Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Hello everyone,

I don’t know what it is about folks…maybe now that there’s a little chill in the air in the South, folks feel like they have to make up for all the hot air that left with the summer.

Cue Aiken High School’s football team. Two weeks have gone by since they were slated to play the 22nd ranked team in the country according to USA Today, Camden County (Ga.). Two weeks have gone by, and well, the Hornets are still undefeated, having knocked off CC and Greenwood (S.C.), another prominent football team.

Now, Aiken High, a football power in its own right, seemed to play motivated because they were considered underdogs in the CC matchup, and have a chip on their shoulder as a team because they are undermanned and undersized as a Class AAAA football (a rotation of 40 solid players).

It’s been fun picking the hometown Hornets while others doubt them, and I’ve been saying all along that Aiken will run the table and win the Class AAAA title for the state of South Carolina.

However, there’s been an ominous air among these Hornets and the city that reeks of cockiness, and I feel at this point that’s the thing that might be the undoing of these Hornets.

Cue Tuesday afternoon. Yours truly goes to Aiken’s practice field to take some pictures of the team for a preview story I’m doing, and the guys are a little…energetic, we’ll say.

The coaches agree, as well. “Yeah, they’ve been talking a lot of (stuff) since the weather’s cooled down.”

One of Aiken’s quarterbacks sees me with the camera and starts posing a little bit, which I laugh at, but then he follows with “C’mon man, you gotta get my face on the front page,” or something to that extent.

Not meaning to snap back, but being wary that the young ones are gettin’ to be a lil’ cocky, I simply told him, “Hey, you do your job, and I’ll do mine.”

The QB and some of the Aiken players laughed, and business went on as usual…but I can’t help to think that the 5-0 Hornets playing a 3-2 team on the road isn’t a trap game, and I can only hope that humility will continue to win the day for these Hornets.

It’s hard not to want to say anything when your team is doing well, though, and a guy called in to the paper who considers himself an “Aiken High representative” talkin’ ‘bout how Aiken was “the best thing on Earth right now”, and how everyone else needs to put up or shut up…

There’s something that came before the fall…not summer, no no…something else…I can’t put my finger on it, but…yeah. Be wary.

That goes for my 'boss'. as well, who’s grabbed a slight edge in our football picks.

Someone told him something about him having lost something…but he goes and says “that’s the only thing I’m losing right now…”

Famous last words.

All I’m (humbly) saying is, you don’t wake sleeping giants, and you don’t kick a man while he’s down.
After all, he may have just been looking for a reason to get up.

The Good Doctor

P.S. Funny humility should be on the brain with the sports world wondering about what might have been a suicide attempt for one Terrell Owens. Suicide attempt or not, it’s an unfortunate situation, and I hope T.O. comes out better for it. Later.

A Man Down

Hello everyone,

This one goes out to my homeboy Jack, who won’t be making the trip to the ATL Classic this Saturday.

You guys don’t remember Jack?

Coby was the cat that worked with me this summer…he left when school started…but I’d been talking to him about going with the crew to ATL.

He was all for it, and said he hadn’t been to Atlanta since he was a kid (I don’t know, either), but everything was ready to go…

Until last Saturday.

Just one of those things, I guess.

Anyway, this post doubles up as an open invitation to anyone who will be in Atlanta area and wants a ticket to Saturday’s Atlanta Classic…which will be a football contest between Florida A&M University and Tennessee State University, and will feature both school’s illustrious bands.

If you want to go and don’t have a ticket, leave a comment with the BLOG, and I’ll get back to ya.

Hey Jack, best of luck to ya, and you know the crew is here for you if you need us. Later.

--The Good Doctor

Sunday, September 24, 2006

A Little Football Talk…

(Don’t let the title discourage you…)

Hello everyone,

Wild weekend of football, both college and NFL…and I don’t have too much to say but…the Panthers finally got a win.

Can’t say it was easy though…but I can say that I’ve not been pleased with the play of our starting quarterback.

Anyway, our kicker saved us…and Steve Smith returned triumphantly.

Now, to the Monday night game…

I have mixed feelings about the contest between the Falcons and the Saints, aside from the fact that they’re both division rivals and that it’s being played at the Superdome.

Most of the thoughts are negative, though, having had to stomach all of the stories that the media’s putting out associating the rebirth of the Superdome as a ‘rebirth for the city’.

Like I’ve said on this site before, I believe sports can be used as a tool to teach us about life, but I hate when folks uses sports as a veil to cover the real issues going on in a particular situation.

I feel that this is one of those times. As much as I’m sure a lot of you would like to see Reggie Bush have a pantheon-type performance against ATL (myself not included), this game is looking like what it is…just a game.

I haven’t been down to New Orleans, but the pictures and stories that I’m hearing from friends of mine seem to contradict what certain media types want us to believe, which is that everything is ‘just fine’ in the N.O.


