Friday, March 09, 2007

Precursor: The Kids

Heh, I’m convinced we do it for the kids.

That’s the only thing that makes sense to me…whether you do it for your little boy or girl, for that little kid that always brings a smile to your face, or the little kid inside yourself.

That’s the only thing that makes sense…

I remember a trip to Six Flags with the church a while back…all the little pre-teens wanted me to be their chaperone, because, well…I’ll let the ‘adults’ explain:

"(The Good Doctor) as a chaperone? Shoot, he just a big kid anyway…” *laughter*

Hey, I don’t mind it, as I recall, it’s the figurative (?) kid that enters Heaven, right? Besides, what do kids have to worry about?

Not too much…

Truth be told, the reason there wasn’t a February blog probably was because I didn’t have the heart for it…

Get it?

Hey, aside from the fact that there’s more emphasis on Singles Awareness than Black History, I really just…just focused on writing on other avenues, I guess.

Lot on the brain, which is something like the opposite of being a kid.

But then, I’ve always been this way, ha ha.

Mind started to race after a recent Bible Study…had some good dialogue with two different classes, in fact, the energy I got from laughing it up with some 9-11-year-olds gave me the juice I needed to stay strong with the 12-18-year-olds.

I must say, they brought me back here.

I mean, I’m a big kid, to be sure.
I’ve seen how easily ‘adults’ give up, and I understand that they have a lot to think about, but nothing should ever keep you from dreaming…after all, if your ultimate goal is making things better for your family, why not do it on your own terms?

Invariably, you’re making someone’s dreams come true…probably someone who’s spending more time with their kids than you are yours.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah, there I go digressing again.

I’m the big kid struggling with responsibility. Well, I don’t want to say it that way…I think I’m just struggling with making THE LEAP.

Yes, the LEAP. It’s an oft-unprecedented jump I intend to make…it’s the ability to live carefree while taking care of your own…being a care-free kid, if you will.

It’s not difficult, it’s just they don’t teach you how to do it.

I intend to expound more on this, but in more of a fantastic forum…and I think I have the place.

As soon as I can find Open Pamphlet and Bobby Drake…


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