Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Hello everyone,

I don’t know what it is about folks…maybe now that there’s a little chill in the air in the South, folks feel like they have to make up for all the hot air that left with the summer.

Cue Aiken High School’s football team. Two weeks have gone by since they were slated to play the 22nd ranked team in the country according to USA Today, Camden County (Ga.). Two weeks have gone by, and well, the Hornets are still undefeated, having knocked off CC and Greenwood (S.C.), another prominent football team.

Now, Aiken High, a football power in its own right, seemed to play motivated because they were considered underdogs in the CC matchup, and have a chip on their shoulder as a team because they are undermanned and undersized as a Class AAAA football (a rotation of 40 solid players).

It’s been fun picking the hometown Hornets while others doubt them, and I’ve been saying all along that Aiken will run the table and win the Class AAAA title for the state of South Carolina.

However, there’s been an ominous air among these Hornets and the city that reeks of cockiness, and I feel at this point that’s the thing that might be the undoing of these Hornets.

Cue Tuesday afternoon. Yours truly goes to Aiken’s practice field to take some pictures of the team for a preview story I’m doing, and the guys are a little…energetic, we’ll say.

The coaches agree, as well. “Yeah, they’ve been talking a lot of (stuff) since the weather’s cooled down.”

One of Aiken’s quarterbacks sees me with the camera and starts posing a little bit, which I laugh at, but then he follows with “C’mon man, you gotta get my face on the front page,” or something to that extent.

Not meaning to snap back, but being wary that the young ones are gettin’ to be a lil’ cocky, I simply told him, “Hey, you do your job, and I’ll do mine.”

The QB and some of the Aiken players laughed, and business went on as usual…but I can’t help to think that the 5-0 Hornets playing a 3-2 team on the road isn’t a trap game, and I can only hope that humility will continue to win the day for these Hornets.

It’s hard not to want to say anything when your team is doing well, though, and a guy called in to the paper who considers himself an “Aiken High representative” talkin’ ‘bout how Aiken was “the best thing on Earth right now”, and how everyone else needs to put up or shut up…

There’s something that came before the fall…not summer, no no…something else…I can’t put my finger on it, but…yeah. Be wary.

That goes for my 'boss'. as well, who’s grabbed a slight edge in our football picks.

Someone told him something about him having lost something…but he goes and says “that’s the only thing I’m losing right now…”

Famous last words.

All I’m (humbly) saying is, you don’t wake sleeping giants, and you don’t kick a man while he’s down.
After all, he may have just been looking for a reason to get up.

The Good Doctor

P.S. Funny humility should be on the brain with the sports world wondering about what might have been a suicide attempt for one Terrell Owens. Suicide attempt or not, it’s an unfortunate situation, and I hope T.O. comes out better for it. Later.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

see. that's how black people do.

6:31 PM  

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