Upon getting finances and such straight here in the S.C., I may take a trip to see the city for myself, and see the strides that have been taken to rebuild the city…

Alas, I have digressed…

My heart says to take the Saints, and my head says to take the Falcons…so…

My prognosticating ways have been true when I follow my heart, and I’ve been saying all weekend that the Saints are going to win, yet I’m still the same hard-headed guy that believes sports should go a certain way…

Falcons 21, Saints 20.


How ‘bout I just do me for once…

Saints 28, Falcons 20.
And that’s my final answer, in the hopes that art will imitate life.

Everybody enjoy your Monday while grindin’ it out; it can only get better heading towards the weekend…

--The Good Doctor

Friday, September 22, 2006

Typing Something for the Folks That Need to Read It But Probably Won't

Hey guys,


Listen really close.

If you happen to be in a professional setting with one Good Doctor, and the opportunity presents itself where you might want to address or greet him, a simple "hello" or "how you doin'" will suffice.

Not "what's up, playa" or anything of the sort.

Alas, good readers, I've had to put folks on notice at work, and it's little things like this, I sense, that force people to make statements like...

Well, the statements that are coming up in the near future.

"Nine For Ya Mind" is coming folks, and may be coming faster than expected since I saw Ms. Peachez "Fry That Chicken" last night on Youtube.

Not being prideful here, but I am demanding a little bit of respect.

You all should do the same.

The Good Doctor

P.S. Any other bloggers calling for revolution (yes, I'm talking to you), I'm not going to call it 'piggy-backing' so much as I'm going to call it a supreme collaboration (not, I think this anger in the air is contagious!)

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Love Tangent

Put this message in a bottle
And watch it sail across the Atlantic
A way to expend this mischievous energy
Figure I’ll let you see the inner me
And how you respond accordingly
Every conversation we have is timeless
Saved on my mental so I can rewind it
When we first met we drew lines in the sand
Those turned out to be love tangents
Now I’m your man
And there’s a thin line between love and lust
But that line blurred in the high tide now hush
I mean speak up I can’t hear you
I got love on my brain
Drip drip
Drip drip
That boy a trip
Momma loved him too much as child
Momma loved him too much
That’s wild
Ain’t no such thing like
Simplicity complexion
Simplicity complexion
No don’t mind you if you two-toned
That let me know you got a lot goin on
Golden brown
From your crown to the bottom of your feet
Gotta be the Count real fast stop the beat
Let me count the ways
How you treat a man
Got nothing but respect
Do you hear that beat
I already see Tabia shaking that thang
Don’t matter if u hip-hop or you got that twang
Swang with the hula hoop or in the set
Need a swoosh like Nike I’ll push you bet
All the world’s a stage or a playground
James Brown
Ask why old school is my preference
I’m a sucker for love so that’s a good reference
Take the Keys of Life and mix ‘em with the elements
A river walk where me and you can talk
Softer than cocoa butter lotion massages
Wherever’s clever or the most erogenous
Did I say that?
No inhibitions here
Keep Shyguys on SMB2
If you look at me I won’t do like Boo
Please I’m looking back
With these big brown portals
Wink and the gun to throw off the mortals
Lookie here
She grinnin’ from ear to ear
Made those tears disappear
Now the only thing that flows is rainbows
Laced in her luscious hair
Don’t matter what style
Whether she got it long or nat-u-ral
Because you don’t have to burn out for me baby
Hope that didn’t make you stratch your head like crazy
Allow me to be your relaxer
Boo bear love muffin sugar honey sweet miss
Pet names fun and games always the same bliss
For a queen…eh eh empress I’m trying to impress
Who’s next?
Let me stop
Yes you again
One time for a broken record
Let the DJ spin
Ahem broken record
Every time I want to be better than the last stage
Guinness Book finna run outta pages
Friend first
Those words that started this whole candy spree
You and me
Now a brotha so focused
Gotta call this one the good doctor’s opus
Orchestrated better than the latest Ocean scheme
Woven reality from a string of my dreams
I mean, from snippets of my love I made reel affection
Roll that beautiful queen footage
Do it in one take
Agape crepes
Furniture dessert to go with the drapes
Love is the action that shaped
Past present and future times
Made out of a few lines
Let’s recline…

The Good Doctor

Koopa Kids

Another reason why Wikipedia and Google are the best 1-2 punch since Jordan and Pippen.

Well, this made some of you smile...enjoy your day!

Monday, September 18, 2006

In Today’s Edition of the Good Doctor Times

Front Page News:

Popeye the Sailor Man suffering from effects of E. Coli; Oyl seen around town with Bluto

Gas goes down so everything else can go up

Reader of Black Love One Growth actually hates black people (strange, but true)

Bush speaks; no one listens, nor can they understand what he’s saying

Front Page Entertainment:

Timberlake tries to bring ‘Sexy/Back’, finds it never left

Fiasco tries revolutionary tactic in music tomorrow with release of new CD: actually making good music

Front Page of Sports:

Panthers' Gamble celebrates Ohio State’s win over Cincinnati by doing Wycheck impersonation, should keep his day job

Notre Dame hype machine breaks down after Weis mistakenly uses cooking oil to clean gears

T.O. breaks ring finger; may cause extensive damage to marriage with Cowboys

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Coughing Up Words

Hello everyone,

Hope you guys enjoy.

