Monday, September 04, 2006

Labor (Day) Not in Vain

Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.
--I Cor. 15:58

Hello everyone,

Figure I’ll let you guys know how my labor day’s gone before I have to go into work…

Yeah, work. Well, someone have some barbeque for me, or whatever it is that you do…

I had a little fun today though. Got up for the hoops matchup with G, and had a decision to make early…

Should I listen to the radio, a music CD, or to yesterday’s sermon?

Yep, our church is blessed with a media ministry…so you can get a tape, CD or VHS to listen to the previous Sunday’s sermon all over again…and the teachers get the media tools free, so the Wednesday night warrior gets his dub for the low-low…

But yeah, I chose the sermon, and it’s something I’ve been doing a lot more recently…so instead of getting pumped up on pop culture, I got pumped on the sermon…

Got there, and some other guys were at the court, so we all decided on 21.

Two guys got off early, and Grease actually had 12, 13 and I was stuck on 3...but of course, had to keep laboring, keep it moving…

And, sure enough, shots started falling. And falling. And before you know it, those little three points turned into the lead, and with the lead, immeasurable confidence.

I missed a free throw at 18, so I had to go back to 15, but still came up with the win over the guys with a 20-footer from the corner…

And I mean, I can't say it was me at all. I mean, me, The Good Doctor, was laying bricks like a man looking to quit his dayjob and take up masonry. The game went on, and in due time, He came around and some shots fell.

Don't get me wrong, I would love to take some credit, but then I realize with hoopin', with writing, with whatever I want to do, I'm working on takin' my name out so He gets more of the credit.

I don’t know. Maybe you guys think I talk about sports too much, but like I said in ‘Cien Things to Help You See In’, lessons learned in sports can correlate to my everyday life (No. 51), which I feel is changing for the better on the daily…and I feel like if I keep working, while you guys are awake, or while you guys are asleep…I’ll be where God wants me to be, and that my labor won’t be in vain.

Well, off to work…

Everyone enjoy your labor day!


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