Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The Good Doctor Loves the Kids...

(but even sometimes he needs a change of scenery.)

Hello everyone,

Hope you guys enjoyed your Labor Day…I’m still stuck on Sunday, though… :-)

Normally, I just teach Wednesdays…the man Jig teaches on Sundays, and that’s that.

I was walking in the back to fellowship with the 15-18 group when one of the preachers approached me to teach some of the younger kids…age 9-11.

I didn’t hear him at first, and thought he was asking me to teach one of the adult classes…ha ha ha…I tensed up something serious, and could only get out the words “the-the Adult class?”

He was like ‘naw, naw, this class’ as I breathed a quick sigh of relief.

Went in there and saw these little guys bouncing off the wall, one of them being a little cat named D.

He's cool enough…he’s about to turn 11, and is already a great drummer; in fact, he’s played in front of the church a number of times, and plays during devotional, and has played for a number of choirs.

Got to do an interview with him for our Youth Newsletter at church (hey, I can’t get enough of writing), and he says he wants to go to FAMU or BCC (hey, I’ll see what I can do to steer him in the way of Tallahassee).

Anyway, I’m in the class now, and they are bouncing off the walls…so I have to calm ‘em down as fast as possible.

They’re not too different from the 12-18 class I have on Wednesday, except they actually talk less, but what they lack in quantity, they certainly make up for in sound volume…

Joking, joking (well I’m not, but…let’s talk about what is wonderful about the young ones).

First of all, they have so much energy, which is great…and they laugh a lot, which is contagious (I love to laugh). Also, they were more apt to listen, possibly because it was my first time in the class, but also because they haven’t reached the point of being so terribly defiant…

But I think the best way to describe it is with my relationship to my brothers.

Now, understand I love both my brothers, which goes without saying, but one is more apt to listen than the other.

Younger brother is not that brother, let me say that.

Not to say anything is wrong with that; in fact, I think it’s more of a sign of the times. Think about it…

I remember when I was at FAMU for three years, younger brother pretty much fended for himself, and also took care of kid brother as far as making sure he got to the babysitter.

It’s like he made executive decisions, so why shouldn’t he have an executive mindset? It’s not like there was something in place to temper that; I mean, there should have been something during early development…

Which is where we come to kid brother. I’m not hard on him, but at the same time, I feel it’s imperative that when he even feels like talking back or anything like that, it’s gotta be checked. In the class with the young ones, you can tell that they are reaching the point of defiance, and well, it’s gotta be checked. :-)

The class went well enough… we talked from the book of James, had some open dialogue and I even got to know everyone’s name. Good times, if you ask me…

Still, I just wonder what really changes between one step (young kids) to the next step (older kids), and then I realized, nothing changed.

Which is a problem that I hope God works through me to fix.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

BCC shouldn't even be in his VOCABULARY!!! That is all.

4:44 PM  

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