I’m so melancholy mayne I can’t even write
But I write at night to illuminate the day
But what if the day comes when you’re unable to pray
Pray anyway, even if in your mind
Because in your mind lies some lies, but underneath lies the truth
And truth will be truth even when you’re betrayed by youth
Youth meaning the underaged or now becoming of age
Don’t let rage come with age, being familiar shouldn’t make you mad
Mad meaning the don’t let the same ol’ pain make you sad
Sad? Dry your eyes, open a window
Remember though when you open the window don’t put your head out too far
Because I know you’re inclined to head out there when you’re looking at the stars
The stars? It’s night remember, I’m working on coaxing the sun
The sun smiles bright at the sound of the words
But my words are blurred even though I say I’m undeterred.

Friday, September 15, 2006

To Clear Up Any Misunderstanding from the Precipice

Jig: How can you advertise belief to people that don't feel you recognize their struggles
The Good Doctor: persistence
The Good Doctor: and empathy
The Good Doctor: it's just like the girl you keep calling...
The Good Doctor: and calling...
The Good Doctor: and calling...
The Good Doctor: you have hope for the future, but you have the conviction, the belief that eventually, she just might pick up the phone
The Good Doctor: that's all i can go on
Jig: Maybe so, but even Christ met the woman at the well at her need
Jig: not with persistence
Jig: I mean persistence works
Jig: but you can't just look over people's needs and status
The Good Doctor: i'm not doing that at all
Jig: cuz they feel like you don't have anything worth merit to say
The Good Doctor: where did i say that?
Jig: right here:
Jig: So often, I tend to address the symptoms of the (failing) heart of the matter instead of the heart of the matter itself. For example, why address people’s addictions and shortcomings when the heart of the matter can be derived from their belief system (or lack thereof)?
Jig: I'm not saying your'e totally wrong
Jig: all I'm saying is addressin the need is the best entry point
Jig: cuz that's what makes the faith real for them
Jig: where it's practical application is
Jig: and feeling like God sees their turmoil
Jig: by addressing their struggles
Jig: if they're thirsty, don't just throw the Book at them
Jig: but give them water too
The Good Doctor: you're right. that's not how i meant for it to come out, but that's how it reads

The comment in question reads:

So often, I tend to address the symptoms of the (failing) heart of the matter instead of the heart of the matter itself. For example, why address people’s addictions and shortcomings when the heart of the matter can be derived from their belief system (or lack thereof)?

In hindsight, it should read:

So often, I tend to address the symptoms of the (failing) heart of the matter instead of the heart of the matter itself. For example, why address people’s addictions and shortcomings when the heart of the matter can be derived from their belief system (or lack thereof)?

We should address those addictions and shortcomings because it is important, while being persistent in the purpose of God's work, to also be empathetic with those who might not share those desires, or not as strongly.

In the past, my persistence in the absence of empathy has cost me some friendships, which I am slightly regretful for. Not because of the desires of my heart, but because of the means I wish to express myself.

I'm not going to let the pride of thinking I'm right get in the way of touching the lives of people that actually need it, so, good lookin' out Jig.


On the Precipice of Greatness…

September 15, 2006; 2:42 p.m.

Listening to Hall and Oates…

And just thinking to myself that I let too much of the day slide by…

Got up at 9 a.m. to do an interview at 11 a.m. for the Standard…came back here at some clothes washed, but for the most part, feel like I could’ve done so much more…

At any rate, the past and the future feel like they’re coming together in the present, which is like the ultimate feeling of having all control and having none at all.

Anyway, the day before was, if nothing else, all about making moves…

Got a haircut, went 90 minutes upstate to visit Denzel’s school, then we went another 90 minutes to go shop and hang out, then came back an hour to hang out with family, then I went another 2 hours back to the crib.

The reason I came back? Eh, to make moves, like always…

Don’t know why I’m rambling, but I do know why I feel like I need to get up, get out and do something…

1. Because I don’t feel like I was made to sit around on this computer, or playing video games, or IMing…

I was made to move. That’s why yesterday felt so good (even though you guys didn’t get a blog). I was moving like the NYSE; thoughts rushing in and out like the change of periods at a high school. So even sitting here typing this seems infinitely less interesting, at this particular moment.

2. Because I’m tired of trying to be a hero, I want to be a legend.

For those of you taking that as a bout of cockiness, you are only partially correct (and even that partiality is waning.)

