Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The Answer

You’re crazy :-) … it’s often the (brilliant?) mind that’s the most misunderstood…
--My friend Yesterday

Hey everybody,

Hope everyone’s doing well…today was a great day…I picked up some nice Muhammad Ali Adidas for 40 bucks, yo, and reconciled with an old friend. Really nice day…

…and an interesting week. I’ve had a lot on my mind, and hopefully, we all will be the recipients of such progress…

This new joint is called ‘The Answer’, and I take a lot of pride in it because it involves an eccentric rhyme scheme. I did the first 26 lines of the poem (not the SHR intro) in A-Z format, and did the next 26 in reverse. Yeah, I had fun with it, and this is the result. It’s kinda based on a true story, depending on who you ask. If you ask ME, the story I’m about to present to you isn’t over, and that’s for the best. In short, don’t call me crazy, baby, just call me brilliant, ha ha!
The Answer

Three is the magic number…
Yes it is…
A man and a woman
Had a little baby
Yes they did
And there were three-e-e
In the family…
Three is the magic number…

--The Answer--
The truth, to be honest
I don’t care if this poem rhymes
The truth is, today
All I care about is you and I
Finding a solution to this equation
That is driving me crazy in stages
Tired of going around in ovals
More like elaborate ellipses
Running lackluster laps
With no water break
Some nomadic wandering
In your outer space
Not in tune with your satellite
And I grow weary
Maybe I should just outright leave
I mean, I can have it all but your heart
You discard me with little concern
But you, my significant selection, binds me to this strange affection
Something like a sadomasochist
But the pain in brain is mostly from the rein
What kind of pull happens when opposites DON’T attract?
This kind of gravity I don’t need
I just want to clear this cloudy crystal ball
To better see where we are going
Is that so wrong?
To truthfully want to consider you a blessin’…
But what is the question?
The question is what I’ve been asking all along
Are we stagnant or are we growing?
It’s hard to tell with my back against the wall
And my insides are starting to bleed
And fear and doubt begin their attack
While no one can explain to plain Jane why this dude is decaying
Woman, it’s because he wants to feel your kiss
Provide protection while moving together in the right direction
And thus this man burns, yet Jane doesn’t learn
And every day it seems they’re right back at the start
But despite this disease the man continues to believe
At the point of his eyes becoming teary
Thinking he’s doing right
Doesn’t care about his losses, all he can see is her face
And she says she loves him, so he stays up pondering
Which road to take
And as he’s about to snap
Ready to give up on the missus
He makes a proposal
Stands up tall, so courageous
Finally tired of inane rotation
And the young man cried as he looked in her eyes
And she stammers and can’t answer, but the time
Oh the time, is now upon us
--The moment of truth is here, you have nowhere to scamper--

See you guys soon,

The Good Doctor


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