Monday, September 11, 2006

Thinking at Indescribable Speeds…

I know it's been a while/I shouldn't have left you/Without a dope blog to step to (step to)...

Hello everyone,

My apologies for missing you guys for the past few days...had to catch up on some sleep, and work got in the way of some blogs. No worries though, I mean to make up for the time lost. First off, gotta let you guys know what's really goin' on...

Saturday night, I was frustrated because my mind was moving at thespeedoflight, but my body didn't want to keep up, so as a result I just kind of moped. Missed church this morning, which wasn't good, and only served to fuel my present frustration.

Then...and I don't know if it was the events of Saturday night, or...if it was the Panthers playing with no emotion, or if it was the current state of affairs at my church…

But I got really ticked with things…and angry even moreso because no one wants to do anything about it.

Well, all of this happened…and then I had to go to work, which fueled the anger even more.

These type of emotions happen with me periodically, and usually what happens is that I tend to do my own thing, working doubly hard on everything I seek to accomplish until that energy eventually runs out…

Not on this day, though. On this day, I decided to seek the help of God to help me accomplish the things I needed to, and to let His will be done.

Long story short, had a great day at work, and am seeking to take care of the aforementioned.

It seems just as I fully accepted that peace of mind, it started to rain…now I love the rain, and am able to think better when water’s flowing…some of my best ideas come to me in the shower, or when it rains…or when I’m near running water…the flow/the flow/who knows…

Anyway, I went outside when it started to rain at work…and I kind of look around…saw some greenery…and thought about how easily the blue skies turn grey.

Not that I mind it though…and it made me think of a friend of mine. I mean, her favorite color is green, and green to me represents life…and my favorite color is blue, which I associated with clarity, beautiful skies and the aforementioned flow.

Now, some mind the grey, but I don’t…because I know that you need a little grey sometimes to bring the rain…to renew life, to seek changes, and to stay strong…

Yeah…a little grey to blend in with the blue, and some black and white…

Just like the Panthers, I suppose…

The Good Doctor

P.S. Panthers are 0-1, don’t remind me, I already know…all that matters is, “Where will your team be in January?” Heh heh heh, later guys….


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