Was talking to Jig about this particular topic, and this is what I came up with:

So often, I tend to address the symptoms of the (failing) heart of the matter instead of the heart of the matter itself. For example, why address people’s addictions and shortcomings when the heart of the matter can be derived from their belief system (or lack thereof)?

Or why I aspire to writing, teaching, studying…all for the purpose of my own pleasure and quest for respect, only to fall on my face?

Therefore, the only solution is to play it like my favorite writers, David and Solomon (former Kings of Israel)…cast fear and doubt on him, and tell him the desires of my heart, and allow them to manifest themselves, with him getting the glory…and like Solomon (I Kings 3), receive things I never asked for.

So, that’s where I am.

Also, looking at AHS on the precipice…they face the No. 2-ranked team in Georgia’s Class AAAA tonight at the friendly confines.

A win, my friends, would be monumental.

He is the King of Kings, so who are the Kings (and Queens)?

You are. We are, I do believe.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Hey Doc, You Got a Freestyle In Ya?

Sure, why not...

Thinking amidst ups and downs like a roller coaster
Makes you sick
Mad enough to where I have an empty holster
Bang bang!
Who shot who?
Well I'm still here rhyming
So I guess that's you
With the holes in your logic
But gunplay and such isn't how I really frolic
So let me scribble through this...
Why am I so pissed...

Draw McGraw
I'm thinkin' like a kid
So why go and talk about my flaws
Why go and question my cause
When you have no clue of the effect
Granted, I'm tired of thinking like a kid
Time to demand respect
Eh, don't like this either
So let me scribble through this...
Why am I so pissed?

Where you at?
Shhhhhhhh! I'm working on deadline
Deadline as in the paper
Or deadline as in my rhymes
Frozen rope I throw in hope
So catch the pass
Even if you running slanted
No excuse to drop one in the grass
Don't look inside your hands
Look inside yourself
Or maybe just look up top
If you need some help
To the man that screams and shouts
The next play is a fade route
So don't miss this one
Because it's fourth down
Or if you drop the ball, fourth down and out...

Monday, September 11, 2006

The Little Intracacies of Work...

Hello everyone,

See, this is how you guys know I love sports a little too much...

I just got the biggest kick out of voting for the Class A-AAAA football teams in the State of South Carolina...I don't just feels good that I have a say in determining whom I believe has the best team in the State.

As it stands, AHS is third, in my poll...Byrnes has won four straight state titles...grrrrr...and Gaffney was the last team to beat the Rebels, if I'm not mistaken.

Anyway, the Hornets and the Rebels won't meet in the playoffs this year; readjusting to Class and Division determined that. Oh well...

To all my South Lak folk, hope you guys enjoy...

Class AAAA
1. Byrnes
2. Gaffney
3. Aiken
4. Summerville
5. Stratford
6. Richland Northeast
7. Spartanburg
8. Conway
9. Spring Valley
10. T.L. Hanna

Class AAA
1. Clinton
2. B-HP
3. Greenville
4. Timberland
5. Myrtle Beach
6. Georgetown
7. Chester
8. S. Thurmond
9. Marlboro County
10. Greer

Class AA
1. Cheraw
2. Abbeville
3. Manning
4. Pendleton
5. B-L
6. Dillon
7. SB
8. Pelion
9. Broome
10. Barnwell

Class A
1. B-H
2. B-E
3. Carvers Bay
4. Lamar
5. Great Falls
6. Baptist Hill
7. Ware Shoals
8. Lake View
9. Timmonsville
10. Allendale-Fairfax

The Good Doctor

P.S. For you guys looking for an explanation to the Panthers' loss, I don't believe in excuses, but...

1. Dang all these injuries! (Wharton's out for the year, you know Steve Smith didn't play, and Dan Morgan knocked himself out again. Dan like the little kids that don't look where they're going, and they run into walls...ok ok j/k, get well Dan...)

2. Jake Delhomme pitched a bonafide fit on Sunday, and I'll let an onlooker at a South Aiken practice on Monday describe how I feel about the situation:

"Don't sit here being angry, go out there and be a leader."

Well dude, there you have it. And the reason why I'm not saying more is because teams should stand behind their starters (I'm saying this to all the Falcons fans that'll want to throw Vick off the boat midseason. Thanks guys...)

3. Play-calling. Yep, I said it. Dang it, man, you're down 13-6 with the chance to tie the game and you get a little something going in the passing game. Why not keep at it? The running game isn't working out...

Later, you're down 20-6. Ummmm...look, let's stop running the ball here...

This is what I'm saying. Charlotte doesn't have the best fans, we've seen this in the fact that we've lost our last three openers, all at home. I wish I could smack all the 20,000+ upside the head and say, "Look, we have a Super-Bowl contending team here, let's not give up on them in the first half," but I can't.

So, this is what you do. If the running game is working, throw (no pun intended) a few pass plays in there. See if that gets the fans fired up...don't just let the Falcons jam up the run, and then have the defense out there all day. No balance...just all run, or all pass...ugh!!!!!!!!!!!

