Monday, August 28, 2006

Makin' Moves

For a dream cometh through the multitude of business; and a fool’s voice is known by a multitude of words.
--Ecclesiastes 5:3

Hey e'rybody,

Truthfully, part of me was even hesitant to write this blog…yeah, the part of me that seems hades-bent on holding us back.

Yes, us. Oh, you guys thought I was crazy looooooooooooooooooooong before this post, so don’t go acting surprised if I say ‘we’ or ‘us’ during the course of this conversation.

Anyway, let’s talk about him. Yeah, him. He’s always tired…he’s the one that does just enough to get by, the one that doesn’t mind coming up short just because everyone else does.

He is me.

Well, not me. I don’t know where he came from; I figure maybe he’s a bi-product of my failures, my anger, your failures, your anger, all of those things formed into one collective.

He flares up a lot mostly after I leave work, or when I see unkept children, or a young single mother, or when I want to write ANYTHING, not just a blog…pretty much when it’s time to get to gettin’.

And well, I’m kind of tired of that guy, because he’s really heavy, and I gotta get him off my back…

So here we are. I must say I’m kinda pleased, because that lil’ monkey usually latches on pretty tight, so…either he’s gettin’ weaker, or I’m gettin’ stronger…

Let’s see…it’s about 2:30 a.m. … actually talking to a good friend of mine that’s looking to make moves.

I first of all want to say that I pray and hope whenever a friend offers to share their ambitions with me, because I truly hope that God gives them the desires of their heart.

But then sometimes it seems I’m forever talking to someone that’s just…well…talkin’ about making moves… but not really doing anything, and that frustrates me, because…

Well, it reminds me of me.

Yes, me. Oh you guys knoooooooooooooooooooooooow I’ve said I wanted to do things on this website, and the list of things I haven’t done that I said I was going to do…well, in about 60+ blogs here on the site, I could make a blog or two about the things I haven’t, ha!

Why am I saying all this, you ask?

I don’t know. This is Black Love, One Growth, and well, I figure with all this time spent, it’s been time to do some growing. So this is where I am…

The last few days have been great, because I haven’t made any lists or put stuff down or said I was going to do something, because I didn’t want to even give myself the chance to not do them.

I just did them at the point of thought, which is how I’m doing this blog…no posturing, no clever wordplay, just inhibited ME.

Well, us. There’s that US again, but I’m not so crazy this time…because I want to change.

But I’ve already said too much, according to 5:3.

And well, dwelling on the past is about as useful as a closed bible.

I just want to do.

I’ll holla at ya’ll later,

The Good Doctor


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