Friday, August 25, 2006

Bubble Love

Hey everyone,

Just finished enjoying a Wednesday and Thursday off…leading up to the big Football Friday Night extravaganza, but had to tell you guys about this new joint I dropped…

Normally, I would’ve just written something and posted it here or shared it with friends, but this one I decided to do a little something extra with.

Jig and I actually did a collaborative effort on this song…put it on wax, so to speak...he did the beats and production, where I provided most of the lyrics. It was cool to do, because I really haven’t done too much open mic, let alone drop a verse. At any rate, here was my contribution to the song…


Based on a true story
About mermaids and manatees
Meaning that everything ain’t what it seems
But you haven’t seen anything yet
Time to get wet…

1st Verse:

Submerged in this verse
I make my descent
But I can’t tell up from down
So I take a look around
I enroll in this school
Of fish, and there’s so many in this pool
There was one who blended well with the coral
And this is where we get the moral
Of the story, story, story
Normally folks would call this puppy love
But for the sake of this song we’ll call it guppy love
An aquatic frolic seemingly the same
But through a different world like Whitley and Dwayne
Wade in the water
Think in the drink about the things that I aqua
Do to prove you I’m concerned
Nice to see you do the same in return
So we explore the reef
Things begin to get deep
Learn about the rock she came from under
Why did my momma name me Plankton she wondered
But as sure as we start to synch
Things begin to stink
We start to lose our porpoise for swimming’
And the once-clear water is startin’ to tint and
I’d rather not end this on a bad note
So I concur with her so hope floats

2nd Verse:

Now some of ya’ll listen and glisten
At the innuendo that I’m spittin’
But I only rock the boat to keep it afloat
You can ask my boy Yancey
I live to enhance, not to be chancy or fancy
Then again, I don’t care what folks think
Just so long as me and her don’t sink…

Don’t pop/don’t drown/don’t pop/bubble love
Pop-gurgle-/don’t remember what it was…

Extra Stanza:

She didn’t want me no more/So I wash up on shore
*Cough cough* and all the sand dollars in the world
Can’t buy me back into the sea
Can’t buy back that feeling for me…

Kind of a tragic story, but it worked out for the best…got the motivation for this one after my trip from the Georgia Aquarium…I don’t know, though…maybe a re-recording or two, maybe I’ll get up the courage to leave a track on the site for you guys to listen to…I’m sure that would be interesting. Talk to you guys soon…

The Good Doctor


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