(Mother says I should take Fox's job. Can't call it...but hey, no fear. Squad is 0-1, only down one in the NFC South, and the boys in the Bay looked worser (heh heh) than we did.)

Panthers fans rejoice! We started 1-2 this season and ran out of gas on the road in the NFC Championship game...we can go 2-1 this year and be on the right track. Let's all just chill...

Thinking at Indescribable Speeds…

I know it's been a while/I shouldn't have left you/Without a dope blog to step to (step to)...

Hello everyone,

My apologies for missing you guys for the past few days...had to catch up on some sleep, and work got in the way of some blogs. No worries though, I mean to make up for the time lost. First off, gotta let you guys know what's really goin' on...

Saturday night, I was frustrated because my mind was moving at thespeedoflight, but my body didn't want to keep up, so as a result I just kind of moped. Missed church this morning, which wasn't good, and only served to fuel my present frustration.

Then...and I don't know if it was the events of Saturday night, or...if it was the Panthers playing with no emotion, or if it was the current state of affairs at my church…

But I got really ticked with things…and angry even moreso because no one wants to do anything about it.

Well, all of this happened…and then I had to go to work, which fueled the anger even more.

These type of emotions happen with me periodically, and usually what happens is that I tend to do my own thing, working doubly hard on everything I seek to accomplish until that energy eventually runs out…

Not on this day, though. On this day, I decided to seek the help of God to help me accomplish the things I needed to, and to let His will be done.

Long story short, had a great day at work, and am seeking to take care of the aforementioned.

It seems just as I fully accepted that peace of mind, it started to rain…now I love the rain, and am able to think better when water’s flowing…some of my best ideas come to me in the shower, or when it rains…or when I’m near running water…the flow/the flow/who knows…

Anyway, I went outside when it started to rain at work…and I kind of look around…saw some greenery…and thought about how easily the blue skies turn grey.

Not that I mind it though…and it made me think of a friend of mine. I mean, her favorite color is green, and green to me represents life…and my favorite color is blue, which I associated with clarity, beautiful skies and the aforementioned flow.

Now, some mind the grey, but I don’t…because I know that you need a little grey sometimes to bring the rain…to renew life, to seek changes, and to stay strong…

Yeah…a little grey to blend in with the blue, and some black and white…

Just like the Panthers, I suppose…

The Good Doctor

P.S. Panthers are 0-1, don’t remind me, I already know…all that matters is, “Where will your team be in January?” Heh heh heh, later guys….

Friday, September 08, 2006

Not So Fast, My Friends...

(…was the name of Wednesday Night’s Bible Study Lesson.)

Hello everyone,

…I suppose the title could also apply for a number of things, aside from being a catch phrase for ESPN’s Lee Corso.

It could refer to the knuckleheads (heh, heh) who think they have me beat because I’m dead last in the Pigskin Prognosticators game at the Standard…but I have a little something for them this weekend (though I’m still mad at MIA for staying in the locker room after halftime…)

Or it could refer to this particular scripture:

On Wednesday night, though, the statement was meant to address the young ones, and how it seems that in the world we live in, the folks that do dirt seem to get away the cleanest.

*dramatic pause*

Not so fast, my friends.

Psalm 37 shows us that those who do dirt won’t prosper in the long run, and as Christians, that’s what we’re focused on anyway, right? Not short-term success, but rather staying consistent in what God wants us to do so that we may find the peace and understanding that comes from a relationship with Him.

Well, here’s the lesson:


One of your peers last Wednesday asked a question that was very interesting, and it is a question that we often ask ourselves from time to time in the Christian experience…

“Why do people that do bad things get away with so much?”

It’s true that, in today’s society, it appears that drug dealers, pimps, the sexually promiscuous and the profane get away with everything from lies, murder, sex, and do so while at times acquiring large sums of wealth.

In Bible times, the prophet Jeremiah asked God a similar question in the 12th chapter of the same book, asking in verse one:

Wherefore doth the way of the wicked prosper? Wherefore are all they happy that deal very treacherously?

David, the author of Psalms, did something that we also do in the Christian experience from time to time, and that’s to envy those who do get away with gaining the pleasures of the world (read Psalm 73 in its entirety).

We do the same, whether it’s a result of seeing the glamorous lifestyle of celebrity, or feeling as if we can get away from such activities as premarital sex.

While we want these things, the Bible tells us they won’t last, and in the pursuit of such worldly treasures, we will be separated from God.

Add’l chapters/verses:
I Kings 3
II Chronicles 1
Mark 4
James 5


Enjoy your weekend!

The Good Doctor

Thursday, September 07, 2006


Hello everyone,

Enjoying yet another off-day at the crib…actually posting this blog as I’m watching the NFL Opening Kickoff game between the Steelers and Falcons. Tonight, I’m going to post some a list of things that will invariably be brought up during the course of the season…

1. The issue of Reggie Bush.

Now ladies, I know that you all love Reggie, and for what it’s worth, he may be the next Gale Sayers (which, I’m sure doesn’t matter much to you all).

