Monday, July 03, 2006

Black Star Power/My Heart is Like A Marchin' Band

Yes, this blog is my Speakerboxxx/Love Below...

Shouts out to AP on the pic.

Hey everybody,

So glad that the King Papers are in a safe place. Peep this out:
  • USA Today Article on the King Papers

  • You guys read the title and thought I was talking bout BET, ha?
    Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeck naw.

    I'm talking about the Ghana Black Stars. Yes, this wonderful bunch made it to the second round of the World Cup this year, and knocked out...yep, the United States to do it. Fantastic, not mad at ya.

    What I am mad at is that Brazil knocked you guys out, then laid an egg against the French pastries.

    It's all on you now, Thierry.

    -----on to My Heart is Like A Marchin' Band-----

    My heart is like a marching band…

    Yes it is. And yes, Jig, that is officially my new thing…

    Hey everybody…

    How ‘bout a little bit of relevance and irrelevance…

    But first, a moment of silence for my friend that had a seizure watching the Lil’ Jon ‘Snap Ya Fingers’ video…yeah, I know.

    Well, lemme just throw it all in one blog and see what everyone thinks…

    Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere we goooooooooooooooooooooooooo…

    Uhhh, we here at B.L.O.G. are taking up money for the Evander Holyfield collection…yes, this brother is about to go back to boxing. It’s always the punch-drunk ones, I tell you…he really needs to calm it down.

    Just saw Madea’s Family Reunion on DVD…when Aunt…Aunt Rose? Or something like that…when she rung the bell at the family reunion, did anyone other than me stand up, pull a Dap (don’t act like u don’t know) and scream ‘WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE UPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!” ?!?!?!?!?!

    The Fugees…is that a new song they have out? Man, I can’t call it…it sounds like a lost track from Lauryn Hill’s Unplugged CD. And we know how well that did. Speaking of, Andg, lemme get my CD back…sike.

    And don’t the Fugees have a SCORE to settle? Or at least something like it…

    If I ever got on ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire”, I hope if I decide to call you, Meredith and I don’t get:
    “This wireless number you are trying to reach on the (fill in the blank) service is temporarily disconnected.” Had that thought while watching Millionaire…wouldn’t that just be…ugggggh, let me just take the money and run, thanks. *my high is blown*

    The NBA draft…oh the high comedy. Hope none of you are Knicks fans…I see where you drafted a guy named Renaldo Balkman in the first round!!! Spectacular choice…ummmm, I’ll just say it like this to the rest of you. I’ve seen this guy in person; yeah, he’s pretty tall. But ummm, I just didn’t get that ‘first-round draft pick’ vibe from dude…and if you ask me, for the season, I thought he was the third/fourth-best player…on his OWN TEAM. Keep up the good work Isiah!

    Man, this has to be the wackest summer ever…no summer jams…

    Yeah, I SAID IT, got dang it. “Everyday I’m Hustlin” is NOT A SUMMER JAM. It’s no ‘Hey Papi” (Who remember that? You remember that…), and it’s sure as heck not the instant classic us Earthlings call “Summertime”. I didn’t say it wasn’t a good song…ok, I’m saying that too.

    All this talk of white though…Scarface and his brother Pat Riley must be pleased…

    Ok, ok I’m digressing.

    There aren’t any summer jams, and as I’m doing this blog before I see Superman Returns, there have been no summer blockbusters.

    As I’m typing this…we’re entering July…big month for me…all I’m saying is watch for the 23 party; it’s coming real soon…we haven’t had anything to really make noise this summer. Until now.
  • Hot Summer Jam - Sign Me

  • Ya’ll listen to the joint called “Sign Me.” Ummm, that’s the new summer blockbuster.

    And uhhhhh, I think I’m gonna be on the remix.
    I don’t think you guys are ready, to be honest.
    Allow me to reintroduce myself.

