Friday, July 21, 2006

The Day(s) After

The Day(s) After

“Life is not a movie, that’s why I don’t stick to the script.”
--the Writer of this Blog

Thanks to J. Dot and Deener for being such wonderful hostesses in Charleston, thanks to V for all the B-Day love, and thanks to everyone who sent b-day wishes and cards.

Hey everybody,

The quote up top seemed simple enough, seeing as how some of you were looking for a ‘Coach’ blog…

Be cool, it’s coming.

In the meantime, I figured I catch you guys up on how I spent the b-day.

The 18th was cool enough…

Tuesday, July 18

Woke up at 8 a.m., thanked God, saw kid brother up watching Madea, so I made him cut that off and watch cartoons.

What’s an eight-year-old doing up watching Madea anyway? I’ll never know…

I tell him I’m going to Charleston, and he’s BEGGING me to go.

Not now, not now, maybe later…no, going to take some time off…

By the way, I can hardly write this blog as we speak because kid brother is a dancin’ fool…always dancing mouth agape like he’s Chris Brown or somethin’…and he keeps jumpin’ on my back and stuff. Well, it’s an off day, all good…

Anyway, I feel bad initially because I left little dude…but, I’m taking him to the aquarium in ATL in two weeks, so he’s gonna just hafta be cool this time around.

Head to Columbia first to pick up some shorts for the 23 party on Wednesday, found some nice LeBron joints, so that was cool. (It’s the little things, really)

From Columbia to Charleston…roughly a 90-minute drive, I was trying to find a song on the radio other than that new joint they always play on the radio.

I forget the name, but it’s something like Me and You Hustlin’ Everyday while Shoulder Leaning because It’s Going Down.
I knooooooow you see it, errrr, heard it.

Anyway, pop in an old Outkast CD (one of many Dre-Boi rotations on this trip) and ride out. Get to Charleston in good enough time, and head on out to the beach.

Went to Folly Beach in Chucktown, and first of all, it’s refreshing to know that there’s a beach just 2.5 hours from the crib.

Nice place to relax, and nice to hear nothing but my thoughts and the sea.

Hmmmm…let’s see, did some shopping, had dinner with the homey J. Dot, and watched Family Guy with Deener, drove home around midnight, got home about 2:30 a.m. on the sounds of Stankonia. Yep.

Wednesday, July 19

Woke up pretty early again, and got a haircut for the 23 party that’s supposed to…

Oh wait. Dang.

Found out around 5 p.m. by my own doing that my lil’ homey, who was born six years to the day after I was born, is going to be a no-show. Fan-frickin’-tas-tic.

No need to get warm about it…just called everybody and told ‘em the party’s off.

Went to teach Bible Study, and had a great lesson with the young ones. That was the one thing about going to the beach…it helped clear my head a little bit, and I was able to talk with them especially well this particular Wednesday…and that was good.

Not to get off on a tangent, but this younger generation trips me out…it’s slightly awkward talking to a 12-18 group that’s open about being sexually active, and this is something that Our Hero is working on. I’ll try to keep you guys posted on that.

After bible study, one of the students came back to talk to me about a certain situation in her life, and it was interesting because it was her first time at our church. I guess it’s also interesting that she was Caucasian, and, to be honest, she’s only the second or third white kid that’s come through B-Study since I’ve been teaching.

No need to jump on any race discussion here…I mean, being brothers and sisters in Christ should transcend all that…as thoughts of still-segregated Churches dance through my head. Anyway, we had a good discussion, and I was pretty pleased…glad things went well.

Left B-Study, and…well…forgot to call some people. Whoops. Worked out for the best though.

Turns out I forgot to call the homey V back, and her and her husband, affectionately known as Ice Cold were chillin’ up at Ruby Tuesday’s. Well, I decided to head on up, and they paid for dinner. Good stuff.

Anything else? Eh, not really.

Thursday, July 20

Wished my aunt a happy birthday…yep my favorite aunt and I were born 48 hours apart…well, not 48 hours. We just have birthdays really close together…which explains a lot.

And…got another day off, which I spent playing mini-golf with the Brothers in the latest edition of the Good Doctor Invitational.

…well, that’s that…be back later.

--The Good Doctor


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What up though, happy belated 23rd, I'll try to hit you up soon.

6:13 AM  
Blogger The Good Doctor said...

'Preciate the love B. Drake. B. Easy.


2:15 PM  

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