Sadly, I have a little beef with Mr. Bush, and I’ll explain why for all the readers.

First of all, ladies, Mr. Bush plays for the New Orleans Saints. Now, don’t get me wrong, I hope the best for New Orleans, concerning the rebuilding and all, but I don’t think if the Saints go 12-4, it’s going to do much in the way of the city’s success, especially with Ray ‘Nag(g)in Foot-in-Mouth problem’ as the mayor…but I digress.

The Saints, and my beloved Carolina Panthers are division rivals.

That’s right…contemptuous foes. That means, and I know I’ll hear comments on this, I kinda hope that Reggie literally breaks a leg during one or both of the games we play against them (ok, ok, maybe not break a leg), but I really hope that he does little or nothing against whom I believe will be the 2006-07 NFL Super Bowl Champions.

2. How Colts fans responded to that last paragraph.

My folks from Indianapolis, I know you guys are thinking “Ok, this has to be the year. I mean, we’ve lost every conceivable way…this has to be the year.”

Well, you guys are wrong…

There’s still the Super Bowl loss that you guys have to endure.

Now, don’t get me wrong…I think you guys will make the Super Bowl, and truthfully, if Nick Harper had just run to the sideline, and not smack into Ben Roethlisberger, you guys might be SB champs right now…but, this isn’t the year either.

Let me explain. Now, I think Peyton will be Peyton, and I hope he is, because he’s my starting fantasy football quarterback…but losing Edgerrin James will mean something in the long run…just you guys wait and see.

3. Well, I don’t have a three yet. Dang, man, I’m trying to watch the game…

Go Panthers!

The Good Doctor

P.S. Just playing. Here are my playoff predictions…or whom I think will make the playoffs.

AFC: Miami, Indy, Baltimore, Denver as Div. Champs...New England and Pittsburgh as Wild Card teams.
NFC: Cowboys; Bears; the NFC South, NFC and Super Bowl Champion Panthers, and St. Louis as Div. Champs...Falcons and Redskins as Wild Card teams.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Off Days

Hello everyone,

I tell you what...

It's harder posting on off-days than it is when I have a truckload of stuff to do and have to go to work...I can't explain it either.

All I know is this...

It's Wednesday night, and I had a great day.

Played hoops well, came home, talked to friends, then went to Bible Study (oh, I'm posting the lesson right behind this), came back, hung out with Jig, and talked to more friends.

Had some great conversations, and got to talk to the youth on some real stuff during the 90-minute session...just telling them how important is to have a relationship with God...

But yeah, I don't get Wednesdays and's like, any other day, I have something to post on, and post it with the quickness...

Oh well, I guess even I have to enjoy my off days, eh?

But I had to break you guys off with a little something...I know it gets hard when you're at work with nothing to do... :-) guys have two things to read tomorrow.

Keep ya heads up...

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The Good Doctor Loves the Kids...

(but even sometimes he needs a change of scenery.)

Hello everyone,

Hope you guys enjoyed your Labor Day…I’m still stuck on Sunday, though… :-)

Normally, I just teach Wednesdays…the man Jig teaches on Sundays, and that’s that.

I was walking in the back to fellowship with the 15-18 group when one of the preachers approached me to teach some of the younger kids…age 9-11.

I didn’t hear him at first, and thought he was asking me to teach one of the adult classes…ha ha ha…I tensed up something serious, and could only get out the words “the-the Adult class?”

He was like ‘naw, naw, this class’ as I breathed a quick sigh of relief.

Went in there and saw these little guys bouncing off the wall, one of them being a little cat named D.

He's cool enough…he’s about to turn 11, and is already a great drummer; in fact, he’s played in front of the church a number of times, and plays during devotional, and has played for a number of choirs.

Got to do an interview with him for our Youth Newsletter at church (hey, I can’t get enough of writing), and he says he wants to go to FAMU or BCC (hey, I’ll see what I can do to steer him in the way of Tallahassee).

Anyway, I’m in the class now, and they are bouncing off the walls…so I have to calm ‘em down as fast as possible.

They’re not too different from the 12-18 class I have on Wednesday, except they actually talk less, but what they lack in quantity, they certainly make up for in sound volume…

Joking, joking (well I’m not, but…let’s talk about what is wonderful about the young ones).

First of all, they have so much energy, which is great…and they laugh a lot, which is contagious (I love to laugh). Also, they were more apt to listen, possibly because it was my first time in the class, but also because they haven’t reached the point of being so terribly defiant…

But I think the best way to describe it is with my relationship to my brothers.

Now, understand I love both my brothers, which goes without saying, but one is more apt to listen than the other.

Younger brother is not that brother, let me say that.

Not to say anything is wrong with that; in fact, I think it’s more of a sign of the times. Think about it…

I remember when I was at FAMU for three years, younger brother pretty much fended for himself, and also took care of kid brother as far as making sure he got to the babysitter.

