—-

I just don’t know. I mean, if I do a duet with Alicia Keys, I’m thinking that’s gonna jumpstart the boi’s career…episode on Cribs, blah blah. Not Cheryl Lynn, though…she just pulled out the one-hit Wayne Wonder on us. But man, she sounds incredible on…

If this world were mine/I would make you a king/With wealth untold/You would have anything/If this world were m-iiiiii-ne/I’d give you each day so sunny and blue/And if you wanted the moonlight/I’d give you that too/If this world were…

Alicia Keys said what on “You Don’t Know My Name”!?!?!??! She was kicking what game to this ‘Michael’?!?!?!? It’s sounding like white noise right now, Mos Def.

Oh, but Luther wasn’t slouching…

If this world were mine/I would place at your feet/All that I own/You’ve been so good to me

Love this song because you have that chemistry between two ‘lovers’, and they’re sacrificing all to each other. You guys know from reading the 100 things about me that I believe love is sacrifice, and Luther and Cheryl hold that department down well in this one.

I don’t know how I’m supposed to make a clean transition from Luther to…oh wait, I was just talking about Kemistry, I mean, chem.-*ahem* that’s good enough.

--Love Calls—-

Yeah, “Love Calls” was ok, but this song…whoooooooooo! Don’t you just love it when you hear something fresh from a new artist, then their second single is just…whoooooooooooo! Yeah, but Kem…guy is really talented, and this is a great song..

I think about the day I met/the perfect stranger/I think about us/I think about the day I got wrapped/around your finger/I think about us/the sun was shining on you/the Lord was smilin’ on me/and love was callin’ us/I had my mind made up

Basically, my man chronicles his relationship with this woman that he can’t stop…well, loving…and it gets worst through the track…I mean, he’s basically feenin’. But I like it because, for one, I haven’t heard this much emotion from a new jack since Fantasia on ‘Free Yourself’ (shawty from NC was singing for choir robes on that one), but my man is DYIN’ on the second verse…

There will be no more lies/somebody tell me why/I feel like I’m dyin/(editor’s note: told you)/Lord what’s come over me/Ooh baby can’t you see/That I/Can’t stop/Lo-vin youuuuuuu

By the way, this is the only song that if you have my cell phone number, and we cool like that, and you have an XX chromosomal set and 19.99, a brotha will sing for you.

You…ha ha ha ha, now we got some transition here…

--The Ludacris look-alike—-

Raheem DeVaughn. I ain’t gon’ lie, I was sleepin’ on this cat…my girl Neika was talkin’ bout him earlier, and I heard dude on Brown Sugar soundtrack. Eh. But this song…well, I’ll let him tell you

got me (you)
thinking (you)
of you
for you
got me
telling my mama (you)
and my friends
all about
in my daydreams are
touching (you)
holding (you)
kissing (you)
as I’m sweaty with (you)
came right on time (you)
hey you
every word in this song

EVERY word in this song’s gonna be about you. EVERY word in this blog…oh, look at me getting carried away. I’m really sorry about that. But that’s what a good love song does…you have a nice beat…you know, the beat that you hear it, and you automatically go back to that situation, or that situation ;-) then the words come in, and they melt on your heart like butter, and then before you know it, you’re singing in the shower on the freeway with headphones on while people are looking at you. Or maybe all of those things, just separately.

Now, I know I breezed through the first four, and I might not have been as serious as a love song blog should dictate (blah, blah, stop ya cryin). But I’m about to have to take a deep breath for this transition needed…all I need to say is…

--Jeff, you a fool for this one—-
--Love Togetherness and Devotion—-

Now, see, I can hear it now.

I should put Lenny Williams here. How dare you not put Marvin Gaye here…no Isley Brothers…I thought they was your favorite group…(man, footsteps in the dark…). I KNOW, people. But ya boy Jeffrey Osborne and LTD (group formed in 1968 in Greensboro, NC..4sho) got it.

I’m start this breakdown from the end of the track…

And what we have is much more than they can see/So much more now/What we have is much more than they can see…

The second-most beautiful thing about love to me, other than two people sacrificing, of course is transcendent love. I mean, love that can’t help but grow no matter what. I tell you what…you find me two people that make their own executive decisions in a relationship and don’t listen to their homegirls or homeguys…I mean, two people that know that what they have is…Jeff, talk to the people!

--What we have is much more than they can see—

Thing is, Jeff evolved during the course of the song to get to that point. I’m telling you, the man broke down love like Oprah broke down James Frey, like Wade is breaking down the heat, all of that (I said I was going to be serious, I’m sorry.)

Love/I never been so much/In love/Before/What a difference/A true love made in my life/

I’m just going to say it like this. “Love Ballad” is, for this moment in history, my favorite love song because it’s a guy describing how love changed his existence, and he understood that people’s opinions couldn’t measure how he felt for his companion.
And when we walk hand in hand/I feel so real…
Lovers come and then lovers go/that’s what folks will say/don’t they know/they’re not there/when you’re loving me/holdin, sayin you care…

Man, I had so much fun with you guys today! Let’s see here…about 2:30 a.m. on a Tuesday early-early morning…figured I’d cut loose with you guys and enjoy myself on the blog tip. Love you guys, and hopefully there’s more where this came from in the upcoming weeks.

The Good Doctor

Lookin’ for lyrics…the Good Doc went here to make sure he had his right…

P.S. Pretty girl, I hope you’re happy. And ummm, if you want to share some of these love songs…oh wait, I’m sorry. We’re in public; we’ll have to talk about this later.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't ever say "My girl Bert" again. I thought we were in for a more shocking, more unbelievable plot twist than...ALL of this season of 24.........

And he kidnapped the President.

I need to hit you up though, I'm on the west coast again, and I'll need someone to cry to if the Suns let me down tomorrow.

Dunno who saw X3, but if you didn't this shouldn't be a huge spoiler....but shoutout to me busting Pyro up. I was FANTASTIC out there. Except for me trying to have a relationship with a middle-school aged girl. I was lame for that.

1:52 AM  
Blogger Shug said...


6:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You must not be from the South (ha, ha)...'round these parts, you can get away with nicknaming Robertas 'Bert'...but yeah, I can see why you have apprehension with doing so...

About the Suns...they'll lose in seven, just like the Heat. Yeah, I SAID IT. Ummm...oh yeah, I told all the guys in the barbershop that the Game 5 Heat-Suns final would be 90-75 DET...wind up being 91-78...I know, I'm losing my touch :-P

Oh yeah, I saw you in X3, and you were MVP in one of the most atrocious Marvel movies ever made. What I don't get is why they made it seem like you're not one of the original X-Men. And yeah, I saw you holding hands with that 12-year-old (following response edited by BLOG writer).

Kenton J. Makin

9:31 AM  

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