Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Perfect Backdrop


I know, I know, does not make for the perfect backdrop.

Or does it?

Check my Tuesday night.

Figured to take my lunch break at work today around 6, 6:15…and normally, I get ticked post-DST (Daylight Savings Time, No. 6 and Joe Knee) because it gets dark around that time, and there’s nothing more depressing at work than missing a beautiful day.

Well, I refused to let this be a depressing day, ha HA…

Not that I haven’t had the reason to be angry/frustrated/whatever else goes into that little box of discontent, but I figured Pandora can make you feel one of two ways:

Really, really angry…

Or really, really cool.

And tonight, I really didn’t need that box at all…

Check this scene:

Lovely night, with a little drizzle and a cool air…beautiful for just seeing the city…I’ve really been getting into swing and big band music, so I had a little Ella, a little Coltrane…you know, quiet music that makes your soul roar like the Twenties…fitting for the writer at this time…and I even had the outfit to boot.

Didn’t even plan it like this, but I winded up wearing some dress shoes, black slacks, black button-up and a mean tie, black tie with small silver diamonds…

Yep. Like the lead singer of my own one-man swing band…my own personal Kenaissance.

(Interesting how I didn’t address my apparel from head-to-toe, but then, I like working from the bottom-up…from the roota to the toota, true?)

Not to be too cocky, because I wasn’t feeling that way at all…I was just feeling right.

So, the backdrop was set.

First order of business? Figured I’d catch up on some phone calls…

So I call up a Miss Lady, and not so much for her to be a swing partner just so much as to return a call and be a good friend…

Well, the conversation is good, then better, then took one of those bad U-turns where you think traffic is far away when it isn’t, and all of a sudden you get hit out of nowhere.

Well, in the Swing of Things, what she was saying went a little like this:

“You think you know me, but you can’t possibly know me because I never allowed you to know certain parts of me…”

Well, baby, that’s not the way I jam, well, not anymore.

The way I see it, and especially with her, I’ve always tried to dance whether she’s had two left feet, couldn’t keep up with the beat, or if she’d rather run the streets.

My perception of her (since I never knew/didn't know her) was a non-factor to me, because well, I was just trying to be her friend.

It’s funny, really, that’s how Iceman and I got so cool because mad heat was coming from elsewhere, and I guess, that’s how the beat goes sometimes, which I’m cool with.

Long story short, I’ll have to catch up to Miss Lady later, because no matter how Beautiful she is, or how Precious she was, the Renaissance is now, and well, if you’re dancing the same way, you might not be able to keep up with the New Swing…

(And that’s going for a lot of people right now…it’s helped me to be more accepting and free with things…don’t get it twisted, I’m always looking for a solution, but I’m content with the present as well…)

So that’s where I was…

Right now, I’m really looking forward to these two days off…I might go visit a Queen’s City, or something like that, who knows…I figured, though, that I’d let you guys know what’s going on, and the Planet is about to experience the Rebirth of Slick, heh heh heh…

‘Cuz I’m cool like dat, I’m cool like dat…

The Good Doctor

Wow, this was my 100th blog. It’s a celebration…


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only when I got the cameo did I think I knew who she was, then of course there's the no longer so subtle mention of her later. As for me, I got a girl who loves to put side comments on her Facebook status, but strives to make the situation uncomfortable when we got direct communication.(read: Stop playing games, [last word omitted as well]) (Shame how so many modern AA quotes have to be censored...)

That female heart is a delicate thing right...but I won't drop it like I don't drop back to pass. I'm lining up to receive, so let's not let it fall imcomplete. I'm running my route and you see me open...

Yeah Doc, Thanksgiving will be an interesting break indeed. I'm holla. PS I got off of F&L on the beats, that album is nasty, point blank period.

10:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

AA = African-American
F&L = Lupe's joint; I was hating on some of those new chance beats, but I'd cop a F&L Acapella in a minute.

10:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


This cat Iceman just took the title 'Perfect Backdrop', took the problems of his day and just started FREESTYLIN' in this mug, HA HA HA HA HA HA...let's get it!

Man, I DEFINITELY see you though with everything you commented on. What do you mean, though, about me not being subtle?

Hey, I call (censored) Jane, (censored) Beautiful, and call (censored) Precious.

Anything else? I don't know, but I plead the fizith...


12:25 PM  

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