It’s like he made executive decisions, so why shouldn’t he have an executive mindset? It’s not like there was something in place to temper that; I mean, there should have been something during early development…

Which is where we come to kid brother. I’m not hard on him, but at the same time, I feel it’s imperative that when he even feels like talking back or anything like that, it’s gotta be checked. In the class with the young ones, you can tell that they are reaching the point of defiance, and well, it’s gotta be checked. :-)

The class went well enough… we talked from the book of James, had some open dialogue and I even got to know everyone’s name. Good times, if you ask me…

Still, I just wonder what really changes between one step (young kids) to the next step (older kids), and then I realized, nothing changed.

Which is a problem that I hope God works through me to fix.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Labor (Day) Not in Vain

Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.
--I Cor. 15:58

Hello everyone,

Figure I’ll let you guys know how my labor day’s gone before I have to go into work…

Yeah, work. Well, someone have some barbeque for me, or whatever it is that you do…

I had a little fun today though. Got up for the hoops matchup with G, and had a decision to make early…

Should I listen to the radio, a music CD, or to yesterday’s sermon?

Yep, our church is blessed with a media ministry…so you can get a tape, CD or VHS to listen to the previous Sunday’s sermon all over again…and the teachers get the media tools free, so the Wednesday night warrior gets his dub for the low-low…

But yeah, I chose the sermon, and it’s something I’ve been doing a lot more recently…so instead of getting pumped up on pop culture, I got pumped on the sermon…

Got there, and some other guys were at the court, so we all decided on 21.

Two guys got off early, and Grease actually had 12, 13 and I was stuck on 3...but of course, had to keep laboring, keep it moving…

And, sure enough, shots started falling. And falling. And before you know it, those little three points turned into the lead, and with the lead, immeasurable confidence.

I missed a free throw at 18, so I had to go back to 15, but still came up with the win over the guys with a 20-footer from the corner…

And I mean, I can't say it was me at all. I mean, me, The Good Doctor, was laying bricks like a man looking to quit his dayjob and take up masonry. The game went on, and in due time, He came around and some shots fell.

Don't get me wrong, I would love to take some credit, but then I realize with hoopin', with writing, with whatever I want to do, I'm working on takin' my name out so He gets more of the credit.

I don’t know. Maybe you guys think I talk about sports too much, but like I said in ‘Cien Things to Help You See In’, lessons learned in sports can correlate to my everyday life (No. 51), which I feel is changing for the better on the daily…and I feel like if I keep working, while you guys are awake, or while you guys are asleep…I’ll be where God wants me to be, and that my labor won’t be in vain.

Well, off to work…

Everyone enjoy your labor day!

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Breaking the Sunday Silence

Hello everyone,

Just wanted to share with you guys a lesson that I drew up for the young ones at our Wednesday Night Bible Study at GYZ…

I initially inquired about whether I should post bible study lessons/notes on sermons, but then our Pastor did a lesson today about ‘Sin In Silence’. Once I listen to it again, I may break it down as well…but the lesson came from II Kings 7, if you’re interested.

Anyway, the lesson Wednesday was on ‘Turning Things Around’…

My friend,
I hope this is a blessing to you. Enjoy!

Turning Things Around

First of all, you have to know what’s going on in order to turn things around…(James 1:8, 16; 4:8)

How do I know what’s wrong with me?
(Proverbs and Psalms)

Take a look at your life…think about the things that you are strong in and you are weak in. Then look at your relationship with Christ.

1. Do you have a relationship with Christ? (John 3:1-7, 16-17)
2. Do you talk to Him as much as you talk to your best friend? (Prov. 17:17-8, 18:24)
3. Do you talk to Him as much as you talk to your parents?
(Proverbs 1:8-9)
4. Do you talk to Him about the things you are strong and weak in?
(Proverbs 1:20-33)
No. 4 ties in with the desire to knowing the importance of turning things around.
(Proverbs 1:1-7)

Next, work toward change and pray for change.
(Philippians 4:6-7, James 2:14-20, 24)

(Change might not come when you want it, so here’s a little something that might provide patience…Phil. 4:11-3)

Once you’ve found change, share it with others…
(Mark 1:15-27, Matthew 28:18-20)

Hopefully some or all of the things said were a blessing.

Be blessed!
The Good Doctor

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Cover 2

*In football, the ‘cover two’ defense is a zone coverage with a pair of safeties playing deep and covering half the field each.*

Hello everyone,

Just thought I’d share with you what it is I do at the Aiken Standard during Football Friday night.


Let me explain what I did LAST SEASON.

Last season, I would go to the games, stay in the press box, keep play-by-play and statistics. At halftime, I might take a few crowd shots…nothing more, nothing less.

This season?

I still do everything up top…but now, I’m on the field, pretty much serving as the photographer for whatever game I’m covering…and well, it’s a lot, especially trying to keep stats and all.