    The Good Doctor

    Now that I’ve had my confidence fix for the day…(eyes bulging out, left side of my body won’t stop shaking…)

    The other day, I had a great epiphany, which is why my heart in many ways is indeed like a marching band right now.
    I was in my car thinking about life and how some of the things in my daily existence aren’t going the way I wanted them too.
    It was also around 95-100 degrees outside in this lovely state we call South Carolina, so I had a little conundrum.
    Anyway, I rolled up all the windows, a big risk at the time considering the aforementioned (no AC), and CALLED OUT TO GOD.
    No, not one of those small whispers…not one of those quickfast prayers you pray to God like you just saying what’s up.
    Naw, we had a real good discussion about some things, and ummm…stuff’s starting to work out.
    Now I’m not saying I had a hiatus from Big G, I’m just saying that we hadn’t really talked like that in a while, and I’m thinking we should do that more often.

    There’s really so much more I want to say about this conversation, but my mind’s starting to block up…so I know someone’s a little busy. That someone will remain nameless because I’m not trying to give any undue credit…I just want to encourage you guys to call out sometimes if you really need to clear your mind and spirit…if you really aspire to some peace of mind. Def.

    Ahhhh, let’s see.
    Oh yeah, covered a golf tourney this week, ummmm…had a camera in my hand and a press pass tucked in my shirt…

    Still didn’t keep some charming Southern gentleman from asking me “are you one of the caddies for today?”

    Wow, being a caddy must be really hard these days.

    Not only do you have to carry some guys’ bags for little or no pay, but you also have to show him the way around the golf course, give the best advice you possibly can, keep up with the number of shots…things of that sort.

    Today’s caddy is also apparently expected to take elaborate pictures of other golfers, preferably those in the lead, taking swings, going through their rounds, etc., and also expected to keep close tabs on the leader board to see where my respective golfer is as well as other golfers.


    Today’s caddy must keep a recorder to collect quotes from avid golfers and golfing tournament directors alike, keep a steady list of the sponsors of the tournament, and report his (or her, wow, let’s make sure today’s caddy isn’t closed-minded, heaven forbid) findings to the local paper.

    Hmmmmm…but if someone asks me if I’m a caddy again, should I:

    a) Take my father’s advice, and tell them ‘Sure, to carry your bags and to complete such duties, you’ll have to pay me the same thing that my job at the Aiken Standard pays me for a week, or:

    b) Do what I did, which was slowly pull out my press pass, lift my camera ever so discreetly, and explain to this Southern gentleman that I’m a sportswriter for the Aiken Standard, which will always and inevitably be followed by some stammering, and a lame excuse to why I could be mistaken for a caddy…

    Hmmmm, I’m going to go with c, actually:

    c) Keep showing up to work. Keep smashing these stereotypes. Keep…

    Keep it coming…that’s what my friend(s) tell me. Super shouts out go to the Earthling they call J. Dot and my dude Bobby Drake. It’s a lot of ya’ll out there who support ya own, but I gotta show love to the folk ‘cuz they keep a blogger breathin’. If you didn’t make the short list, don’t be jealous…chances are I’ll get to tell you in realtime if you would COME AROUND SOMETIME, ha ha ha ha…let me stop. Ya’ll be cool.

    The Good Doctor


    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I feel you on the lack of summer jams. I've been relying on the old school stuff (like the Isley Bros "For the love of you," etc.).

    Saw Superman on Friday; I think it's worth checking out. Kevin Spacey makes a great Lex Luthor. There's no cheesiness in it, unlike the last comic-book movie that came out. (I can't believe I paid $6.25 for that!)

    As for that caddy situation, I think choice (c) is the best one, too. Nothing feels better than silencing those who have underestimated you.

    BTW, I appreciate the shout out...

    --Joe Knee

    12:40 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    D) Tell the dude "yeah I'm a caddy. I'm taking pictures of his game so we can review it at my home golf studio.

    Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere's your sign. And even if you don't get that, he probably would have."

    Speaking of black star power...did you hear Uncut is finally gone? And yes, even the final episode was followed IMMEDIATELY by Preaching. Go BET, make me proud!

    10:06 AM  

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