Well, for what it’s worth, it’s worked out pretty well for us…which brings us to the Cover 2.

Ever since I’ve worked at the standard, there’s pretty been a ‘free safety’ and a ‘strong safety’.

On Friday nights, the ‘free safety’ is yours truly, the guy who goes out and covers whatever needs to be covered, then come back to the office, and do whatever needs to be done there.

The ‘strong safety’ is the sports editor, who lays out pages, takes phone calls, and makes sure that everything gets to the back on the plates.

Folks ask is it a lot of work to do all of the things we do…of course it is, but to be honest, I enjoy it a bunch…and it’s always nice to see the results of a job well done.

And I’m certainly not saying we do everything by ourselves…I mean, there are a number of folks that make up the ‘zone coverage’. But when it comes down to it, the pair that makes sure everything goes well and that things don’t fall apart in sports…

Yep, you’re hearing from one-half of that cover two.

The Good Doctor

…Oh yeah, the sports editor is part of the prognosticating game that G and I are in…and well, he’s doing pretty good right now. All I’m going to say is…I really hope Miami beats Florida State…take care you guys.

Friday, September 01, 2006

G and Greece: The Desire to Compete

Hey e’rybody,

USA lost. Again. In hoops…and it makes me pine for the ‘92 team.

Honestly, it’s not even a question if I would’ve put up more of a fight…and I don’t know if it’s the money they make, or maybe they simply underestimate their opponent(s), but it seems like they don’t understand that EVERYONE, and I mean EVERYONE IN THE WORLD guns for the U.S., in athletics or academics.

Now, I don’t wish to imply that the U.S. is the greatest at everything; you know, exude that pride that gets us into trouble sometimes as a country (see Bush, George W.). I don’t even want our success in international competition to create some sort of domineering ‘best in the world‘ attitude, even though that concept is certainly idealistic. But for the sake of competition, I would like to see us fight a little harder when international status is at stake.

That brings me to G.

G is my co-worker, who I talked about in a previous post. Much like myself, G is a competitive guy; in fact, we play basketball against each other 3-4 times a week, and the matchups are always pretty good. I mean, I’ll win some, he’ll win some, but the desire to win is always there, and it transcends being tired or other distractions.

In fact, it’s pretty much like that with everything between us…not saying we aren’t friends, in fact, G's one of the coolest cats I’ve met. Big Steelers fan, nice guy, really loyal person. But the friendly rivalry began with fantasy basketball…

Yeah, I see you guys laughing. At any rate, we battled through the regular season, and winded up in the finals…and yeah, he won. It kinda ticked me off, because he declares that he prefers football fantasy, and even though fantasy sports require almost as much luck as skill, I just wanted to win.

Fantasy baseball…we tied last week, and well, I’m pretty sure we’ll meet in the finals again (I’ll let you know how that goes…), we also have a local prognosticating challenge that we’re both in (so the whole city knows who’s the best), and fantasy football is coming up.

On Thursday, though, we played a classic game of hoops.

I won the first two (heh heh), and we played a third and final contest.

We play to 11, all by ones, so long-range shots count as much as lay-ups. He got off to an early start, and was up 6-2. Yeah, looking bleak for the home team…but then I went on a 6-2 run to tie things up at 8, which set up the big finale.

So, I come down and drain two jumpers, no problem, to make it 10-8. Now, I’m thinking I’m just going to go ahead and make this last J to send him home…

Not a chance. That’s the thing I like about Adrian; you can never count him out. He made two shots to tie it, and then made a third for what should’ve been the game winner…

But we play deuces, meaning that if there’s a tie at game point (which was 10), you have to make two shots for victory (kind of a tennis concept). So he had the advantage, and well, that’s when I went off.

He had the shot to win, and it just rimmed out… “Awwww, come on…” he said as I played like life depended on it.

The miss caromed to the right, and I grabbed the ball and darted across the baseline. He knew what I was going to do, so he came over to defend, and I flipped over a nice little shot.

Then I made a jumper, and got the advantage.

Finally, I went left for the win, and of course *smirk* made it…and I must say, it felt pretty good to come back for the win.

I wish I could say the same about the basketball team that the U.S. sent to the FIBA World Championships.

I went to today, and in horror, read the ‘World of Hurt’ headline as I saw that the Americans lost to Greece 101-95.

I mean, I’m not going to go over with you guys what mistakes the team might have made during the game or either during the development of the team, because I really thought they were going to prove the doubters wrong.

All I know is, this trend of losing is continuing in international play, whether it be the Ryder Cup (golf) or the Olympics, and all I’m saying is it’s about time those teams step it up and have the pride of say, two guys who don’t compete for a dime, just for the sake of saying they were the best at that moment…even if that desire to win is nigh-compulsive.

Hey, it worked for Jordan, and it works for Tiger.

Catch you guys later,
The Good Doctor